Cod Almighty | Writers
Safe and Sound
Match report
16 February 2025
Safe and Sound
Get with the Doncaster Programme
15 February 2025
It's the dreaded Donny day of destiny again and there's only one question "Can they make Grimsby like they made Doncaster". And would we like it?
John Oster - A fleeting glimpse of Grimsby genius
11 February 2025
Defenders turned to look but he was gone and we can put our finger on why John Oster left again and with him went Grovesie's dream of survival
Get with the Chesterfield Programme
9 February 2025
Follow us down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has rarely shone: those days where Town are inspired against occasionally insipid Spireites.
We Dive At Dawn
Match report
9 February 2025
We Dive At Dawn
We'll keep the red socks flying here
4 February 2025
It's February, so let's have the annual furious argument about socks. Jack Sargent gets out his abacus and colouring book
Get with the Bromley programme
1 February 2025
What about the Bromley contingent? Tales of Charlie Bucket, 70s pop rounds and some perspective on travels to Fat Andyland
The descent into sadness
Match report
29 January 2025
The descent into sadness
Moving Forward?
Match report
26 January 2025
Moving Forward?
Get with the Barrow programme
25 January 2025
Town away, what to do, what to do? Meander down memory lane with some more amusing Mariner musings on the Barrowboys to while away the day
Reffing useless
Match report
19 January 2025
Reffing useless
Get with the Wealdstone Programme
18 January 2025
Now That's What I Call Wealdstone, the latest greatest bits compilation album. Some bangers and B-sides as we do the Ruislip Lido Shuffle
A Hard Man in Hard Times
14 January 2025
With a cat's foot but iron claws plastic surgeons were called by more than one teammate with Andy Todd in town, but at Town he was a pussycat that purred.
Get with the Sheffield Wednesday programme
11 January 2025
The hazy, crazy, balmy days of August and Town playing Big Wednesday on a Tuesday. Words appeared in the programme. Here they are.
Chipping away
Match report
5 January 2025
Chipping away
Get with the Bradford programme
3 January 2025
Here it is, the missing link! Here's what you would have read in the Bradford programme way back in August had it been published.
Get with the Accrington programme
31 December 2024
This year's matchday programme has your own, your very own CA as a space-filling content provider. It's time to release the Director's Cut for our friend Stan
Get the balance right
Match report
30 December 2024
Get the balance right
All Along the Dock Tower
Match report
27 December 2024
All Along the Dock Tower
Get with the Programme
23 December 2024
This year's matchday programme has your own, your very own CA as a space-filling content provider. It's time to release the Director's Cut.
Christmas Stuffing With Chips
Match report
22 December 2024
Christmas Stuffing With Chips
Football Family
19 December 2024
Mr Target Demographic Diary, also known as Charlie Cross turns 21. The perfect opportunity for his mum to remind us what a treasure the game of football is
A Pilchard Sandwich For Tea
Match report
15 December 2024
A Pilchard Sandwich For Tea
O Captain, My Captain!
12 December 2024
Next up in the TVFTF hall of fame it's the rock when we were in a hard place. Sarah Mann's so glad we got Captain Sensible aboard the ship of fools
The sound and the fury
Match report
8 December 2024
The sound and the fury
Return of the Jedi
Match report
4 December 2024
Return of the Jedi
Not GY Evening Telewag
29 November 2024
News from Swindon of ghosts and goblins should be welcomed as encouraging by Robins fans writes Geoff Trabant
Over and over and over again
Match report
24 November 2024
Over and over and over again
Marvellous McAtee
12 November 2024
He sways his head from side to side with movements like a snake and when they think he's half asleep he'll bake them a cake. And he's the next TVFTF superstar.
Hard graft
Match report
11 November 2024
Hard graft
Nursery Crimes
Match report
3 November 2024
Nursery Crimes
Space Cowboys
Match report
27 October 2024
Space Cowboys
The miracle of the funny little blue car
Match report
23 October 2024
The miracle of the funny little blue car
Apocalypse Now!
Match report
21 October 2024
Apocalypse Now!
Things fall apart
Match report
20 October 2024
Things fall apart
Being for the benefit of Mr Lawrence
Match report
16 October 2024
Being for the benefit of Mr Lawrence
News that Never Happened - The Osmoaned Stand
16 October 2024
Town's recent unstoppable streak of not losing many games has propelled them to within touching distance of league respectability. But at what cost?
His Left Foot
15 October 2024
Who da 21st Century left-back? It's the little boy that Nicky Barmby forgot who came into our life and was a Stradivarius in a school band. The third in TVFTF's Team of the 21st century
What a Difference a Stace makes
Match report
15 October 2024
What a Difference a Stace makes
It's Impossible
Match report
13 October 2024
It's Impossible
Out to Lunch
Match report
6 October 2024
Out to Lunch
The Last Waltz
Match report
2 October 2024
The Last Waltz
Tell me, how does it feel?
Match report
29 September 2024
Tell me, how does it feel?
They Might Be Giants
Match report
22 September 2024
They Might Be Giants
Match report
15 September 2024
All swagger, all heart
12 September 2024
Who's the second in TVFTF's Team of the 21st Century? Come wallow in sweet memories of a fondly-remembered fan favourite and charismatic card magnet
On the road again
Match report
8 September 2024
On the road again
A Perfect Saturday at the Death of August 2024
6 September 2024
Saturday, what a day. Big Al, the Pontoon's poet in residence savours the moments while we can.
That's Life - David Burns interview part two
3 September 2024
More tales from the life and times of Dave Burns: Alex May, John Fenty and the wacky world of Dave Gibbins.
An Ode to Joy
Match report
1 September 2024
An Ode to Joy
A butterfly crushed underfoot
Match report
28 August 2024
A butterfly crushed underfoot
David Burns: it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it
26 August 2024
Regrets? He has a few. David Burns, the big beast of the BBC walks us through a life less ordinary in part one of confessions of a radio broadcaster
Lost on a Thursday
Match report
23 August 2024
Lost on a Thursday
The Invasion of the Bodyslammers
Match report
18 August 2024
The Invasion of the Bodyslammers
New Life
Match report
15 August 2024
New Life
You'll never beat McDermott
13 August 2024
Let's start at the top for the 21st Century XI: the Mariner's Methuselah didn't need to tackle, was seldom booked and never booed. Arise Sir John.
The tall tale of Captain Cod and the Mighty Mariner
Match report
11 August 2024
The tall tale of Captain Cod and the Mighty Mariner
A 21st Century Portrait of Town – Introduction
24 July 2024
Uncage the colours, unfurl the flags, the boys from the View From The Findus podcast swing in, and out pops the top Town XI for the 21st Century
A fish and chip supper
Match report
17 July 2024
A fish and chip supper
Tell Me Why
9 July 2024
W.H.Y. Rich Lord sets out why those holding any power, even down to just someone where you work, need to explain why they do what they do, or don't do
Women's Football - time to change
27 June 2024
Dale Houlston, ex-manager of GTFC ladies team, shares his thoughts on the future of women's football at Town
The Final Cut: politics, plans and power to the people
19 June 2024
"Gee Jason, what do you wanna do tonight? Same thing we do every night Tony, try to take over the world!"
Scarlet runners
16 June 2024
For a few months in 1934, Grimsby Town were perhaps the best team in England. As Pat Bell writes, they were helped by their choice of sock
Jason Stockwood: Money, Balls and Moneyball
12 June 2024
Basement tapes part 2: kicking tyres over old ground as we await the promised landing of the Football Regulator. Talking Hurst, hope and glory
Jason Stockwood - Life is Life: from Scaffa to Sunny California
5 June 2024
Ex-Chairman Wow rang our bell and the result is a summer sensation. Here's part one of the Blundell Park blockbuster you've been waiting for.
Money Can't Buy Me Livvo
Match report
4 June 2024
Money Can't Buy Me Livvo
Life, the universe and everything Town
2 June 2024
Can you feel it? That rumble, it ain't your stomach, something big's heading your way. There will be revelations about the revolution...
It Doesn't Matter Anymore
Match report
31 May 2024
It Doesn't Matter Anymore
The Future Is Now
Match report
31 May 2024
The Future Is Now
Won't Get Fooled Again
Match report
30 May 2024
Won't Get Fooled Again
Dear Jason Stockwood
18 May 2024
Fed up with the trickle of tosh on the internet of imbecility, the Pontoon's Poet Laureate gives the club a public hug from us all
Sonnet 2023/24: Winter Love
8 May 2024
The Pontoon’s very own poet laureate lightly lacerates last season’s losers with some vaguely vicious verse
Still ropey after all these years
Match report
29 April 2024
Still ropey after all these years
Duff in the afternoon
Match report
29 April 2024
Duff in the afternoon
Things can only get better
Match report
28 April 2024
Things can only get better
Heroes and Villains
Match report
21 April 2024
Heroes and Villains
John Tondeur - with a little help from his friends
19 April 2024
Listen, do you want to know a secret? Well, Mr T may be about to tell you a few more things as the end of his era approaches.
Time to write it off as a bad day at the office and move on
17 April 2024
After finally escaping the car park of doom at Colchester Paul Ketchley tells it straight. Well, someone has to
Comedy Nights
Match report
17 April 2024
Comedy Nights
All lessons learned
Match report
15 April 2024
All lessons learned
In the box with John Tondeur - talking back with happiness
12 April 2024
Every picture tells a story. Mr T has so many from inside the commentary box, tales of Big Keith, sandwiches, fan interaction and…Helen Shapiro
Bad Vibrations
Match report
10 April 2024
Bad Vibrations
A Hungry Heart
Match report
7 April 2024
A Hungry Heart
The life and times of John Tondeur - Growin' Up In My Hometown
5 April 2024
You know the voice, but do you know the man? You will when you read the first part of the Tondeur trilogy. Music, memories and a missing moustache.
Three fish in the dirt
Match report
2 April 2024
Three fish in the dirt
John Tondeur - The Wonder Years (aka 101 great throw-ins)
28 March 2024
Tony knocked on the door, John opened it. What happened next? Here's a little teaser for our epic three-part interview with our man with the mic.
Obscured by clouds of doubt
Match report
24 March 2024
Obscured by clouds of doubt
The hot troll deviation
Match report
13 March 2024
The hot troll deviation
Confessions of a milkman
Match report
10 March 2024
Confessions of a milkman
You need hands
Match report
6 March 2024
You need hands
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the Grimsby way
5 March 2024
What have we done to deserve this? Wimbledon asked Tony Butcher to fill a space in their programme wider than that between our centre-backs.
Forest Chumps
Match report
3 March 2024
Forest Chumps
So long, and thanks for all the pies
Match report
25 February 2024
So long, and thanks for all the pies
The Zone of Disinterest
Match report
18 February 2024
The Zone of Disinterest
The Big Idea
Match report
11 February 2024
The Big Idea
Love's labours drawn
Match report
4 February 2024
Love's labours drawn
Starter for Ten
30 January 2024
There's clowns to the left and jokers to the right. Rich Lord has done the maths on the mystical, mythical new manager bounce.
All Fall Down
Match report
28 January 2024
All Fall Down
A kaleidoscope of a game
14 January 2024
In January 1933, Grimsby Town, under a new manager, played out a 5-5 draw, their second of the season. Pat Bell looks back
Analyse This?
Match report
14 January 2024
Analyse This?
The mirror cracked
Match report
2 January 2024
The mirror cracked
A Rose by no other name
Match report
30 December 2023
A Rose by no other name
Where's the beef?
Match report
27 December 2023
Where's the beef?
The whiff of sulphur
Match report
24 December 2023
The whiff of sulphur
What a load of cobblers (redux)
21 December 2023
They say AI is the future and will make humans redundant. They say our lack of a report for the 1998 Play-Off Final is a gaping gap. We have a Final Solution.
Nothing in reserve
Match report
20 December 2023
Nothing in reserve
Any port in a storm
Match report
18 December 2023
Any port in a storm
Regarding Henry
13 December 2023
Dr Evil woz 'ere! False memory syndrome or just bad journalism? Tony Dabb delves into the murky '70s to debunk history.
Up, up and away
Match report
10 December 2023
Up, up and away
A hymn to intellectual beauty
Match report
3 December 2023
A hymn to intellectual beauty
Winner Stays On: England with The FA Cup for a Compass
1 December 2023
Winner Stays On: England with The FA Cup for a Compass follows the 2022-23 FA Cup from start to finish. Wouldn't you know it, Town have a star role...
Match report
26 November 2023
They built this village on vegan rolls
Match report
22 November 2023
They built this village on vegan rolls
Size isn't everything
Match report
15 November 2023
Size isn't everything
Hursty's Poptastic Top Ten
13 November 2023
In light of Paul Hurst's recent departure, Seán Anderson took to Twitter to remind everyone of his top ten games since returning as Town manager
Celestial Voices
Match report
12 November 2023
Celestial Voices
Goodbye, farewell and best wishes
7 November 2023
A week is a long time in football as Jase Ives reflects on the recent departure of Paul Hurst
Keep on the sunny side
Match report
6 November 2023
Keep on the sunny side
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Match report
29 October 2023
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
There goes our everything
Match report
25 October 2023
There goes our everything
Stormy Weather
Match report
22 October 2023
Stormy Weather
Home thoughts from abroad
18 October 2023
From a safe place let's talk about safe spaces and the very essence of support. Bill Meek remembers fush and chup suppers with a hotchpotch of rival fans
Sad World
Match report
15 October 2023
Sad World
Tyred of waiting
Match report
8 October 2023
Tyred of waiting
Pale Riders
Match report
4 October 2023
Pale Riders
Down the dustpipe
Match report
1 October 2023
Down the dustpipe
Scream thy last scream
Match report
24 September 2023
Scream thy last scream
Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes
Match report
17 September 2023
Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes
Hot in the city
Match report
10 September 2023
Hot in the city
A soft landing in the sea of tranquillity
Match report
3 September 2023
A soft landing in the sea of tranquillity
Crystal Palace 5 Grimsby Town 0
Match report
31 August 2023
Crystal Palace 5 Grimsby Town 0
Gimme Five (or more)
30 August 2023
Rich Lord looks at Town's history of conceding (and scoring) five goals or more over the last 40 years.
Nice and Eisa Does It
Match report
27 August 2023
Nice and Eisa Does It
As if by magic
Match report
20 August 2023
As if by magic
Going Mobile
Match report
16 August 2023
Going Mobile
Just an Illusion
Match report
13 August 2023
Just an Illusion
Contactless Drones
Match report
9 August 2023
Contactless Drones
Tired of waiting
Match report
6 August 2023
Tired of waiting
Show us the money
10 July 2023
Lincoln, Luton and Town - no longer joined at the hip but ships sailing in different waters. Tony Butcher looks at their finances and sees how it all adds up.
