The Postbag

Cod Almighty | Postbag

Football systems, Bobble Hats, British Neo-Prog band lyrics and Moments in History.

18 December 2023

Another postbag for your consideration and delectation. Enjoy Mariners!

Systems, set-ups, modern football

Might just be me, but yawnfest modern football chat amongst pundits, now seeping into pub talk, revolves around setting the team up and anticipating that game’s 'formation'. Football is quite a simple game, isn't it? The variations are not actually that many? There is passing football or direct football? That's two variants. Then you have 4-4-2, and at a push 3-5-2. That's another two variants. Currently totalling 4 in my mind. I'm not subscribing to 3-5-1-1, 4-3-3 et al. The pitch isn't big enough in 3 zones, those supposed variants are moot depending on which of the 3rd's of the pitch the majority of the game is played, in reality.

Where the 5th variant comes in, for me, is the press or at least the intensity of the game. Combine quick football with passing and it's nice to watch. Combine quick football and a direct style (John Beck style for the oldies), you might win because the ball’s in the box more, but not as nice to watch. Combine direct play with less intensity, looks awful hoofball. Combine the passing game with less intensity, it looks laboured and also not nice to watch.

Seeing the early 80's GTFC game footage on twitter, the variation for me is just the intensity of the passing game in a 4-4-2, wingers included. Really good to watch at times. Buckley ball of the early 90s was equally good on the eye from memory. It is still basically 4-4-2 but with the right players doing the right job. Where the recent form has dropped off is the tinkering, the lack of intensity, the lack of the basics for me. Defending hasn't been great recently but defending should be easier than we make it look.

I reckon we have the right players. I reckon we need these players to be told to do the basics in their understanding of the 5 types of football. Pick one, stick with it. Pick an identity, then you don't need to change every week; don't worry about the opposition because you are doing your job well. I choose 4-4-2, I choose passing, I choose intensity. They wouldn't be professional footballers if they were not good. I'd love to see them be GTFC footballers playing 'homage' and respect to the twitter videos :-)

Can I have the job?

from Ian Jackson

Letters Ed responds: Thanks Ian and apologies that your letter didn’t make the cut before the new manager was appointed. Hopefully your bid for the job will be noted and kept on file at Blundell Park for some future occasion.

Johnson and that hat

Could we ask Johnson NOT to wear that freebie GTFC hat. It's embarrassing to our club to see him wearing it in every photo!

from John Kirk

Letters Ed responds: Thanks John. Agreed but unfortunately it’s fair to say he’s attracted to anything with “Freebie” attached


BOTB Diary brought the subject up.
Marillion, lyrics? You have to go a long way to beat Incomunicada from 1987, Clutching at Straws LP.

I'm a citizen of Legoland, travellin' Incommunicado
And I don't give a damn for those Fleet Street Afficiondos

I'm a Marquee veteran, a multi-media bonafide celebrity
I've got an allergy to Perrier, daylight and responsibility
I'm a rootin-tootin cowboy, the Peter Pan with street credibility
Always taking the point with the dawn patrol fraternity

Of course you are Fish, of course you are

from Ian Jackson

Letters Ed responds: Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, Fish. Nice one Ian!

Dabb Hand

Good/sad to read some real factual history of inhuman psychopathic murdering, truth-bending maniac from Tony Dabb's letter recently: did IT or didn't IT attend a game at Blundell Park?

Sometimes, when people hear stuff like this, they try to put two and two together and gaze upon one Charlie Ekberg in the press area, looking all the world a stunt double for that horrible 'thing' that unfortunately existed on our human planet.

Thanks for the straight record Tony.

from Tony Barker

Letters Ed responds: Thanks Tony, that’s appreciated.