The Diary

Cod Almighty | Diary

Run Harry Run

11 April 2024

April is the cruellest month. Town pratfall in Horridgate, the Collywobblers' keeper drops a mighty clanger (36 seconds in pop pickers!) and you get another sneaky Deviant Diary. On a Thursday! We're all shook up this week; we've got all the right diaries but not necessarily in the right order.

What have we got left to ponder but countless questions in search of an answer that will give rise to a new question...and the next answer will give rise to the next question and so on.

But, in the end, isn't it always the same question? And always the same answer?

The ball is round. The game lasts ninety minutes. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

Ah, the theory of everything and nothing. In theory Town have their whole world in their hands. Are we going to be wrecking Crewe's dreams and schemes of a beautiful tomorrow? Are we going to have a match report? Well, no, not unless a volunteer emerges from the fog. Are you that volunteer? Your country needs YOU!

Let those images unwind out of your head and onto the page like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind. It's cathartic to talk about cart-horses.

Still have that disallowed goal whirling through your brain like a train on a permanent loop? Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream (but not too far, you may end up in 'Ull). Actually that'd be flert downstream, wouldn't it, as tomorrow would never nerr. Yes, but tomorrow, that is Friday, is when The JT Basement Tapes (Part 2) are released and you'll have a normal diarist on his normal day. On reflection perhaps the appropriate word here is 'usual'. Oh our sorrows, but they won't be sad tomorrows with that cornucopia of wordly delights presented for you.

Now just remember that what we call the beginning is often the end and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. It'll all be over soon and then we can start again.