Too good to be forgotten
27 June 2023
What's another year? DN35's Mike McMahon looks back on a season when Town's cup runneth over
For Services To Grimsby Town
18 June 2023
In 1972 Town held a competition to design a new club badge. The story of the winning designer should be celebrated, yet is not widely known.
Doubtless the world's most important spoon
Match report
9 May 2023
Doubtless the world's most important spoon
We're Beautiful South
6 May 2023
Our resident poet, Al Wilkinson, marks the coronation of King Harry with an ode to Town's joyous cup romp
Reflections on the art of losing
Match report
30 April 2023
Reflections on the art of losing
All you need is lunch
Match report
26 April 2023
All you need is lunch
Unscheduled Disassembly
Match report
23 April 2023
Unscheduled Disassembly
Where were you when the lights went on?
Match report
19 April 2023
Where were you when the lights went on?
Going through the motions
Match report
16 April 2023
Going through the motions
Anyone for Tennis
Match report
12 April 2023
Anyone for Tennis
The future of tomorrow is here, yesterday
11 April 2023
Our AI author JAIson St0ckw00d tells us how AI, data and technology will drive football in the future.
Dieseruvwe Survivors Support Group
10 April 2023
Wrexham and Notts fans gather at the Racecourse today as they try to come to terms with the 2022 National League Playoffs
Simple Minds
Match report
8 April 2023
Simple Minds
Last Orders Please
Match report
2 April 2023
Last Orders Please
Living on the ceiling
Match report
26 March 2023
Living on the ceiling
Everything but the goal
Match report
23 March 2023
Everything but the goal
Welcome to Grimsby
20 March 2023
A town not in Yorkshire, the reputation of its football club protected by the Grimsby Reaper and glorified by an inflatable fish. Pete Anderson's starter pack for temporary Town fans
24-hour party people
Match report
20 March 2023
24-hour party people
Rhyme and Reason
Match report
12 March 2023
Rhyme and Reason
Up and under
Match report
8 March 2023
Up and under
Follow that
Match report
5 March 2023
Follow that
Match report
3 March 2023
An ancient Mariner reaches back
28 February 2023
Our own ancient Mariner, Neville Butt, has a wander down memory lane to find the connections between the Mariners and the Saints
Match report
26 February 2023
Match report
22 February 2023
All passion spent
Match report
21 February 2023
All passion spent
Instant Replay
Match report
19 February 2023
Instant Replay
Increasing capacity at Blundell Park
15 February 2023
Rich Lord argues that waiting for Blundell Park to sell out more regularly may not be the best policy to decide when its capacity should be increased
Match report
12 February 2023
Night Fever
Match report
9 February 2023
Night Fever
Another Meek Moment in Time
6 February 2023
Meek heard the news today, oh boy
Careless in Crewe
Match report
5 February 2023
Careless in Crewe
From siren to serenity
Match report
5 February 2023
From siren to serenity
What about the orange?
Match report
29 January 2023
What about the orange?
One Meek Moment In Time
25 January 2023
Where has he been? Well, Meek's been sitting in the Main Stand, contemplating. And now he walks from place to place, meeting people, getting into adventures.
Requiem for a post-Christmas dream
Match report
15 January 2023
Requiem for a post-Christmas dream
Match report
8 January 2023
A resolution in the head
Match report
2 January 2023
A resolution in the head
What Just Happened?!
Match report
30 December 2022
What Just Happened?!
Thank you for the music (references)
20 December 2022
We end our 20th-year celebrations with a trip into the life and times of Tony Butcher, the man of a million words, and a man of constant sorrow at the continual failure to punish foul throws.
When the evening sun goes down
Match report
11 December 2022
When the evening sun goes down
Knowing us, knowing Rob McIlveen
6 December 2022
He's seen things you people will not believe. Come stroll through six decades of Park life with Rob McIlveen, one of the pipers at the gates at the dawn of SWWF
It's all a bit buff
Match report
5 December 2022
It's all a bit buff
Botham nicked my shampoo
29 November 2022
Tales of the old days from Bernard Mooney, an ancient Mariner who's one of our own.
Sheer Khan
Match report
27 November 2022
Sheer Khan
Knowing Us, Knowing Ron Counte
22 November 2022
Ron Counte recounts bothering George Moulson and stalking Siriki in Sainsbury's. He may have been drinking, obviously
Back Home
Match report
20 November 2022
Back Home
A shot in the dark
16 November 2022
Mingling with the stars at The FSA Awards. We didn't ask to be nominated but wouldn't turn down a swanky night in old London town for our match reporter.
Raspberry Ballet
Match report
13 November 2022
Raspberry Ballet
Knowing us, knowing Tom Sargent
8 November 2022
They say pylonmaniac Tom Sargent's a man of the world. In just one click he'll tell you about his about his life. Will it keep you amused?
A bonfire of their vanities
Match report
6 November 2022
A bonfire of their vanities
Are you being served?
Match report
30 October 2022
Are you being served?
Even less than formless
Match report
26 October 2022
Even less than formless
Knowing us, knowing Dan Humphrey
25 October 2022
Next time you're out in town beware of Dapper Dan Humphrey, a man behind Operation Promotion and probably behind you in the frozen fish aisle. This is his life.
Stop all the clocks
Match report
23 October 2022
Stop all the clocks
I don't know why I like you, but I do
18 October 2022
When his grandad took him to his first game he fell asleep. But now Town are an important part of Alex Ramsden's identity
Don't hurry, be happy
Match report
16 October 2022
Don't hurry, be happy
Knowing us, knowing Phil Ball
11 October 2022
The morning fog may chill the air but Phil Ball don't care. The man of La Concha left his heart in Blundell Park and life's always in black and white
Sultans of Ping
Match report
9 October 2022
Sultans of Ping
Not drowning but waving
Match report
1 October 2022
Not drowning but waving
Strange days
Match report
28 September 2022
Strange days
Knowing us, knowing Kristine Green
27 September 2022
Exclusive! Dame Kristine Green (SLO, BEM, cha-cha-cha), our very own special K, reveals the shocking secret of how she was the only dry Town fan in Bromley.
100 minutes of solitude
Match report
25 September 2022
100 minutes of solitude
Match report
18 September 2022
A hard day's night
Match report
14 September 2022
A hard day's night
Knowing us, knowing Steve Meek
13 September 2022
Once the gangster rapper of Love Lane Corner and now the Tetney Tupac he's the ace face of CA. Come dive down to the very bottom of the barrel with Steve Meek
In search of the Glover ball
7 September 2022
In 1937 Pat Glover scored five times against the League champions. Rob McIlveen describes his quest to return the match ball to Blundell Park
Let the train take the strain
Match report
4 September 2022
Let the train take the strain
Walking down the Grimsby Road: Book review
1 September 2022
Essential history for younger fans, a wonderful evocation for those who were there. Ron Counte enjoys reliving Town's 1971-72 championship campaign
Knowing us, knowing Charlie Cross
30 August 2022
It's plain to see that 21st Century boy Charlie Cross was always meant for Grimsby. Come dip a toe into the world of the Harry Clifton of Diarists.
Going to Walsall in a sieve
Match report
28 August 2022
Going to Walsall in a sieve
Don't stop believing
Match report
24 August 2022
Don't stop believing
The enchanted Forest
22 August 2022
It's not just an attractive cup tie. For Ron Counte a meeting with Nottingham Forest is a spiritual experience
Gripping Yarns
Match report
21 August 2022
Gripping Yarns
Knowing us, knowing Bill Brewster
16 August 2022
He's the DJ in our DNA, he's the codfather of Town fanzines. Busy Bill Brewster's the boy on the Balearic beat but forever black and white when Saturday comes.
In the pink
Match report
14 August 2022
In the pink
Droning On
Match report
11 August 2022
Droning On
Bless thy neighbour
10 August 2022
Our trade in players with Scunthorpe United says a lot about the clubs' changes in status over the years. Ron Counte examines the trends
Bring Me Sunshine
Match report
7 August 2022
Bring Me Sunshine
When the women of Grimsby beat England
2 August 2022
When the FA banned women's football in 1921, Grimsby led efforts to keep it alive. Pat Bell uncovers some forgotten games
Time of the season
Match report
31 July 2022
Time of the season
Knowing us, knowing Jason Stockwood
29 July 2022
After all the things he's done for us and everything he's said we just can't get enough of Jason Stockwood, a local lad doing good.
A tale of two finals
28 July 2022
There are uncanny similarities between the 2016 and 2022 play-off finals. The difference is that this time we won't squander our success, writes Ron Counte
Helter-skelter: Town's return to the Football League
24 July 2022
Kick-started by one amazing comeback, it ended with a three peaks challenge. Ron Counte recalls the test of character that was our return to the Football League
Knowing us, knowing Miles Moss
19 July 2022
You only knew him for a while, but we know he will have made you smile. He used to be a joker, so let your hands come together for mystic Miles Moss
Knowing us, knowing Paul Thundercliffe
7 July 2022
We all must have a code that we can live by. It's a family thing for former muser, and Sir Alan of Buckley's biographer, Mr Paul Thundercliffe.
Feeling Brad All Over
Match report
5 July 2022
Feeling Brad All Over
Silent Drubbings
Match report
28 June 2022
Silent Drubbings
Let's hear it for the boys - part two
24 June 2022
And finally, Cyril, the last of our leavers receive the Butcher treatment. Jamie Mack gets a pat on the back and there's a Glasgow kiss for Da Rose
Knowing us, knowing Mike Shelton
21 June 2022
When he was a boy Durham Diary spent his time sitting in the ranks of the Pontoon Stand musing on the amusing witticisms of the old timers; then he left town, but not Town.
Let's hear it for the boys - part one
17 June 2022
After the euphoria comes the elegies and eulogies for those we are losing. Tony Butcher turns his purple gaze to the flotsam and jetsam of the unretained.
Knowing us, knowing Rich Lord
7 June 2022
Hallelujah! You’ll really wanna know Rich after reading some sweet words from the man behind All That and a Bag of Chips
E pluribus unum
Match report
6 June 2022
E pluribus unum
The price and the value of the play-off final
2 June 2022
The play-off final will make great memories, writes James Howes, but we are being made to pay dearly for them
The Neverending Story
Match report
29 May 2022
The Neverending Story
What a day for a daydream
Match report
25 May 2022
What a day for a daydream
The late, late show
24 May 2022
Town have scored 17 late goals this season. That's no coincidence writes Rich Lord, and it gives us an edge
Knowing us, knowing Mark Dillerstone
24 May 2022
He wears a baggy green, his demeanour's quite serene. Welcome to the world of BlackandWhiteBarmy.
What a shower
Match report
17 May 2022
What a shower
It was a little bit frightening - huh
Match report
11 May 2022
It was a little bit frightening - huh
Report on the construction of situations
Match report
11 May 2022
Report on the construction of situations
Knowing us, knowing Bill Meek
10 May 2022
Why are you going to read this article? Because it's Retro Diary, the very top of the barrel of diarists. Some things are a given, and we give you the musings of the elder Meek.
Strange Days
Match report
8 May 2022
Strange Days
I can hear the Pontoon sing
Match report
6 May 2022
I can hear the Pontoon sing
Non-League Ex-Mariner Watch
3 May 2022
James Howes' football stats job takes him the length and breadth of Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire watching non-League football every week
Why we bother
Match report
2 May 2022
Why we bother
Knowing us, knowing Andy Holt
26 April 2022
He lives in a land down under but you can still hear Cod Almighty's original stat-man thunder against jogging Danny B
The sun also rises
Match report
24 April 2022
The sun also rises
Missing Inaction
Match report
19 April 2022
Missing Inaction
Distant Karma
Match report
17 April 2022
Distant Karma
Knowing us, knowing Jase Ives
12 April 2022
Take a peek through clean windows into the world of occasional thunderer and regular correspondent, Jase Ives, and you too can see what he can see.
Town fail to make any impact
Match report
11 April 2022
Town fail to make any impact
Triumph and Disaster
Match report
10 April 2022
Triumph and Disaster
Rave On
Match report
3 April 2022
Rave On
No long balls please, we’re Grimsby
Match report
3 April 2022
No long balls please, we’re Grimsby
Let the good times roll
Match report
3 April 2022
Let the good times roll
Knowing us, knowing Alistair Wilkinson
27 March 2022
Poems! Poems, laddie! It's time for Al, the Bard of Blundell Park, telling tales of drunkenness and the cruelty of being a Town fan.
Sitting by the riverside
Match report
27 March 2022
Sitting by the riverside
Around the grounds: Boreham Wood
23 March 2022
For all the pop-up sprinklers and the posh sporty seats, two invading trees show we're only a few steps from park football. Mark Hodson on Boreham Wood
Reasons to be cheerful
Match report
23 March 2022
Reasons to be cheerful
Inversion therapy
Match report
23 March 2022
Inversion therapy
Knowing us, knowing Pat Bell
22 March 2022
Current editor-in-chief Pat Bell is our very own history man. Now read his story about how a Welsh man is umbilically connected to Town; it's literally in his DNA.
Wheeltappers and Shunters
Match report
20 March 2022
Wheeltappers and Shunters
Ivano: the man and the myth
17 March 2022
This week Ivano Bonetti returns to Blundell Park. Dan Humphrey reflects on his meteoric Grimsby Town career
Knowing us, knowing Richard Dawson
15 March 2022
You've bought the t-shirts from Richard. Now take a trip into the head of the original Guest Diary, Town's very own Wavy Gravy
"A football invasion": Town fans in 1920s Nottingham
13 March 2022
Nottingham was a popular away day for Grimsby supporters but even in the 1930s it did not always pass without trouble. Pat Bell looks back
Back down the same old road
Match report
9 March 2022
Back down the same old road
Knowing us, knowing Mark Stilton
8 March 2022
Scourge of the ball boys and John Fenty: next up it's the one and only, truly original Mark Stilton
All Right Now
Match report
6 March 2022
All Right Now
Knowing us, knowing Pete Green
1 March 2022
Come celebrate 20 years of Cod Almighty with a delve into Pete's mind
Lennie's Inferno
Match report
1 March 2022
Lennie's Inferno
Knowing us, knowing who - aha!
