Cod Almighty | Other stuff
You can contact Cod Almighty by the following means.
By email
You can send general email correspondence by using our feedback form. This form will distribute your message to the Cod Almighty editorial team, so if a reply is needed the appropriate person will get back to you.
If you would like to send a letter to be published on our letters page, you can send it direct to the letters editor at or by using the feedback form.
If you wish to contact any individual contributor, you can find their details on the contributors page.
By post
Please contact us through the feedback form if you want to send articles on to us by snail mail.
Contributing articles
We don't mind how you send it, and we'll be happy to receive it, but if you'd like to submit a piece for publication (or just a proposal for one) you might find it helpful to have a shufty at Cod Almighty's notes for contributors.