The Diary

Cod Almighty | Diary

At Blundell Park since I was…in my mid-thirties

31 August 2021

Miss Guest Diary writes: There have been times during the last 18 months when I feared that I'd never be allowed to see a competitive football match at Blundell Park again. Yes, I know that's irrational, but football can bring out the irrational in people. Why else would a grown man think that wearing a particular pair of underpants to a match could influence the outcome?

But I digress. It finally happened on Saturday and it couldn't have been more perfect. The cloudless blue sky – completely opposite to the weather forecast – bathed the ground in sunshine, the largest crowd for many a year packed the home stands and Town claimed all three points. Quibblers among you might have wished for a thrilling 5-0 thrashing of Weymouth, but scoring a single goal in the 74th minute and then having to hang on for a further 20 minutes of pressure, goalmouth scrambles and penalty appeals was just so Town.

Trying to explain to my non-sporting brother after the game the shared euphoria when the long-awaited goal was scored by John McAtee was simply impossible. But if you were there, you'll know: it's been 18 months coming and there's really no feeling in the world like it. If I could have done a backflip à la McAtee, I certainly would have.

That the club is under new management was fully evidenced by the free scarves, the quality and variety of refreshments on offer and the players giving their shirts to youngsters in the crowd at the end of play. Cynics among you have already suggested that a certain former chair would have deducted the cost of those from the players' wages. By all accounts the new fanzone was a huge hit too.

Now it's on to Stockport. Away games have a different dynamic; in theory there is less pressure because the chance of winning away from home is less likely. When Town take a big crowd – and we have apparently sold 1,200 tickets for tonight's game – the atmosphere is usually incredible. But there can be a sting in the tail: if the team don't live up to expectations some parts of the crowd can turn in a flash from support to anger. I will never forget the poisonous behaviour of some people when Town lost at Halifax in the promotion season. The optimistic side of me hopes the extended absence from matches will have increased tolerance levels, but regrettably the booing at Blundell Park when the players took the knee on Saturday says otherwise.

And what of our prospects for tonight? Well, those looking to have a few drinks before the game might be disappointed: according to the guide for travelling fans, they will only be welcome in Wetherspoons in the town centre.

As for the football – who knows? As one of the big spenders in the division, Stockport have been tipped to get promoted this year but I'd take a hard-working team who play well together over high-priced stars every day of the week. I think Paul Hurst has the knowledge and capability to build such a team again and we fans can play our part by supporting them wholeheartedly. It may take a while for everything to come together, but I feel confident we're on our way... to Stockport.