26 February 2022
We've come a long, long way together, through the hard times and the good. Come celebrate 20 years of Cod Almighty with a delve into the mind of fellow Mariners.
Slip Sliding Away
Match report
25 February 2022
Slip Sliding Away
Distorted: the Times's portrait of Town fans
21 February 2022
The Times's coverage of fans at Notts County was alarmist. Baz Whittleton argues the board should have checked the facts before responding
Towards an inclusive experience for disabled Town fans
17 February 2022
Grimsby's provision for disabled supporters has relied too much on volunteers. Dan Humphrey argues we need to bring our thinking up to date
Slipping the escort
Match report
13 February 2022
Slipping the escort
Point me at the sky
Match report
9 February 2022
Point me at the sky
Nuts in Notts
Match report
6 February 2022
Nuts in Notts
Winning promotion: stick or twist?
3 February 2022
What mix of old hands and new talent brings success? Richard Hallam takes a look at the make-up of Town's promotion-winning teams
Back in the game
Match report
30 January 2022
Back in the game
I'm sorry I haven't a clue
Match report
28 January 2022
I'm sorry I haven't a clue
Corpus Delicti and the slough of despond
Match report
28 January 2022
Corpus Delicti and the slough of despond
Sound and Vision
Match report
23 January 2022
Sound and Vision
Let's just say it was a bad hair day all round
Match report
19 January 2022
Let's just say it was a bad hair day all round
Match report
19 January 2022
Push button, pull Lever down
Match report
18 January 2022
Push button, pull Lever down
Match report
18 January 2022
Floppy hair and flapping hands
Match report
18 January 2022
Floppy hair and flapping hands
Isn't this where we came in?
Match report
18 January 2022
Isn't this where we came in?
Crushed by the wheels of industry
Match report
16 January 2022
Crushed by the wheels of industry
Where the Wild Things Are
Match report
12 January 2022
Where the Wild Things Are
The badge: iconic but hardly untampered with
12 January 2022
Perhaps our badge should be sacrosanct, says Kieran Reader, but the many ways it has been reproduced mean that it is not
Match report
11 January 2022
Is there anybody out there?
Match report
10 January 2022
Is there anybody out there?
Gardening with Tracey
Match report
10 January 2022
Gardening with Tracey
Rough guide to... Halifax Town
9 January 2022
Romarkable! Mr Tony Butcher isn't mesmerised by woolly thinking way out West in the land of the Shaymen
The badge
9 January 2022
Why tamper with a stone-cold classic of a badge, asks Paul Thundercliffe
The point-stealing tramps of Grimsby
Match report
9 January 2022
The point-stealing tramps of Grimsby
Haven't I seen this game before?
Match report
9 January 2022
Haven't I seen this game before?
An L of a Game
Match report
8 January 2022
An L of a Game
You are awful, but I like you
Match report
8 January 2022
You are awful, but I like you
Match report
8 January 2022
It's A Wonderful Life
Match report
8 January 2022
It's A Wonderful Life
We would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that Heskey kid
Match report
5 January 2022
We would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that Heskey kid
Two shades of Norwegian Blue
Match report
5 January 2022
Two shades of Norwegian Blue
The law is an ass
Match report
5 January 2022
The law is an ass
The Tide is High
Match report
4 January 2022
The Tide is High
Excitable Hermaphrodites
Match report
4 January 2022
Excitable Hermaphrodites
He's going home in a taxi
Match report
4 January 2022
He's going home in a taxi
Match report
4 January 2022
Fun with flags
Match report
4 January 2022
Fun with flags
Three points in my wagon
Match report
27 December 2021
Three points in my wagon
Match report
27 December 2021
Match report
27 December 2021
Saturday Afternoon at the Blundell Palladium
Match report
27 December 2021
Saturday Afternoon at the Blundell Palladium
The day of the adder
Match report
18 December 2021
The day of the adder
Sand in our shoes
Match report
12 December 2021
Sand in our shoes
Dashed hopes in Dagenham
Match report
6 December 2021
Dashed hopes in Dagenham
A rough guide to... Dagenham & Redbridge
3 December 2021
It looks like a clash between a highly resistable force and a very movable object. Richard fills you in on the land of the Fords
The curious case of Jamille Matt
30 November 2021
His winning goal against Notts County was a rare highlight in Matt's Town career, but he has flourished since. Ron Counte wonders why
A rough guide to... Boreham Wood
25 November 2021
Boreham Wood, from the town of Borehamwood, home of a fancy pitch and the Elstree Studios. Tom Sargent offers our latest rough guide
Silent Night
Match report
24 November 2021
Silent Night
A rough guide to... Solihull Moors
23 November 2021
All eyes may be on Jamey Osborne against the Moors, Tom Sargent warns us to look out for the striker who never misses
News (that never happened) November 2021
22 November 2021
Having impressed at GTFC, Stockwood and Pettit have landed the top Christmas job in the latest News (that never happened)
Supper's ready
Match report
21 November 2021
Supper's ready
A rough guide to... Southend United
18 November 2021
Crazy chairmen, trains out at sea and journeymen footballers. Tom Sargent gives the lowdown on Southend
The mouse that roared
Match report
14 November 2021
The mouse that roared
A rough guide to...Aldershot Town
11 November 2021
Aldershot, it's a helluva town in a helluva mess again. Mr Tony Butcher sighs at the signs of rot in the home of army dreamers
Do Little and Dally
Match report
7 November 2021
Do Little and Dally
Rough guide to...Kidderminster
2 November 2021
Read this and win a bag of sausages! Tony Butcher peruses Kidderminster's latest tasting menu
Le Gazze Ladre
Match report
31 October 2021
Le Gazze Ladre
If I were King of Blundell Park
28 October 2021
Dreams of a perfect club, a perfect match, and a perfect Grimbarian day. Al Wilkinson imagines...
Youth cup run terminates at Crewe
27 October 2021
There was no disgrace to Grimsby under-18s in getting knocked out of the FA Youth Cup by an impressive Alex reports Mike Worden
Tales of the expected
Match report
27 October 2021
Tales of the expected
A rough guide to... Wealdstone
24 October 2021
A trip down memory lane leads Sue Firth to Tesco as she finds Wealdstone living the high life in Ruislip
Chore and Peace
Match report
24 October 2021
Chore and Peace
News (that never happened) October 2021
21 October 2021
Blundell Park bursting at the seams makes GTFC fans a target for Lincoln in this month's News (that never happened)
Dinner for one
Match report
17 October 2021
Dinner for one
This is the modern world
Match report
10 October 2021
This is the modern world
A rough guide to... Woking
7 October 2021
Aliens have landed in a town called Malice. Tony Butcher breezes into Woking
Raindrops keep falling on our heads
Match report
6 October 2021
Raindrops keep falling on our heads
A rough guide to... Altrincham
4 October 2021
They have historic reasons to despise the Mariners, but after rising again through the non-League pyramid, Altrincham are looking forwards, not back
Breakfast of champions
Match report
3 October 2021
Breakfast of champions
A rough guide to... Dover Athletic
30 September 2021
All is not well at the far end of the Garden of England. Rich Mills uncovers the bones on our weekend opponents Dover
Washed away
Match report
29 September 2021
Washed away
A rough guide to... Bromley
27 September 2021
They've a thing about ravens, were early punk adopters and their football club is on the up. Baz Whittleton fills you in on Bromley
Common People
Match report
26 September 2021
Common People
A rough guide to... Maidenhead United
21 September 2021
They may never have been among the greats of the sport, but Maidenhead United, formed in 1870, took part in the first FA Cup. Tom Sargent gives you the lowdown on the Magpies
Out of the blue
Match report
19 September 2021
Out of the blue
A rough guide to... Eastleigh
15 September 2021
Stewart Donald pulled the plug on their finances, but the Spitfires show few signs of going down the drain. Tom Sargent brings you up to speed on Eastleigh
Something is happening
Match report
15 September 2021
Something is happening
A rough guide to... Wrexham
10 September 2021
Still stranded in non-League despite the gift of Shaun Pearson (now reclaimed) Tony Butcher feels a little sorry for "Ryan Reynolds's Wrexham"
A rough guide to... Torquay United
8 September 2021
Torquay United have had no time to feel sorry for themselves after missing out on promotion in the play-off final. Rich Mills reports
Ripping Yarns
Match report
5 September 2021
Ripping Yarns
A rough guide to... Barnet
2 September 2021
There's no place like home, but Edgware is nowhere like home to Bees fans. Miles Moss brings us up to date on Saturday's opponents Barnet
Running, jumping and standing still
Match report
1 September 2021
Running, jumping and standing still
A rough guide to... Stockport County
29 August 2021
Like Town, Stockport were in the second flight not so long ago, and now they've got a wealthy owner promising a return. Sam Metcalf sketches the Hatters
So good to be back home again
Match report
29 August 2021
So good to be back home again
Money, money, money: how Fenty still suffocates the Mariners
27 August 2021
Jason Stockwood suggested this week that transfer fees will pay off John Fenty's loans. Tony Butcher brings us up to date on the club and Fenty's finances
A rough guide to... Weymouth
24 August 2021
They've got the most middle-class nickname in football and they've also got Ahkeem Rose. Rich Mills introduces you to Weymouth
Could you write the Cod Almighty Diary?
19 August 2021
Hoping for a change from diaries that bang on about Bestall, Boylen and Buckley? Here's your chance to be a voice for younger Town fans
I like my football on a Saturday
21 July 2021
Richard Hallam rarely misses a Town game, home or away. Who better then to comment on the recent fixture changes.
The Fenty Years: Part Four
13 July 2021
In Town's first two years in the Conference, John Fenty got into rows with fellow director Mike Parker and Boston United. Mark Stilton sifts the evidence
News (that never happened) - FENTY IN!
28 June 2021
What excuse will stayaway Town fans use now to keep gates below five thousand?
The world according to Baz: season tickets, Hurst and taking the knee
23 June 2021
Should season tickets be cheaper? Should Hurst have shouldered more blame? And should footballers take the knee? Baz Whittleton gives his views
1-0 (Disley)
15 June 2021
Craig Disley's retirement from playing offers a timely reminder of the qualities we'll need in the Conference
The Fenty Years: Part Three
9 June 2021
The crashing end to a bromance with Mike Newell as Town descend to non-League. Mark Stilton looks at 2008-2010 under John Fenty
The Fenty Years Part Three: financial supplement
8 June 2021
Who paid for John Fenty to take over Grimsby Town? Tony Butcher delves into the accounts and finds the answer is "not John Fenty"
Chronic Town: REM and the Mariners
1 June 2021
With titles like Chronic Town and Everybody Hurts, REM could only be Town fans. Rich Mills explores the Athens' rockers Grimbarian roots
The Fenty Years: Part Two
24 May 2021
A long-running spat with Radio Humberside and the illusion of progress on a new ground. Mark Stilton reviews the early years of John Fenty's Town chairmanship
The Fenty Years: Part One
18 May 2021
John Fenty spent six years positioning himself to take control of the club while all the time denying he wanted it. Mark Stilton describes the manoeuvres
No relegation means no relegation: the world according to Baz
13 May 2021
If promotion but not relegation is OK in the Conference, why not in the Football League? Baz argues for a one-season only expansion of the Football League
Waiting for the great leap forward
Match report
9 May 2021
Waiting for the great leap forward
We are Town: creating the future we deserve
6 May 2021
As the new chair of Grimsby Town, Jason Stockwood is coming home. He makes a request and a commitment to his fellow fans
Fenty goes: why now?
5 May 2021
There has been a question over John Fenty's tax affairs since he sold Five Star Fish in 2004. Tony considers if that could have led to him selling Grimsby Town
My time, my money
5 May 2021
Imagine being inside the head of John Fenty this cold May. That's what Al Wilkinson does in his latest poem
Do dead rubber cats bounce?
Match report
2 May 2021
Do dead rubber cats bounce?
The End
Match report
28 April 2021
The End
The impossible dream
Match report
25 April 2021
The impossible dream
I can hear the grass grow
Match report
21 April 2021
I can hear the grass grow
The greed killing the game: the Thundercliffe Files
19 April 2021
The "elite" can play on Mars for all we care. Let us get back to the game we love
Match report
18 April 2021
Paved with good intentions: the world according to Baz
15 April 2021
Despite the rejoicing, 1878 Partners and B Corporation status are no substitute for community ownership
The death of the Fenty era
13 April 2021
The only surprise is so many accepted it for so long: Jack Sargent spells out the 20-year long misery of supporting Fenty's Grimsby Town
Ifs and Butts
Match report
11 April 2021
Ifs and Butts
A long drawn-out affair
Match report
5 April 2021
A long drawn-out affair
Stop me if you think you've heard this one before
Match report
3 April 2021
Stop me if you think you've heard this one before
That's entertainment
Match report
28 March 2021
That's entertainment
Remembrance of things past
Match report
24 March 2021
Remembrance of things past
Baking flans for Nigel
Match report
21 March 2021
Baking flans for Nigel
The return of the son of nothing
Match report
18 March 2021
The return of the son of nothing
Writing on the wall: the Thundercliffe files
17 March 2021
iFollowed out, Paul has reached the acceptance stage on this season. Perhaps we need to go one step back to take two steps forward
For doom, the Pell trolls
Match report
14 March 2021
For doom, the Pell trolls
Are we there yet?
Match report
10 March 2021
Are we there yet?
The Four full-back fallacy
Match report
7 March 2021
The Four full-back fallacy
Reasons to be cheerful: the world according to Baz
3 March 2021
It may seem that Town are staring at relegation, but there are still grounds for hope says Baz Whittleton
The Grim Grotto
Match report
3 March 2021
The Grim Grotto
Give it to Gary
2 March 2021
They played in the same team, then Gary Lund moved on to be a professional footballer. Then he moved on again. Tony Butcher remembers an old school friend
Laughing all the way to the cleaners
Match report
28 February 2021
Laughing all the way to the cleaners
Catch the wind
Match report
24 February 2021
Catch the wind
The Thundercliffe Files: a five-point plan
18 February 2021
New owners offer Town the chance to rebuild its relationship for the benefit of supporters and the community. Paul identifies some priorities
Ron Rafferty: more valuable than all the Sputniks in Russia
16 February 2021
Ron Rafferty was the lynchpin of Grimsby's talented squad of the last 1950s and early 1960s. Neville Butt remembers his great career
Muck in the studs
Match report
7 February 2021
Muck in the studs
Club ownership: The world according to Baz
4 February 2021
There's a nightmare scenario: Fenty has all his money, but we have no ground, no cash and no-League status. Baz Whittleton views our prospects of avoiding it
Match report
31 January 2021
Fried chickens in a basket case
Match report
24 January 2021
Fried chickens in a basket case
A sausage has two ends
Match report
17 January 2021
A sausage has two ends
2010-11: a season in recovery
10 January 2021
Our first season in the Conference was testing, especially for Chris Smith. Yet he drew strength from it
Burning down the house
Match report
10 January 2021
Burning down the house
Paul Hurst's Black and White Scouting Army
6 January 2021
Luke Pawley gives an insight into how Paul Hurst could develop a high-level scouting and recruitment department at GTFC if he receives the right support.
