The Diary

Cod Almighty | Diary

Hello to Jason Isaacs

29 February 2016

Miss Guest Diary writes: Yah-boo-sucks to the FA Trophy naysayers. On Saturday Town eased their way into the semi-finals of the competition and I don't believe I am alone in being very pleased for all concerned. I am fed up with the anti-Trophy minority claiming on Twitter that "no-one" wants Town to play in the Trophy and that it has caused our league form to suffer. Town's points-to-games ratio is actually slightly higher since the Trophy games started than it was before, but we all know people who don't let facts get in the way of their own prejudices.

The game went in much the same way as most of the Trophy games this season: a competent performance with no frills which ensured progress to the next round. That this was the manager's game plan was evidenced by his praise in the post-match interview for the players keeping their shape and "not chasing a third we didn't perhaps need". Woking played their part by being much less dynamic than in Tuesday's league game, which removed any tension and allowed the 1,600 hardy moaners and groaners to enjoy another peaceful afternoon of chatting among ourselves. I dare say for the semi-final game the glory seekers will be back, raising the noise levels and the volume of traffic on Brereton Avenue.

Credit to Hurst: when asked who he'd like in the next round, he said Gateshead or Halifax, to allow Town to revisit one of the grounds they have lost at recently. But instead it will be Bognor Regis Town; the first leg away on 12 March and the return leg at Blundell Park on 19 March. Personally, I am thrilled with the draw – I have very fond memories of childhood day trips to Bognor, and a weekend break on the south coast sounds perfect.

One-nil (Groves). Anyone who was watching Town through the 1990s will find that a very familiar and comforting score line. Memories of victories against teams such as Stoke, Bristol City and Bournemouth will float through the mind. Yesterday that was the result of the Chairman's Challenge charity match, which seems to have been an enjoyable experience for all involved. When I saw that Wonderful Wayne Burnett was to be part of the line-up, I was sorely tempted to attend but, having seen pictures of the game, I'm glad I didn't. I'm sure Wayne has retained his silky footballing skills but, unlike Hurst, he certainly hasn't kept his shape.

On Friday, Retro Diary gave us his take on the Grimsby movie which he saw "in the name of research". I'm not buying that for a minute. He did leave one fact out of his review, maybe in kindness to an old friend or maybe because in all the mayhem he simply didn't pick up on it. I learnt it not from seeing the film – heaven forbid – but through listening to a review by the always excellent Mark Kermode. I know it is unkind to find humour in the misfortunes of others, something I deplore in movies like Grimsby, but the expression on the face of Cod Almighty's match reporter when he heard that Sacha Baron Cohen's character in the film is called Nobby Butcher was simply priceless.