Match stats: Crawley Town v Grimsby

Cod Almighty | Match Stats

Saturday 27 April 2024

Division 4

Crawley Town 2 Orsi (24), Lolos (34)

Grimsby Town 0

Attendance: 4,885 (632 away fans)

Cod Almighty man of the match: Toby Mullarkey

And in the end we were left with one fit defender, Toby, the last man standing in the way of another ruinous capitulation and humiliation. Credit where credit's due and he gained a lot today.

Our gaffer says

Mr Chips can dream, but shouldn't make dreams his master. He stood and watched the things he gave his week to lie broken as he stooped to build them up with worn-out tools:

"We allowed them to score, but didn't take our chances, so they kept us at arms length and we didn't have the creativity. We knew that before today. That game is reflective of our season - we should have been four up before they even had a shot at our goal. But the difference ends up in both boxes, the good thing is we can rectify that in the summer."

And if he can talk with crowds he may keep our virtue:

"I spoke to the lads before the game and said you don’t know how lucky you are. Most League Two teams there'd be 60 fans, we've got 600. It's unbelievable. Crawley have got into the play offs by playing football, we've got to give all them fans much more moments to cheer about because they deserve it. Outstanding effort, outstanding effort, 214 miles from home."

Then we must hope he makes some exceedingly good cakes next year. Don't forget the eggs, Dave.

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Their gaffer says

The chirpy chappy in chargy of Crawley floated off into a word cloud of bliss, set adrift in a dream that's trying to tell him something. Will he ever stop thinking about it? I don't know, I doubt it:

"I'm proud, young team, new team, character, work ethic, brilliant culture, outstanding, really proud, really proud of everybody here, the players, the back office..."

Hang on mate, you haven't won the Oscar yet. What about the game and all that:

"I thought we was lucky to come in without conceding. I'm not saying we did play poorly, but I thought we managed the game really well"

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Can't shoot, will wilt.

It doesn't matter who is played where, in what order or configuration, it's all the same; it's been the same all season. Some have the will, some even have some skill, but hardly any fit the bill and have both.

You want names nailed on the mast of this ship of fools? Khouri did OK, Gardner worked hard, Green was Green, Thompson did the Thompson thing and Mullarkey was the boy with his finger in the dyke. The rest? They will receive their wages per their contract. And when contracts expire there is hardly a desire to see them in monochrome again. Although Maidenhead may fancy a couple of our fancy dans.

2023/24: good riddance.


Overachievers, should be twelfth.

A perfectly adequate set of footballers with a perfectly simple plan they all understand. Individually nothing particularly special, in fact some were a bit of a bore, but they had all the right ingredients in the right proportions to make a very presentable Victoria Sponge.

They make the most of what they've got with horses for courses.

Well done, that's the way to do it.

Grimsby 'til I die... or cry?

Stop your cheap comments, 'cause we know what we feel. Nothing.

Official warning

Mr P Howard

Now here was a man on a mission to avoid making the local populace unhappy. This pastel peepertroon whistled the way the silent majority wanted and just wanted a quiet life. We don't want to talk about him, but he hardly broke our heart: 5.983

Readers' digest

It started with a miss but we knew it would come this. Nothing.

In a word: vacant


Crawley Town: Addai, Wright, Maguire, Conroy, Adeyemo (Gordon 79), J Kelly, L Kelly (Darcy 61) Williams, Lolos (Tsaroulla 87), Campbell (Mukena 61), Orsi

Subs not used: Ransom, Roles, Sandford

Town: Eastwood, Smith, Mullarkey, Rodgers, Hume, Green, Thompson (Wood 79), Vernam (Clifton 79), Khouri (Andrews 71), Gardner, Wilson

Subs not used: Auton, Maher, Bramwell, Braithwaite