Holloway: The world according to Baz
6 January 2021
In resigning as manager, Ian Holloway bottled it. Had he stayed, Baz argues, he could have turned the team around
The crumbs on the table
Match report
3 January 2021
The crumbs on the table
Ian Holloway: the reality beneath the myth
31 December 2020
The facts simply don't bear out the idea that Ian Holloway was on course to put Grimsby Town on the right track, says Tom Sargent
28th December 2020: a new Town
31 December 2020
This week's events could define a new era for Grimsby Town. They stirred Al Wilkinson to pen a new poem.
A beautiful day in the neighbourhood
Match report
30 December 2020
A beautiful day in the neighbourhood
Oh what a circus
Match report
27 December 2020
Oh what a circus
Cheap and cheerless: how John Fenty runs Grimsby Town
24 December 2020
Footballers talk to each other, and they'll talk about the shabby way they have been treated at Grimsby Town. Lloyd Griffith lifts the lid on Fenty's Grimsby
The flight of Ian Holloway
23 December 2020
Ian Holloway has chosen the very worst moment to dump us. Pat Bell says both he and the man who appointed him - John Fenty - deserve contempt
The end of the affair
Match report
23 December 2020
The end of the affair
Back in black and white
Match report
20 December 2020
Back in black and white
News (that never happened) - Who Are Ya?
18 December 2020
As if Town didn't have enough to worry about, they are at the centre of an identity theft scam. Peter Anderson uncovers the tale
Mayday, May Day
Match report
16 December 2020
Mayday, May Day
John Fenty: a taxing affair
14 December 2020
The full facts about a company liquidated have never been revealed. Tony Butcher warns they could have huge implications for Grimsby Town
Half a sixpence
Match report
13 December 2020
Half a sixpence
Match report
9 December 2020
Heads, hands and feet
Match report
6 December 2020
Heads, hands and feet
News (that never happened)
4 December 2020
Ollie has a selection headache in the return of News (that never happened)
Tardus inferioribus debiles
Match report
2 December 2020
Tardus inferioribus debiles
Because it's Saturday: the Ancient Mariners
29 November 2020
Town feature in a new book about life in the lower leagues. In an exclusive extract, author Gavin Bell meets the Ancient Mariners
Divisions divided: Covid tiers threaten football's integrity
27 November 2020
The tier-restricted return of fans is a threat to the integrity of the League, and, argues Chris Smith to the existence of many northern clubs
Wild mood swings
Match report
25 November 2020
Wild mood swings
Salmon soufflé with mashed vegetables
Match report
22 November 2020
Salmon soufflé with mashed vegetables
Matt Tees: the second coming of the king
15 November 2020
He almost doubled the gate on his return and he rescued Town from the doldrums. Baz Whittleton was lucky enough to see Matt Tees play
The buck stops here
Match report
8 November 2020
The buck stops here
Matt Tees: how much we have to thank him for
5 November 2020
Matt Tees was not only a great footballer. He was a modest, gentle, good-humoured and generous man. Gordon Wilson remembers
It happened one night
Match report
4 November 2020
It happened one night
You're so lame
Match report
1 November 2020
You're so lame
Football: a spiritual experience
28 October 2020
The explosion of joy when celebrating a goal is the finest example of living in the moment. Chris Smith meditates on the game
The Hollow Way
Match report
28 October 2020
The Hollow Way
Weepers keepers
Match report
25 October 2020
Weepers keepers
The ballad of sporty Muldoon
Match report
21 October 2020
The ballad of sporty Muldoon
Whipped cream and other delights
Match report
18 October 2020
Whipped cream and other delights
Two ways to draw at Bolton
16 October 2020
Town's game at Bolton brought back memories for Rich Lord. Two very different games, but the same result, and the same away team manager
Harry Betmead: from centre half to centre back
13 October 2020
In the 1930s, Grimsby's Harry Betmead was one of the best players in his position in England. But, asks Gordon Wilson, was he a midfielder or defender
Following iFollow
15 September 2020
Your tips on watching a game using iFollow
A right of reply
11 September 2020
The EFL Trophy, communications, the club board, season tickets... Dave Roberts of the Mariners Trust responds to recent discussion points
Land of their fathers, mothers or grandparents
2 September 2020
Harry Clifton's latest under-21 call-up reminds us Town have three Wales qualified players. Dan Humphrey reflects
A time capsule
18 August 2020
A match programme from 1958 provides Ron Counte with a fascinating glimpse into the past
Look back in hope
29 July 2020
Grimsby Town have survived financial crises before. Gordon Wilson describes how Alderman Barrett led the Mariners out of debt and into a golden age
Dorothy Edwards: a life behind the scenes at Blundell Park
16 July 2020
In 1971, Dorothy Edwards became the first female Club Secretary in the Football League. Her daughter Avril Taylor remembers her time at GTFC
A history of Town kits: 2004-present
6 July 2020
A single manufacturer has seen Town through the few highs and many lows of the last decade. Paul Thundercliffe concludes his history of Grimsby kits
Nothing changes
1 June 2020
Copies of two wartime newspapers given to Janusz Przeniczny on the VE day anniversary had some interesting echoes
Champions! A delight
25 May 2020
Champions!, Rob McIlveen's book on 1979-80 takes you back in time to a season you long to relive, says Ron Counte
A history of Town kits: 1998-2003
17 May 2020
Those difficult Avec and GTS years... Paul Thundercliffe continues his history of Grimsby strips, taking in sponsorship by a fraudster
Out of the blue
11 May 2020
Getting picked for Bursar Street under-11s made school - the whole world - a less scary place. Lee Johnson remembers
A history of Town kits: 1990-97
4 May 2020
Remember when Town's stripes almost vanished? Paul Thundercliffe continues his history of Grimsby kits
Erratic, tetchy but somehow enjoyable: a first away game
27 April 2020
Leeds was the home of John Charles, the gentle giant. But there was nothing gentle about the game Neville Butt saw there in 1951
A history of Town kits: 1985-89
20 April 2020
Town had a few kits between 1984-89 - many used in an FA Cup tie with Arsenal. Paul Thundercliffe continues his history of the Grimsby strip
Reckless abandon
14 April 2020
Farce or frustration are inevitable when a game has to be stopped. But Neville Butt's memories suggest it often rebounds to Town's advantage
A history of Town kits: 1980-84
7 April 2020
Admiral, Adidas and Hobott designed some of Town's best kits, to dress one of Town's best teams. Paul Thundercliffe starts his history of the Grimsby strip
2019-20: players and fans deserve a fair finish
1 April 2020
Expunging results from the lower leagues is ill-thought out, clumsy and wrong. John England argues we all deserve a fairer finish to 2019-20
30 March 2020
We are taking an enforced break from football. For Chris Smith, it isn't the first time, so he knows our love of the game will be all the stronger when it returns
The Thundercliffe Files: Jollification
27 March 2020
Michael Jolley's Town career summarised, to a soundtrack by the Lightning Seeds
The Thundercliffe Files: how to fill the Townhole
20 March 2020
Suddenly we all have a Townhole, but there are ways to fill it
The Thundercliffe Files: Marching season
12 March 2020
This end of season may be a dress rehearsal for next year, but promotion and a strong March go together hand in hand.
Chips with everything
Match report
8 March 2020
Chips with everything
The Thundercliffe Files: kicking off
6 March 2020
How effective is the 1pm kick-off for managing crowd behaviour?
John Fenty: a pattern of behaviour
2 March 2020
In February 2020, John Fenty said he would no longer in the day-to-day running of Grimsby Town. We took a look at his record
The Inferior Design Council
Match report
1 March 2020
The Inferior Design Council
The Thundercliffe Files: leaping around
28 February 2020
Leap years tend to be turning points in Town's fortunes. What might 2020 bring?
Exiles on Blame Street
Match report
26 February 2020
Exiles on Blame Street
The Thundercliffe Files: The Hollo-way
21 February 2020
Both our first and our most recent games in 2019-20 were wins over Morecambe. But they show how much has changed at Blundell Park
Stormy Weather
Match report
16 February 2020
Stormy Weather
The Thundercliffe Files: trebles all round
14 February 2020
Hat-tricks have been rare in the League. All the more reason to celebrate them
Charlie the Magnificent
Match report
12 February 2020
Charlie the Magnificent
North country sketches
Match report
9 February 2020
North country sketches
The Thundercliffe Files: the old, new ground merry-go-round
7 February 2020
Could the Mariners wind up a stone's throw from The Mariners Rest? Or should we wait until the spade is in the ground?
Hard times are over
Match report
2 February 2020
Hard times are over
The Thundercliffe Files: cup tired?
31 January 2020
The big money clubs are gunning for the domestic cups. Why should they steal our memories?
The electric Kool Aid acid test
Match report
30 January 2020
The electric Kool Aid acid test
Turned over
Match report
29 January 2020
Turned over
The Thundercliffe Files: sitting room only?
24 January 2020
Both reserved and unreserved seating have flaws for away fans. Perhaps the solution is to reintroduce safe standing areas
A surfeit of nousery
Match report
19 January 2020
A surfeit of nousery
The Thundercliffe Files: down the hatch
17 January 2020
Paul Linwood is unapologetic about the drinking culture which sent Town into non-League but the hurt still rankles
Ian Holloway: a gust of fresh air
14 January 2020
Ian Holloway offers Grimsby Town a new dawn. The board had driven Jase Ives from Blundell Park, but now he is keen to see what the future holds
We're Grimsby and Aalst
Match report
12 January 2020
We're Grimsby and Aalst
The Thundercliffe Files: in exile
10 January 2020
Town's following at Orient will be swollen by London-based Mariners. The exile experience has changed over the decades but still proves our ties are rooted deep
Match report
5 January 2020
The Thundercliffe Files: Is the Hollo-way the right way?
3 January 2020
Ian Holloway is the first big name manager we have had since Lennie Lawrence, but he could be just what we need
Perfect Day
Match report
2 January 2020
Perfect Day
Cheese and onion
Match report
30 December 2019
Cheese and onion
I have to admit it's getting better, if not all the time
Match report
28 December 2019
I have to admit it's getting better, if not all the time
The black and white carbuncle
25 December 2019
In a seasonal mystery, Sherlock Holmes uncovers the truth hidden in an unkempt old goose
Match report
22 December 2019
The Thundercliffe Files: won't you score another goal?
20 December 2019
Grimsby, if you’ve got to play a game I don’t think I can take the pain. Less East 17, more DN35
A heartening performance on a cold day
Match report
17 December 2019
A heartening performance on a cold day
Momentum, the crimes of communism, and Radio Humberside
15 December 2019
In response to our post-election diary, Janusz Przeniczny lays the blame at the doors of Jeremy Corbyn, and Radio Humberside
The poverty of a dilapidated Blundell Park
15 December 2019
Meagre football in a neglected ground. Chris Smith can't forgive Grimsby Town for making personal anguish feel even worse
The Thundercliffe Files: a team of the 2010s
13 December 2019
We are back where we were in December 2009, but we have had some good players come and go through the decade
Blank generation
Match report
8 December 2019
Blank generation
The Thundercliffe Files: overcoming isolation
6 December 2019
Dover Athletic and even many top flight clubs have their training base many miles from their ground. Is it time Grimsby Town followed suit?
The Thundercliffe Files: the warning from a sagging gate
29 November 2019
Tuesday night's low attendance was a warning sign for a club that has failed to build on what it had
Match report
27 November 2019
What is to be done?
Match report
25 November 2019
What is to be done?
The Thundercliffe Files: Jolley departs
21 November 2019
Will it be a case of what might have been for Michael Jolley and GTFC?
The Brexit Party at Blundell Park: a statement
15 November 2019
In welcoming Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party to Blundell Park, Grimsby Town last night made hundreds of fans feel unwelcome
The Thundercliffe Files: respite, reset and restart
14 November 2019
Perhaps Town's enforced break is a chance for all of us - management, players and fans - to reset the season
The Never-ending Story
Match report
11 November 2019
The Never-ending Story
The Thundercliffe Files: FA Cup mud, sweat and tears
8 November 2019
We might not win the cup one day. But it still gives us great games and memorable goals
Cryptic Cod
6 November 2019
Some fanzines bring you acute football insights and inside information. We give you a Town-themed cryptic crossword
The Grim Reality October 2019: thin pickings
4 November 2019
Applying fantasy football scoring to the performances of Town players in October did not do too many of them any favours. Rich Lord reports
The Thundercliffe Files: the carcass trophy
1 November 2019
Two cup matches 40 years apart show how a once thriving Football League is now riddled with rheumatism
Town take on the Old Invincibles
29 October 2019
Town's second home game after World War Two was a top-flight clash with Preston North End. It was Neville Butt's first match and it set a pattern that would last a lifetime
Chairman of the bored
Match report
24 October 2019
Chairman of the bored
Decline and fail
Match report
21 October 2019
Decline and fail
The Thundercliffe Files: Aaaaaalexander, Alexander, Alexander
18 October 2019
Keith Alexander brought skill, determination, a touch of the haphazard, and above all a smile to Grimsby Town
How come you don't move?
Match report
15 October 2019
How come you don't move?
The Thundercliffe Files: Where are they dredging up these referees?
11 October 2019
As the top league hoovers up all the referees to administer VAR, we are left with the dregs. And it shows
The Grim Reality September 2019: Robson rises
10 October 2019
How would Town players perform in fantasy football? Richard Lord does the sums for September
On the doorstep of the club
8 October 2019
Some Town fans travel for half a day to see a home game. For Kerry William Purcell it was different – growing up on Blundell Avenue
Fool and the Gang
Match report
6 October 2019
Fool and the Gang
The Thundercliffe Files: progress
4 October 2019
The statistics show that Grimsby Town really are making progress this season
Fenty, Shutes and fan ownership
1 October 2019
The plight of Bury does not prove we should be grateful to John Fenty, argues Baz Whittleton: it shows we need fan ownership
The Thundercliffe Files: the value in the tat
27 September 2019
The football economy creates more than its share of tat. But it doesn't hide how the game gives us a place to be
Crushed by the wheels of industry
Match report
27 September 2019
Crushed by the wheels of industry
Caustic custard
Match report
22 September 2019
Caustic custard
The Thundercliffe Files: what are Town trying to do?
20 September 2019
Nine games into the season, Paul Thundercliffe asks what are Jolley and Limbrick trying to get our players to do?
Don't believe the tripe
Match report
15 September 2019
Don't believe the tripe
London Calling
Match report
12 September 2019
London Calling
The Thundercliffe Files: the scourge of rulemongering
12 September 2019
Now and again, people come up with ideas meant to speed up the game. Players soon find ways to slow it down again
An Education
Match report
8 September 2019
An Education
The Thundercliffe Files: surveying the Townhole
6 September 2019
We all have a hole in our lives that only Town can fill. Attendances only tell part of the story of its size
The Grim Reality August 2019: Hanson soars
5 September 2019
How would Town players fare in fantasy football? Rich Lord does the adding up
In the Ghetto
Match report
1 September 2019
In the Ghetto
No to B teams. Yes to the Internet Mariners
31 August 2019
Once again, the Football League is trying to ram B teams down our throats. But this Tuesday, Town fans can both boycott B teams and support the Mariners
The Thundercliffe Files: united through Alan Buckley
30 August 2019
A visit to Walsall might not stand out in the fixture list. Except the Saddlers and the Mariners have a hero in common
Once Upon A Time In The Second Half
Match report
26 August 2019
Once Upon A Time In The Second Half
The Thundercliffe Files: Football is not a television programme
23 August 2019
Is iFollow a good way for exiles to keep in touch. Or, asks Paul Thundercliffe, is it the thin end of a wedge eroding attendances and revenues?
Ball and Chain
Match report
21 August 2019
Ball and Chain
No advantage: the English FA and the Berkessy affair
20 August 2019
In the 1950s, English football was in decline. But as Neville Butt recalls, still the FA believed they had nothing to learn from other countries
Where's the beef?
Match report
18 August 2019
Where's the beef?
The Thundercliffe Files: who would want football with VAR?
16 August 2019
Why would anyone think that VAR is good for the game, asks Paul Thundercliffe
Ready steady Cook
Match report
14 August 2019
Ready steady Cook
False dawn?
12 August 2019
In August 2018, after a draw against likely promotion contenders, hopes were high for the Mariners. But, says Ron Counte, there is no comparison between the side now and then
Let the people sing
Match report
11 August 2019
Let the people sing
The Thundercliffe Files: euphoria or functionality?
9 August 2019
If a player scores against their hometown club, what are they meant to do, asks Paul Thundercliffe
"Jubilation in Fishopolis": 1925-26 final part
6 August 2019
Promotion from Division Three (North) came down to the last day of the season: Grimsby had to win to take the title
Waiting for the day
Match report
5 August 2019
Waiting for the day
The Thundercliffe Files: Start as you mean to go on?
2 August 2019
Conventional wisdom says a good start is essential for a successful season. Paul Thundercliffe looks for the proof
Another kind of destructive behaviour
30 July 2019
Nick Dale's views undermine the efforts of other people to make fans feel welcome and engaged at Blundell Park, argues Kelly Billings
The Thundercliffe Files: New season, same game
26 July 2019
Football's heart beats without the need for corporate sponsors, writes Paul Thundercliffe. It exists despite Sky TV, rather than because of it
Football, friendship and fish and chips
25 July 2019
John England's tale of his friendship forged with Bill Dorricott through a shared love of the Mariners struck a chord with many of you
The life of a Mariner
22 July 2019
Two Town fans in the same Derbyshire village: a time-honoured ritual, great times and some great wins. John England remembers Bill Dorricott
"Vital engagements": 1925-26 part four
18 July 2019
Christmas in 1925 meant football on consecutive days. Grimsby played the league leaders, home and away
Fans of the Future: a small step into an exciting future
11 July 2019
Fans of the Future grew out of a small discussion among Town fans. But, writes Grant Maconachie, its ambitions are huge
Parklife revisited
3 June 2019
A half-brick goalpost turned lethal weapon; two and you're through; rolled-up in a foam-backed mat; and the slow death of a plastic ball. More summer holiday memories
Comeback kings
9 May 2019
Liverpool, Tottenham... and Grimsby Town. As Ron Counte recalls, we have our own history of turning the tables
Game changer: Grimsby's close-season needs
5 May 2019
Michael Jolley wants to bring Town into line with modern trends in football. Ron Counte considers how he must strengthen his squad
The Max factor
Match report
5 May 2019
The Max factor
Losing 5-0 was not the worst of it: Town's 1980 Anfield experience
2 May 2019
In 1980, Liverpool could claim to be the best team in the world. But Rob McIlveen remembers their treatment of Town fans was shameful
Edge of Tomorrow
Match report
28 April 2019
Edge of Tomorrow
Mozegekony: the Elemer Berkessy story
25 April 2019
In November 1954, Grimsby were the first English club to appoint a foreign coach. Tom Sargent tells the tale
Match report
23 April 2019
Tommy of the Town: season 2, episode 2
18 April 2019
We learned recently how chairman Nunty recruited new manager Brian Nazareth. Now let's look at the new boss's transfer dealings
Tommy of the Town: season 2, episode 1
15 April 2019
Chairman Nunty has shoehorned some space into his packed schedule to bring us up to speed with the season so far, starting with recruiting a new manager
Kick It Out
Match report
14 April 2019
Kick It Out
Moore Magazine
11 April 2019
Have you picked up the latest edition of Moore magazine?
Teachers and policemen
9 April 2019
Not all ex-players run a pub or open a sports shop. Neville Butt remembers some who swapped boots for mortarboard or truncheon
Zombies vs Cowboys
Match report
8 April 2019
Zombies vs Cowboys
Fenty's Six Game Rule
1 April 2019
A football manager is always six games from the what?
Oldham Slumbers
Match report
31 March 2019
Oldham Slumbers
Well, well, said the rocking chair
Match report
24 March 2019
Well, well, said the rocking chair
Schumpeter’s gale
Match report
17 March 2019
Schumpeter’s gale
Avoid the 70-minute void
Match report
12 March 2019
Avoid the 70-minute void
Happy anniversary, Mr Jolley
11 March 2019
Michael Jolley has now completed 46 league games as Grimsby manager. Ron Counte reflects on his progress
Dead End Street
Match report
3 March 2019
Dead End Street
Seventh heaven and unholy smoke
1 March 2019
At the end of February 1990, Town seemed to be going nowhere. Seven games in March changed all that. Lee Johnson saw it all
Something good
25 February 2019
Michael Jolley and his team are putting to bed a lot of bad memories, and Al Wilkinson is enjoying the ride
Once upon a time in the west
Match report
25 February 2019
Once upon a time in the west
Proper ground, proper floodlights
21 February 2019
We've seen our last game under BP's historic lights without even knowing it, laments Peter Anderson. How could this happen?
Loco in El Paso
17 February 2019
Andrew Fox has joined a club that has never lost a game, because it's only just been invented. Janusz Przeniczny muses on his new club
Pump down the volume
Match report
17 February 2019
Pump down the volume
I wasn't there: The day we hammered Huddersfield 2-2
15 February 2019
In 1997, a Mariners performance left a young Rich Lord unable to tear himself away from the radio, then unable to listen to it
Long tall weekend
Match report
3 February 2019
Long tall weekend
Whither the Chips?
31 January 2019
Who else got this cracking football annual for Christmas?
Just Seventeenth
28 January 2019
This week's copy of Just Seventeenth features Foxy on the cover, fashion advice and 4 posters! Get yersen down the shops
Calm and karma
Match report
27 January 2019
Calm and karma
Nunty Comic
21 January 2019
This week's Nunty comic sees John unveil his vision for the future
Battered prawns in sweet and sour sauce
Match report
20 January 2019
Battered prawns in sweet and sour sauce
Plastics: the only way up is to stay down
18 January 2019
Blundell Park is under threat from the scourge of the fair weather fan. Stern measures are needed. Bored Member is on the case
Slack in black
Match report
13 January 2019
Slack in black
The night we thrashed Spurs 0-3
8 January 2019
The defeat at Crystal Palace was not the only time Town have been magnificent in defeat. Pat Bell remembers when Spurs visited Blundell Park in 1991
Only connect
Match report
6 January 2019
Only connect
I was there when Town won at Selhurst
3 January 2019
Away wins for Town at Crystal Palace have been few and far between. Peter Anderson is one of very few to have witnessed one
So what?
Match report
2 January 2019
So what?
Out with the old
Match report
30 December 2018
Out with the old
Match report
27 December 2018
Good day sunshine
Match report
23 December 2018
Good day sunshine
Reap the wild wind
Match report
16 December 2018
Reap the wild wind
Match report
10 December 2018
The year we touched the sky
9 December 2018
In 1983-84, Town achieved their best league position since dropping out of the top flight in 1948. Lee Johnson saw every game
Live streaming: embrace the change
5 December 2018
It can open up Town games to people who otherwise wouldn't follow them at all. Alex Gerlis makes the case for live streaming
It takes two to tango
Match report
3 December 2018
It takes two to tango
Brian Hill and other crimes against humanity
30 November 2018
In a pivotal match in 1991, referee Brian Hill ignored a blatant penalty-area foul on Shaun Cunnington. Tony Barker remembers
Fortress Blundell Park?
29 November 2018
Is Blundell Park a fortress? John Perry looks at the numbers.
Handle it with care
Match report
28 November 2018
Handle it with care
Let's go fly a kite
Match report
25 November 2018
Let's go fly a kite
The Cod Almighty guide to modern football
21 November 2018
Cut through modern football's inpenetrable jargon with our simple guide
There's a new kid in town
Match report
18 November 2018
There's a new kid in town
How to beat a rotten egg
Match report
11 November 2018
How to beat a rotten egg
A hero and the price he paid: Matt Tees and dementia
8 November 2018
Matt Tees made a generation of fans fall in love with Grimsby Town, but at a price. Ron Counte remembers
Wilted spinach: Mansfield (a) report
Match report
7 November 2018
Wilted spinach: Mansfield (a) report
The charge of the lightweight brigade
Match report
4 November 2018
The charge of the lightweight brigade
Deflated but defiant
Match report
29 October 2018
Deflated but defiant
Brian Hill: wonderful wing-raider
29 October 2018
In the 1960s, Grimsby enjoyed the services of a winger who could torment England internationals. Gordon Wilson remembers Brian Hill
The shape of things to come
Match report
24 October 2018
The shape of things to come
James and the giant reach
Match report
21 October 2018
James and the giant reach
Here comes the sun
Match report
7 October 2018
Here comes the sun
A Tommy of the Town digest
4 October 2018
There's more Tommy on the way so why not remind yourselves what your heroes got up to last season
A long way to go
Match report
3 October 2018
A long way to go
Have you got it yet?
Match report
30 September 2018
Have you got it yet?
No highway robbery
Match report
24 September 2018
No highway robbery
Great Scott!
18 September 2018
Andy Freeman's two-parter on the career of Johnny Scott inspired Cod Almighty's readers to draw on their memories of the great man
The return of the Hollow Men
Match report
17 September 2018
The return of the Hollow Men
Beat them on the bottom with a Woman's Weekly: Bury (a) report
Match report
9 September 2018
Beat them on the bottom with a Woman's Weekly: Bury (a) report
One man and his clog
Match report
3 September 2018
One man and his clog
"A game of thrills": 1925-26 part two
1 September 2018
Jimmy Carmichael's goals have put Town second in the northern section table. A win over league leaders Rochdale will take them top...
"Young men of promise": 1925-26 part one
1 September 2018
Early in the 1925-26 season Grimsby Town started to turn around two decades of decline. Pat Bell imagines the first game of a pivotal season
The Grudge
Match report
18 August 2018
The Grudge
Hill's angles
Match report
15 August 2018
Hill's angles
Outside the wall
Match report
13 August 2018
Outside the wall
Ghosts in the machine
Match report
5 August 2018
Ghosts in the machine
April showers
1 August 2018
Last season Town fans experienced every possible emotion in one remarkable month. Ron Counte will never forget how it felt
"A keen display of partisanship": 1925-26 part three
1 August 2018
Grimsby were flying high in Division Three (North). But how would they do in the Lincolnshire derby?
A rosy prospect: 1925-26 part five
1 August 2018
In the first months of 1926, Grimsby Town hauled themselves back into the Division Three (North) title race. For the Good Friday game, they drew a record crowd
Parklife: a seventies childhood on Sussex Rec
24 July 2018
"We played football. Lots of it. Every day." Ron Counte remembers the long summer holidays of the early 1970s
Of Owls and Cods
19 July 2018
Could the Mariners face Cleethorpes Town in a league fixture one day? Gordon Wilson knows a club that's risen from the same level as the Owls
They used to play on gravel: seven intriguing GTFC friendlies
17 July 2018
The club's first ever match in 1878, a thrashing of Japan under McMenemy, a gravel pitch in Iceland, and much more...
The Johnny Scott story part 2: World Cup hero
14 June 2018
In 1958, Grimsby's Northern Irish winger made club history. Andy Freeman traces his career from the world stage and back into ordinary life
The Johnny Scott story, part 1: from Busby Babe to Blundell Park favourite
5 June 2018
Johnny Scott has a unique place in Grimsby Town history. Andy Freeman considers his journey from Belfast to Blundell Park
The blame game
15 May 2018
Two years after regaining our place in the Football League, why was it so nearly lost again? Ron Counte considers who is to blame
We've only just begun
Match report
7 May 2018
We've only just begun
Enter Jolley and enter hope
30 April 2018
The win again Notts County confirms Town's transformation under Michael Jolley. Ian Jackson, and his eight-year-old son, are grateful.
The safety dance
Match report
29 April 2018
The safety dance
Magic Roundabouts
Match report
22 April 2018
Magic Roundabouts
April and May 1998
19 April 2018
On the 20th anniversary of Town's first visit to Wembley, Al Wilkinson asks how long will the memories live
Finders keepers; losers weepers
Match report
15 April 2018
Finders keepers; losers weepers
A rallying call to Town fans
13 April 2018
As the Mariners prepare for their biggest game in seven days, Matt Quinton turns to Shakespeare for inspiration
A Mitch in time
Match report
8 April 2018
A Mitch in time
Life in one day
Match report
3 April 2018
Life in one day
Can't buy a thrill
Match report
1 April 2018
Can't buy a thrill
GTFC Question Time: Q1 - can the Mariners stay up?
29 March 2018
We asked a panel of Mariners fans, journalists and ex players "can Town stay up, and how will Michael Jolley manage it?"
Ghost Town
Match report
25 March 2018
Ghost Town
Time and the Coventrys
22 March 2018
Coventry City illustrate how football has changed since 1973, when Ron Counte went there to his first away game
Footprint in the snow
19 March 2018
"A sad poem for a sad weekend". Al Wilkinson laments
Tommy of the Town: Episode 17
18 March 2018
A bomb floating in the Humber? An old WW2 mine or could it be something more sinister?
Terminal velocity
Match report
18 March 2018
Terminal velocity
Steady progress: Hurst's lesson for Town fans
16 March 2018
As Town get used to a third new manager since he left, Ian Jackson says there are lessons to learn from Paul Hurst's tenure
Needle in a haystack
Match report
11 March 2018
Needle in a haystack
Four managers, two seasons, one final chance
9 March 2018
Michael Jolley has inherited a mess created by a two-year churn of players and tactics. Adam McMillan asks if he can pull the Mariners back in the right direction
Tommy of the Town: Episode 16
8 March 2018
A Tommy Target fan club? You've spoken and we've listened... well, sort of
No disguise
Match report
7 March 2018
No disguise
The future must be youth
27 February 2018
The Youth Development Association can help bring a new ethos to Grimsby Town. Dave Roberts explains
Just a minute
Match report
25 February 2018
Just a minute
Tommy of the Town: Episode 15
25 February 2018
With Gary Gaffer gone, the Town board are looking for a new manager
A Cambridge too far
19 February 2018
Not 'pass and go' but 'pass and don't know'. Ron Counte is alarmed by Town's showing at Cambridge
Prayer for the dying
Match report
18 February 2018
Prayer for the dying
Steve Plowes: a tribute
15 February 2018
SWWF readers and contributors share their memories of its prolific editor Steve Plowes
Russell's last stand
Match report
14 February 2018
Russell's last stand
Tommy of the Town: Episode 12
12 February 2018
In the latest instalment of Tommy of the Town, young pro Danny Southill wonders how to get a start for the first team
To the barricades
Match report
4 February 2018
To the barricades
The beginning of the end?
Match report
31 January 2018
The beginning of the end?
Time to go
31 January 2018
If John Fenty is the fan he claims, he must now admit the damage he has done and walk away, says Jase Ives
The cod delusion
Match report
28 January 2018
The cod delusion
We have the players but do we have the shape?
21 January 2018
This transfer window, the Mariners are less in need of new players than a new formation, says Barry Whittleton
Tommy of the Town: Episode 13
20 January 2018
Things aren't going well at Town and so difficult decisions need to be made. It's the end of an era....
Tommy of the Town: Episode 14
18 January 2018
The club are having trouble with online yobbos having a pop. What will they do about it?
Slade in Flames
Match report
14 January 2018
Slade in Flames
What does your club mean to you?
10 January 2018
It's time for all of us to learn from past mistakes so we can make a better future for the Mariners, says Jase Ives
Cod Almighty - A Statement by The Board of Governors
9 January 2018
Cod Almighty hasn't been the funniest lately, but we put on record our confidence in the editorial team
The uncanny valley
Match report
7 January 2018
The uncanny valley
GTFC for the Many: taking the club back to the community
4 January 2018
Record numbers of people are using foodbanks. But GTFC for the Many have shown that fans can make a difference. Matthew Barrow reports
Tommy of the Town: Episode 11
3 January 2018
In the latest installment of Tommy of the Town, there's an Italian superstar on trial at Blundell Park
Tommy of the Town: Episode 10.5
3 January 2018
In the latest instalment of Tommy of the Town, the chairman has a great idea to recapture the feelgood factor or returning to the League
Tommy of the Town: Episode 10
2 January 2018
What does the future hold for Nunty and Gaffer? We look forward 8 years to find out. We just can, okay? It's a comic strip.
Match report
2 January 2018
Tommy of the Town: Episode 9
1 January 2018
In today's Tommy of the Town, Chairman John Nunty launches a new initiative to boost relations between the club and fans
Running on empty
Match report
31 December 2017
Running on empty
An alternative Christmas panto
Match report
27 December 2017
An alternative Christmas panto
What if… George Tweedy had not had flu
25 December 2017
It's Christmas 1968. You are a young Town fan. Your excitement at finding a football annual under the tree increases when you see an article about Grimsby.
What about the orange
Match report
24 December 2017
What about the orange
'Pies with chips
Match report
17 December 2017
'Pies with chips
A slow news Wednesday
13 December 2017
Not enough locals in the Town side? Many years ago, Andy Freeman recalls, some Grimsby teachers came up with an answer
A question of retribution
Match report
10 December 2017
A question of retribution
If the supporters are united
8 December 2017
Grimsby Town FC works better if its fans are engaged. Mariners Trust chair Paul Savage explains how GTFC Unity Day is a step towards making that happen
Tommy of the Town: Episode 7
1 December 2017
In the latest instalment of Tommy of the Town, manager Gary Gaffer is feeling under pressure...
Tommy of the Town: Episode 8
1 December 2017
Manager Gary Gaffer faces the press about a striker who is yet to play for the club despite signing a year ago
Bicycle race
Match report
27 November 2017
Bicycle race
The Official Unofficial GTFC Calendar 2018
23 November 2017
GTFC's last player calendar became pointless when the players were all released... so we've found the perfect solution
The carrier
22 November 2017
Is supporting the Mariners contagious? Ron Counte suspects he is the living proof
Knock three times
Match report
22 November 2017
Knock three times
Tommy of the Town: Episode 6
21 November 2017
In the latest Tommy of the Town, our hero faces up to the yobbish element of Town's support
Knock, knock, who's there?
Match report
19 November 2017
Knock, knock, who's there?
Tommy of the Town: Episode 9.5
17 November 2017
Membership of pressure groups threatens the very game itself. Watch John Nunty get to grips with this very real problem
No Surprises, Russ's budget jaffas fire blanks again.
Match report
12 November 2017
No Surprises, Russ's budget jaffas fire blanks again.
Now that's over we can concentrate on the League
Match report
5 November 2017
Now that's over we can concentrate on the League
Do Eccentric Sheep Dream of Grimsby Town?
Match report
29 October 2017
Do Eccentric Sheep Dream of Grimsby Town?
Fish, football, but no Grimsby?
26 October 2017
You can't have a display about fish and football without mentioning Grimsby, right? That's what David Martin thought
Tommy of the Town: Episode 4
26 October 2017
In today's Tommy of the Town, chairman John Nunty returns from his hols and everyone wants to know what's happening
Tommy of the Town: Episode 2
20 October 2017
Heartache for the fans as Shaun Prawn stalls on a new deal..
Rees, love and understanding
19 October 2017
Before we hurl abuse, Chris Fisher says, we should remember that footballers are people, modestly plying their trade. Even Harry Pell
A cracking night it was
Match report
18 October 2017
A cracking night it was
The lowest of the low
17 October 2017
Blundell Park must look up to every other ground in the League. Ron Counte explains why
Strife in a northern town
Match report
15 October 2017
Strife in a northern town
Tommy of the Town: Episode 5
14 October 2017
In the latest instalment of Tommy of the Town, say hello to highly rated young winger Sneaky Tenbellies
Our mutual friends
Match report
8 October 2017
Our mutual friends
Tommy of the Town: Episode 3
6 October 2017
Some actual football as Town take on rivals Village Green Rovers
Tommy of the Town: Episode 1
2 October 2017
In the first of the new Tommy of the Town comic strip, chairman John Nunty ponders new signings
Tommy of the Town: Episode 2.5
2 October 2017
In the latest episode of Tommy of the Town, Tommy is called in for a showdown meeting with the chairman!
Journey to a bore
Match report
1 October 2017
Journey to a bore
Play Misty for Me
Match report
28 September 2017
Play Misty for Me
A rough guide to... Lincoln City
28 September 2017
They followed us down, and they've followed us back up again. Tony Butcher offers the lowdown on Lincoln City
Right place, right time: following Town in the late 1980s
20 September 2017
Mates' tales, indulgent parents and a sport-mad teacher... Bruce Fenwick arrived at the start of a golden era
Mr Gloverman (Shabby)
Match report
18 September 2017
Mr Gloverman (Shabby)
The keeper and the corpse
Match report
11 September 2017
The keeper and the corpse
A traditional Grimsby Town rant
10 September 2017
Town have recruited a manager and players with no loyalty, no ties to the club. Has the board learnt nothing, asks Rich Lord
Voodoo Town (slight return)
Match report
4 September 2017
Voodoo Town (slight return)
Come together
31 August 2017
Tony Butcher reports on the Town v Donny B team boycott fans' game
Renewing my vows: the B team boycott match
30 August 2017
The B team boycott match was a reminder why we love football in the first place. Lee Johnson reflects
Match report
28 August 2017
Sleepy hollow
Match report
24 August 2017
Sleepy hollow
Mariners life is rubbish
Match report
20 August 2017
Mariners life is rubbish
What if... John Newman had acted like a modern manager?
15 August 2017
A new manager must always bring in his own players, yes? It wasn't always like that, Pat Bell suggests
Match report
14 August 2017
A rough guide to... Swindon Town
10 August 2017
Whatever the Mariners have done, Swindon have been there and bought the T-shirt. Barry Whittleton explains
Behind the lines: an alternative view of the Chesterfield game
8 August 2017
Never watch an away game with the home fans? John England not only lived to tell the tale: he enjoyed it
On the mauve
Match report
6 August 2017
On the mauve
A rough guide to... Port Vale
4 August 2017
The revolving doors are supercharged at Vale Park. Miles Moss tries to catch up with who is still there
Seasons in the sun
3 August 2017
When you started watching shapes your expectations of the Mariners' league status. Ron Counte explains
A rough guide to... Forest Green Rovers
31 July 2017
After successive play-off failures, the rich club from a small place is finally in the Football League. Richard Hallam looks them over.
An open letter to the Mariners Trust
28 July 2017
The Mariners Trust want input on their future direction. Here are Trust member Richard Hallam's thoughts
A rough guide to... Chesterfield
27 July 2017
Town's season kicks off away to Chesterfield and the pies are damn good
The Blundelles: a female perspective on the beautiful game
20 July 2017
There's a new voice among Town fans online. And it aims to encourage women to express themselves about the club
A rough guide to... Coventry City
18 July 2017
They were the Stoke City of the early Premiership years, and now they're playing us in the fourth division. Tony Butcher gets close up on the Sky Blues
We are not Worthy
5 July 2017
Encounters with your Mariners heroes don't always go how you would like, or expect. Ron Counte shares his embarrassments
Good night, sweet Hurst
6 June 2017
Six months on from his departure, we are now ready to appraise Paul Hurst on his merits. Ron Counte reflects
The night the crowd changed ends
30 May 2017
A 5-2 win should stick in the mind, and it does. But not because of the goals. Ron Counte remembers a strange night at Spotland
What if... Laws and Bonetti were friends
18 May 2017
You'll find it hard to believe, but Brian Laws and Ivano Bonetti once nearly fell out. Ron Counte tells all
The major shareholder's lament
12 May 2017
"I was never chairman of the company, as far as I knew". Antony Chapman updates DB Wyndham Lewis
"It didn't have to be perfect": Podge's Braintree penalty
8 May 2017
When he prepared to take a penalty at Braintree, a whole season rested on his shoulders. But Pádraig Amond knew he'd score
This one's for now
Match report
6 May 2017
This one's for now
What if... Amond's penalty had been saved?
3 May 2017
Had the Braintree keeper remained on his feet, Lincolnshire football might look very different today, says Ron Counte
We've come to spoil our party
Match report
3 May 2017
We've come to spoil our party
Easy Glovers
Match report
24 April 2017
Easy Glovers
An unplayable lie
Match report
19 April 2017
An unplayable lie
I do not like that Cheltenham
18 April 2017
Will you like them in a while? Will you like their World of Smile? Dr Seusses on the Robins
Know who you are
Match report
16 April 2017
Know who you are
What if... Russell Slade had never left?
11 April 2017
The 2006 play-off final might have gone the other way. Ron Counte imagines
Pleasantly surprised
Match report
10 April 2017
Pleasantly surprised
Is this the life we really want?
Match report
3 April 2017
Is this the life we really want?
A piece of cake
29 March 2017
Football is more than a game; it's the emotion that surrounds it. Tony Barker tells a tale to prove his point
Wake me up at half past four
Match report
26 March 2017
Wake me up at half past four
Reasons to be cheerful
23 March 2017
Mid-table is fine, especially after losing our manager and top scorer, says Paul Savage. Now Town look well set for progress next season
No particular place to go
Match report
19 March 2017
No particular place to go
It was the bus's fault
Match report
15 March 2017
It was the bus's fault
Three little birds
Match report
13 March 2017
Three little birds
There's a corpse on the floor while the Chairboys score
6 March 2017
Four thousand witnesses saw Town Gunned down last Saturday. Al reflects in verse
A convenient beard
Match report
5 March 2017
A convenient beard
The difference a year makes
2 March 2017
How does Bignot's reshaped side compare with the Hurst team that won promotion nine months ago? Mark James ponders
Death of a goldfish
Match report
2 March 2017
Death of a goldfish
Bring me rainfall
Match report
26 February 2017
Bring me rainfall
Noises off
Match report
20 February 2017
Noises off
We plough the fields and scatter
Match report
15 February 2017
We plough the fields and scatter
Setting sail in a sieve
Match report
12 February 2017
Setting sail in a sieve
Of mice and monkeys
9 February 2017
With players, formations and tactics all in flux, Al Wilkinson turns to rhyme to try and make sense of the transformation
Only connect
Match report
6 February 2017
Only connect
Blamespotting 2
Match report
30 January 2017
Blamespotting 2
Disharmony: less twitter, more squawk
29 January 2017
A twitter storm is the inevitable outcome of a Town defeat. Can't we use social media more positively, asks Chris Fisher
Match report
23 January 2017
You don't know you're born, Jürgen
19 January 2017
Do we need a Christmas break or are fixtures over the festive period just a part of football culture in the UK?
Graham Taylor: Lincolnshire's finest
17 January 2017
Despite his harsh treatment as England manager, Taylor deserved national respect. Barry Whittleton remembers a fine football man
Crashing bores
Match report
16 January 2017
Crashing bores
Song sung blue
12 January 2017
Big wins away carried a health warning in 1984. Tony Barker describes a perilous walk to the car after Paul Wilkinson's Goodison winner
Merrily we dance
Match report
9 January 2017
Merrily we dance
Away from home
3 January 2017
The links between Aberystwyth (and a few other places) and Cleethorpes explored in this archive article from Pat Bell
The right Town turn up
Match report
3 January 2017
The right Town turn up
Regarding ennui
Match report
1 January 2017
Regarding ennui
How's Omar doing? part deux
29 December 2016
Halfway through the season, how does Bogle's goalscoring compare with past top strikers? Rich Mills draws some more charts
There won't be snow in Accrington this Christmastime
Match report
28 December 2016
There won't be snow in Accrington this Christmastime
"Hursty? Yer cant help but say he did a job"
27 December 2016
Not just a trim, a summary of Paul Hurst's Town career. Andy Freeman visits his barber
Can kids win anything?
20 December 2016
What can Town do to improve the progression of young players into the first team, asks Rich Mills
A vanilla fudge
Match report
18 December 2016
A vanilla fudge
From on high
12 December 2016
Will any new ground offer the distractions from a poor game on offer in the upper tier of the Findus, asks Tony Barker
C'est la vie
Match report
11 December 2016
C'est la vie
A Blundell Park birthday
5 December 2016
In 2001, Portsmouth made sure Andy Freeman had an enjoyable, if cold, birthday treat
Can you hear the Grimsby sing?
30 November 2016
On 9 December, the Mariners Trust will be staging a unique celebration of the Mariners. Gordon Wilson offers a preview
Fifteen shades of grey
Match report
28 November 2016
Fifteen shades of grey
Twisting the night away
Match report
24 November 2016
Twisting the night away
Not the Parslow Point
Match report
21 November 2016
Not the Parslow Point
Various positions
Match report
14 November 2016
Various positions
100 per cent representative: an interview with Jon Wood
13 November 2016
The Mariners Trust rep on the GTFC board is dedicated to Town, and dedicated to representing its fans
One thinks of it all as a dream
Match report
7 November 2016
One thinks of it all as a dream
Bolton Wanderers well met
2 November 2016
Bolton Wanderers v Grimsby Town sounds like a fixture steeped in history. Neville Butt, a Town fan since the 1940s, picks out some highlights
The icebox challenge
Match report
31 October 2016
The icebox challenge
Paul Hurst: a tough act to follow
27 October 2016
To get the scale of Paul Hurst's achievements at Grimsby, you need to consider the mess he inherited and the obstacles in his way. Ben Bowers puts the case
Pop go the Weasels
Match report
23 October 2016
Pop go the Weasels
A wake-up call
22 October 2016
Paul Hurst is taking seriously an approach from Shrewsbury. It suggests Grimsby aren't quite the force we like to think we are
Tantric wrecks
Match report
17 October 2016
Tantric wrecks
Exeter City 0 Grimsby Town 0
Match report
9 October 2016
Exeter City 0 Grimsby Town 0
Old friends and new acquaintances
6 October 2016
Harrogate Town v FC United was a match with several Grimsby links. Grant Maconachie went to meet Macca and the rest
It only takes a few to make you feel unwelcome: an interview with Scott McGarvey
3 October 2016
A notorious figure among Town fans in the late 1980s talks to CA about his time at Blundell Park
The Gong Show
Match report
2 October 2016
The Gong Show
How's Omar doing? Part 1
30 September 2016
How does Omar Bogle's start to the season compare with Podge, Super Clive, Pat Glover and .. Omar Bogle?
Welcome back
29 September 2016
Podge and Toto are back at Blundell Park on Saturday. Barry Whittleton hopes we give them a warm reception
Fat Man and Little Joy
Match report
28 September 2016
Fat Man and Little Joy
Cracks in the pavement
Match report
25 September 2016
Cracks in the pavement
Nothing to see here
Match report
19 September 2016
Nothing to see here
Only shades of grey
Match report
11 September 2016
Only shades of grey
My Grimsby: not just any old northern town
11 September 2016
A new addition to our 'what makes Grimsby special' feature: waiting at the lock gates for dad's boat
If the kids are United XI
5 September 2016
Man Utd's Dean Henderson has become the latest in a select band of Red Mariners. Rich Mills compiles a team
Tied up in Notts
Match report
5 September 2016
Tied up in Notts
Brushed under the carpet: a closer look at Garth Lane
30 August 2016
Garth Lane offers a glorious possibility for a new ground - so why do the club and consultants refuse to look at it?
Not too bad, all things considered
Match report
29 August 2016
Not too bad, all things considered
A funny thing happened on the way to Upton Park
21 August 2016
The fun of being a Town fan is not limited to the game itself. Tony Barker remembers an example
The story of Oh
Match report
21 August 2016
The story of Oh
The red and the slack
Match report
17 August 2016
The red and the slack
Wycombe Wanderers woodworkers
Match report
14 August 2016
Wycombe Wanderers woodworkers
Bring on the caution horses
Match report
11 August 2016
Bring on the caution horses
Back home
Match report
7 August 2016
Back home
Wake up Grimsby Town
5 August 2016
Grimsby Town is in danger of betraying its heritage, warns Jase Ives
Under the flyover: Town's Conference years
2 August 2016
Grimsby's six years in non-League have passed like a bad dream. Ron Counte looks back.
A rough guide to... Morecambe
1 August 2016
Morecambe is a cracking place. Find out why in our guide to our first Football League opponents
A rough guide to... Wycombe Wanderers
1 August 2016
Our trip to Wycombe sees us renew acquaintances with once regular opponents, and Dayle Southwell. Si Wilson fills you in
A rough guide to... Colchester United
1 August 2016
Like Town, Colchester can be likened to a vaquita. Let Al Wilkinson tell you why
A rough guide to... Stevenage
1 August 2016
Back in the day, Stevenage rose like a rocket. Are they now sinking like a feather?
A rough guide to... Leyton Orient
1 August 2016
Can Orient prosper despite a sack-happy owner and the new proximity of West Ham?
An updated guide to... Notts County
1 August 2016
After a ten-match losing run they sit in the relegation zone. But with a new owner, there's optimism at Meadow Lane, reports Sarah Mann-Needs
A rough guide to... Luton Town
1 August 2016
A rapid fall down the leagues they are starting to reverse, buoyed by plans for a new stadium. But Katie Donoghue is talking about a different Town
A rough guide to... Crewe Alexandra
1 August 2016
Crewe don't like sacking managers, even after relegation. Will their patience pay off, asks Mike Worden
A rough guide to... Mansfield Town
1 August 2016
Mansfield got out of the Conference before the Mariners, but since then the only promotion they've had has been of the dodgy PR kind. Peter Anderson reports
A rough guide to... Newport County
1 August 2016
Newport's resurrection was tarnished last season by uncertainty on and off the pitch. Miles Moss reports
A rough guide to... Hartlepool United
1 August 2016
Hartlepool and the Mariners have more in common than just Amond, Magnay and Nsiala. Grant Maconachie reports
A rough guide to... Exeter City
1 August 2016
Exeter are a modest club run the right way. Except when they inflate prices for big matches and vote for B teams. Rich Mills reports
A rough guide to... Cambridge United
1 August 2016
After two seasons back in the Football League, Cambridge are eyeing another promotion. Pat Bell reports
A rough guide to... Cheltenham Town
1 August 2016
Cheltenham Town may get on our nerves, but the town and the fans have a lot going for them. Miles Moss reports
A rough guide to... Yeovil Town
1 August 2016
Yeovil's a small place, but its club has a record to be proud of. Rich Mills reports
A rough guide to... Bolton Wanderers
1 August 2016
Bolton's recent history has been blighted with financial woes, but their form this season is impressive. Mike Worden reports
A rough guide to... Barnet
1 August 2016
Martin Allen is three years into his fourth spell with Barnet. But are his attractions beginning to wane, Katie Donoghue asks
A rough guide to... Plymouth Argyle
1 August 2016
After six seasons in the fourth flight, Plymouth Argyle are determined to go up. So far so good, reports Kelly Billings
A rough guide to... Carlisle United
1 August 2016
Keith Curle's Carlisle United are going great guns, but what else do you need to know about them? Rich Mills fills you in
A rough guide to... Crawley Town
1 August 2016
Crawley count Steve Evans and Richard Brodie among their old boys and are sponsored by Checkatrade. Peter Anderson struggles to find empathy
A rough guide to... Portsmouth
1 August 2016
An old-fashioned club no longer being bled dry by old-fashioned billionaires: Tony Butcher fills you in on Portsmouth
A rough guide to... Doncaster Rovers
1 August 2016
Trains, planes and horses, and a football team reckoning its stay in the fourth flight will be short. Pete Green reports on Doncaster
A rough guide to... Blackpool
1 August 2016
Blackpool's descent resembles a fairground ride. But there's precious little pleasure when the Oystons are around, says Sam Metcalf
Grimsby 2 Oldham Athletic 1
Match report
31 July 2016
Grimsby 2 Oldham Athletic 1
Grimsby 1 Sheffield United 3
Match report
25 July 2016
Grimsby 1 Sheffield United 3
Who is number 1?
Match report
13 July 2016
Who is number 1?
The life and soul
30 June 2016
Tony Barker pays a funny, affectionate tribute to a proper Grimsby character: his dad Harry
Wrestling with pigs
22 June 2016
Toto Nsiala is far from the first Town player to leave the club after abuse from fans. Peter Anderson weighs up rights and responsibilities
A man out of a Moulson
20 June 2016
In the late 60s, a Grimsby legend took a hand in the footballing education of his young neighbour
An open letter from Against League 3 to GTFC fans
15 June 2016
So what next in the campaign against B teams in the Trophy? We asked the chaps at Against League 3
B teams: supporters must say no
13 June 2016
Despite fan opposition, the Football League is still trying to fit Premier League B teams into its competitions. We must resist
Uncomfortably young: "This town, you daft twat"
7 June 2016
Kicking a ball into a policeman's garden can be educational. Rob McIlveen remembers how he first heard about Grimsby Town
Lawrie McMenemy: A Lifetime's Obsession
3 June 2016
Ex-Town manager Lawrie McMenemy has a book out. Bill Brewster remembers what made him a legend
Just the way you are
29 May 2016
A Billy Joel song chimes with Grant Maconachie's hopes and fears for Leicester City, and Grimsby Town
We're on our way: Meeky's promotion poem
23 May 2016
Town's return to the Football League has moved Steve Meek to light-hearted comic verse
A waste of time
Match report
23 May 2016
A waste of time
Being Nemo: the misfortune of the exiled junior Mariner
18 May 2016
For the children of exiled Mariners, Town's play-off final win was the day they finally did understand
We're comin' home
Match report
17 May 2016
We're comin' home
A lifetime of passion
14 May 2016
As Town prepare for another Wembley play-off final, Sarah Mann-Needs has a particularly good reason to dream of victory
From Grimsby, not in Grimsby
11 May 2016
Town fans who live in Grimsby don't know how lucky they are, says Ireland exile Nick Andrews
Football for the jilted generation
Match report
9 May 2016
Football for the jilted generation
Outside the wall
Match report
7 May 2016
Outside the wall
The elephant never forgets
Match report
2 May 2016
The elephant never forgets
Ailing and failing
Match report
25 April 2016
Ailing and failing
That's entertainment
Match report
21 April 2016
That's entertainment
Match report
17 April 2016
The life of Briantree
Match report
14 April 2016
The life of Briantree
Walking a thin line
Match report
10 April 2016
Walking a thin line
Steak with white wine
Match report
7 April 2016
Steak with white wine
April fools
Match report
4 April 2016
April fools
Concrete boots and Clay
Match report
29 March 2016
Concrete boots and Clay
The wrecking crew
Match report
28 March 2016
The wrecking crew
Que sera, sera
Match report
20 March 2016
Que sera, sera
El Pupas at Gateshead
18 March 2016
Grimsby, Gateshead, Dundee United and Atletico Madrid. Tony Dabb explains the baleful link
Merely this and nothing more
Match report
16 March 2016
Merely this and nothing more
What have we done to deserve this?
Match report
14 March 2016
What have we done to deserve this?
Dandies on parade
Match report
10 March 2016
Dandies on parade
Match report
6 March 2016
Play-off tickets: giving fans the bird
3 March 2016
Ticketing arrangements for the play-off final have been announced and once again nobody has considered the fans
House of cards
Match report
29 February 2016
House of cards
The show must go on
Match report
25 February 2016
The show must go on
Hairy panic
Match report
21 February 2016
Hairy panic
One-hit wonders: the prequel
18 February 2016
Playing for Town once and once only is nothing new. Neville Butt takes the story back in time.
The day the mood music died
Match report
15 February 2016
The day the mood music died
We're in the mood for dancing
Match report
10 February 2016
We're in the mood for dancing
Dearth, wind and dire
Match report
8 February 2016
Dearth, wind and dire
The one-hit wonders
3 February 2016
Blink and you'll miss 'em: the Town players who pulled on the jersey one time only
The grateful gate
Match report
1 February 2016
The grateful gate
Take it easy
Match report
24 January 2016
Take it easy
Sound and vision
Match report
17 January 2016
Sound and vision
Fox, Murdoch and Man Utd
16 January 2016
Is global media tyrant Rupert Murdoch trying again to get hold of Man Utd? Why should we care?
Why the FA Trophy matters
14 January 2016
We are a non-League team. So we should take the FA Trophy seriously, argues Rich Mills
All's well that ends well
Match report
10 January 2016
All's well that ends well
The non-chairman's non-new year message
5 January 2016
You may have read John Fenty's new year's message to fans... but did you see the first draft?
The circle game
Match report
3 January 2016
The circle game
The house of girth
Match report
29 December 2015
The house of girth
The Main Stand: Town's living history
21 December 2015
To watch Town from the Main Stand is to feel the press of history. Andy Freeman records the scene
The man with icy eyes
Match report
20 December 2015
The man with icy eyes
Beaten but unbowed
Match report
17 December 2015
Beaten but unbowed
We're only in it for the money
Match report
14 December 2015
We're only in it for the money
Family matters
5 December 2015
No list of footballing dynasties is complete without Grimsby's own Moore family, writes Rich Mills
Earth, wind and dire
Match report
30 November 2015
Earth, wind and dire
East Marsh stadium? It's win-win for club and community
27 November 2015
Cleethorpes Chronicle editor Nigel Lowther says the new GTFC ground offers a huge opportunity for regeneration
Bring the noise
Match report
22 November 2015
Bring the noise
My brief fling with another club
18 November 2015
Grimbarian funnyman Lloyd Griffith confesses to his glamorous affair... and why he came home to the Mariners
On the waterfront
Match report
15 November 2015
On the waterfront
Distance no object
Match report
10 November 2015
Distance no object
Time of the season
Match report
8 November 2015
Time of the season
Letters from afar: how Grimsby breeds writers
3 November 2015
The new book We are Town shows how many talented writers have been inspired by the Mariners
Chips with everything
Match report
1 November 2015
Chips with everything
From 12 yards out to the Holy Grail
27 October 2015
The Mariners' form is good enough to justify us maintaining the faith, argues Jase Ives
Some Maccas do 'ave 'em
Match report
25 October 2015
Some Maccas do 'ave 'em
Call off the search
Match report
19 October 2015
Call off the search
We told you so
Match report
15 October 2015
We told you so
Onwards and upwards?
14 October 2015
With a third of the season gone and Town fourth in the table, Steve Bierley argues we should be setting our sights higher
No fireworks
Match report
11 October 2015
No fireworks
Strong message here
Match report
7 October 2015
Strong message here
Bring on the caution horses
Match report
4 October 2015
Bring on the caution horses
Fandangos in space
Match report
27 September 2015
Fandangos in space
Don't bang the drum
Match report
23 September 2015
Don't bang the drum
Them's the vagaries
Match report
20 September 2015
Them's the vagaries
Cashing in our chips
Match report
17 September 2015
Cashing in our chips
The Brodie Bunch
Match report
13 September 2015
The Brodie Bunch
Flipping 'eck, Tucker!
Match report
7 September 2015
Flipping 'eck, Tucker!
This isn't panic
3 September 2015
John Fenty has ruled out a "kneejerk" response to Town's poor start - but are Hurst's backers getting the debate all wrong?
Play your cards wrong
Match report
1 September 2015
Play your cards wrong
Tangled up in blue
Match report
30 August 2015
Tangled up in blue
Rainbow chasers
Match report
24 August 2015
Rainbow chasers
Splendour on the grass
Match report
16 August 2015
Splendour on the grass
Omar comin'
Match report
13 August 2015
Omar comin'
Stop messin' about
Match report
9 August 2015
Stop messin' about
We go again... and again
5 August 2015
Pre-season is always a time for optimism. Steve Bierley asks if this season it is on a firmer footing for the Mariners
How we planned Operation Promotion
5 June 2015
Ace GTFC blogger Too Good To Go Down gives a glimpse behind the scenes of the fans' epic fundraising push
Town on the box: El Final
20 May 2015
While 13,000 of us were chanting "FISH!", Rufus Murphy was on holiday in Andalucia... but did he manage to escape the play-off final?
What's another year?
Match report
18 May 2015
What's another year?
See Tickets and die
12 May 2015
Poor ticket sales for the play-off final may reflect fans' exploitation as a cash cow, says Mark Dillerstone, and it can't go on
Unfinished business
Match report
4 May 2015
Unfinished business
Fiddlers on the hoof
Match report
2 May 2015
Fiddlers on the hoof
Home thoughts from the bored
Match report
26 April 2015
Home thoughts from the bored
A dereliction of duty
Match report
20 April 2015
A dereliction of duty
The day the music died
Match report
12 April 2015
The day the music died
Lazy Monday afternoon
Match report
7 April 2015
Lazy Monday afternoon
Say hello, wave goodbye
Match report
6 April 2015
Say hello, wave goodbye
Swells like team spirit
Match report
29 March 2015
Swells like team spirit
Grimsby Town's greatest ever right back
23 March 2015
You think you know who is Town's best ever right back? Think again, says Rob Mcilveen
Dig for victory
Match report
23 March 2015
Dig for victory
Who's driving the boat?
Match report
16 March 2015
Who's driving the boat?
Paradise? Let's keep us shape
11 March 2015
GTFC manager Paul Hurst has responded with caution to the saving of the Earth and end of human suffering
Neville Butt's Great Grimsby XI
10 March 2015
Time is running out to vote in the GreatGYXI poll, so let a man who has been watching Town since 1948 mark your card
The scream (or cut the crap, Shorty)
Match report
2 March 2015
The scream (or cut the crap, Shorty)
Pandas, stallions and impotent rabbits
27 February 2015
How tactically astute is Paul Hurst? With Town's mixed recent results, the jury is still out, says Chris Copestake
A grand day out
Match report
23 February 2015
A grand day out
Mr Tony Butcher’s pick 'n' mix player pot pourri
17 February 2015
CA's match reporter extraordinaire contributes his pick of Town's best players to the Great GY XI 1971-2002 debate
In a league of their own
Match report
15 February 2015
In a league of their own
Building on sand: the 1987-88 season
10 February 2015
A team wrecked by the boardroom and a bad manager? Sounds familiar, but this was 1987, and in the end good things came from the wreckage
Vote for the best Grimsby XI: 1971-2002
2 February 2015
Your chance to vote for the best possible Mariners team, from Matt Tees to Paul Groves
Rhubarb and custard
Match report
25 January 2015
Rhubarb and custard
Theme Team: Erratic XI
14 January 2015
We asked you which players could be brilliant for Town one minute and awful the next. You came up with quite a few
They sighed with their boots on
Match report
11 January 2015
They sighed with their boots on
Beloved but beleaguered
2 January 2015
Our new year's day defeat by Macclesfield felt wearyingly familiar. Jase Ives asks where it is going wrong for Town
In the name of Cod, go
Match report
2 January 2015
In the name of Cod, go
Christmas Shopping
Match report
22 December 2014
Christmas Shopping
Theme Team: a Christmas XI
16 December 2014
Your team of players suggested by Christmas, from great holiday matches to awful puns
Where were you at 3 o'clock?
Match report
14 December 2014
Where were you at 3 o'clock?
Half-time report
9 December 2014
Town's results may have improved since we lost to Southport, but Steve Bierley remains unimpressed
Wrekin balls
Match report
30 November 2014
Wrekin balls
Theme team: a 'could have been a contender' XI
27 November 2014
Find out which ex-Man U starlet 'could have been a contender'... Then start thinking of a Christmas Theme Team
Woking back to happiness
Match report
26 November 2014
Woking back to happiness
Terminal velocity
Match report
24 November 2014
Terminal velocity
Beautiful losers: Leonard Cohen and the Mariners
19 November 2014
Leonard Cohen. Grimsby Town. Not much in common, you might think. Pat Bell disagrees
Smoke on the water
Match report
16 November 2014
Smoke on the water
Night moves
Match report
12 November 2014
Night moves
Town and frown
Match report
10 November 2014
Town and frown
The grey men
Match report
2 November 2014
The grey men
Arrested development
28 October 2014
Could the Mariners learn a lesson from the past in giving young players more opportunities to improve? Peter Anderson thinks so
Theme Team: useless but popular
26 October 2014
Find out who made our Useless but Popular XI, then make your nominations for a 'Could have been a contender' team
Wrapping Paper
Match report
26 October 2014
Wrapping Paper
"A lot of bother": the Lincolnshire Cup in 1886
12 October 2014
The first county cup meeting between Grimsby Town and Lincoln City reveals a rivalry almost 130 years old
Fluid in Clwyd
Match report
12 October 2014
Fluid in Clwyd
The road to nowhere
4 October 2014
As another mediocre season looms, Pat Bell traces the sequence of mishaps and blunders that got Town into this mess
Evidently Grimsby Town
Match report
2 October 2014
Evidently Grimsby Town
Dire beyond straits
2 October 2014
As an experienced sports journalist Steve Bierley has seen a lot. As a long-suffering Grimsby Town fan, he's seen enough
Purple reign
Match report
29 September 2014
Purple reign
They was robbed
28 September 2014
Wilkinson's Goodison winner features prominently in your memories of Town acts of match-winning larceny
The carpetbaggers
Match report
21 September 2014
The carpetbaggers
A game of one half
Match report
15 September 2014
A game of one half
Refresher's week
Match report
11 September 2014
Refresher's week
The right to roam
Match report
7 September 2014
The right to roam
The king of wishful thinking
Match report
3 September 2014
The king of wishful thinking
I'm just wild about Clarrie: Grimsby keepers 1951-57
31 August 2014
Tom Daley's debut in a Lincolnshire derby described in Neville Butt's colourful article on Town keepers of the 1950s
Theme Team: a physical phenomena XI
27 August 2014
We asked you to name a Grimsby team of peculiar physiques, representing humanity in all shapes and sizes. This is the result
Nothing can go wrong now
Match report
27 August 2014
Nothing can go wrong now
It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it
Match report
18 August 2014
It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it
In the pink
Match report
13 August 2014
In the pink
Grounds for concern
13 June 2014
John Fenty has claimed only lack of political support has prevented Town relocating. This 2014 article examines the obstacles
How Grimsby was my valley
23 May 2014
From Pat Glover to John Oster, Wales has provided many of Town's greatest ever players. Pat Bell picks a Welsh Mariners XI to prove it
Pin the fig leaf on the donkey
Match report
7 May 2014
Pin the fig leaf on the donkey
Night Fever
Match report
2 May 2014
Night Fever
A Hyding to nothing
Match report
28 April 2014
A Hyding to nothing
Meat pies 'ave come but band's not 'ere yet
Match report
21 April 2014
Meat pies 'ave come but band's not 'ere yet
The making of Pass and Move: part 2
20 April 2014
The amazing story of Alan Buckley's ghostwriter Paul Thundercliffe, and how their book was published, launched and sold
Point me at the sky
Match report
17 April 2014
Point me at the sky
Blind faith
Match report
13 April 2014
Blind faith
Well... all right
Match report
13 April 2014
Well... all right
Shark-infested custard
Match report
10 April 2014
Shark-infested custard
The art of bore
Match report
7 April 2014
The art of bore
Throwing in the towels
Match report
2 April 2014
Throwing in the towels
Cooking up trouble
Match report
27 March 2014
Cooking up trouble
A waste of time
Match report
23 March 2014
A waste of time
The big bang theory
Match report
19 March 2014
The big bang theory
Trash talk
Match report
17 March 2014
Trash talk
Repeat to fade
Match report
10 March 2014
Repeat to fade
The way we live now
Match report
3 March 2014
The way we live now
The handbag of history
Match report
24 February 2014
The handbag of history
Picture this
Match report
20 February 2014
Picture this
Match report
16 February 2014
Le cul de vache
Match report
9 February 2014
Le cul de vache
The making of Pass and Move: part 1
3 February 2014
How did a Town-mad local teacher and fanzine scribe get the gig ghost-writing Alan Buckley's autobiography? Paul Thundercliffe spills the beans
The sighing of four
Match report
2 February 2014
The sighing of four
Match report
30 January 2014
The Idiot
Match report
20 January 2014
The Idiot
We're the New York City!
13 January 2014
As more players arrive from Bootham Crescent, Paul Hurst confirms Town's plan to create a "Minstermen tribute band"
Life in the fast lane
Match report
5 January 2014
Life in the fast lane
When the wind blows
Match report
2 January 2014
When the wind blows
Macc the knife
Match report
29 December 2013
Macc the knife
Ploughing ahead
Match report
27 December 2013
Ploughing ahead
Training ground day
Match report
15 December 2013
Training ground day
Do fear the Grimsby Reaper
Match report
9 December 2013
Do fear the Grimsby Reaper
Match report
1 December 2013
Big Ed
Match report
25 November 2013
Big Ed
The strife of Brian
Match report
21 November 2013
The strife of Brian
Live long and prosper
Match report
18 November 2013
Live long and prosper
Daylight throbbery
Match report
10 November 2013
Daylight throbbery
The chips are down
Match report
4 November 2013
The chips are down
Brain salad surgery
Match report
27 October 2013
Brain salad surgery
The day the Earth stood still
24 October 2013
Jim Dobbin's wonder goal at Newcastle put Town in the national spotlight. Pat Bell looks at why the goal remains a beacon for the Mariners, 25 years later
Give us bubblewrap
Match report
21 October 2013
Give us bubblewrap
Where were you when Dobbin scored?
17 October 2013
Where were you when Dobbin scored? Recollections of a famous day at St James' Park
Book review: It's Not All Black and White
14 October 2013
John McDermott's status as a player is beyond question. But how does his biog measure up? Mike Worden takes a read
Not now, John-Lewis
Match report
9 October 2013
Not now, John-Lewis
The long hurl
Match report
30 September 2013
The long hurl
Match report
25 September 2013
23 September 2013
The Bard of Blundell Park, Alistair Wilkinson, has seen enough of the "yellow-booted amateurs" who personify Town's decline
Once upon a time in the West
Match report
23 September 2013
Once upon a time in the West
The trial
Match report
19 September 2013
The trial
The Thundercliffe interviews: Alan Buckley
5 September 2013
The greatest Town manager in living memory chats to Cod Almighty about his best players, his career before GTFC and his departure in 2000
The hoof is out there
Match report
1 September 2013
The hoof is out there
Some like it hot
Match report
27 August 2013
Some like it hot
An amazing pudding
Match report
26 August 2013
An amazing pudding
Lights, camera, inaction
Match report
15 August 2013
Lights, camera, inaction
Incandescent moans in the temple of doom
Match report
11 August 2013
Incandescent moans in the temple of doom
In the shadow of Tweedy: Grimsby keepers 1947-51
24 July 2013
Town's England no.1 George Tweedy proved a tough act to follow. Neville Butt remembers his hapless successors
Broadley FC: an introduction
5 July 2013
The new team set up in memory of a departed Town fan kicks off for the first time in 2013-14. Club founder Matt Newton explains
Kevin Moore: how best to remember
13 May 2013
In a touching Kevin Moore tribute, Rob McIlveen recalls how a talented schoolmate became a Mariners legend - and offers to fund a memorial trophy
Kevin Moore: your memories and tributes
30 April 2013
Cod Almighty readers pay tribute to a Grimsby legend
We've had it
Match report
28 April 2013
We've had it
The phoney war
Match report
20 April 2013
The phoney war
Don't worry, be happy
Match report
12 April 2013
Don't worry, be happy
Match report
6 April 2013
Bygone futures
Match report
1 April 2013
Bygone futures
Return to Ozymandias
Match report
30 March 2013
Return to Ozymandias
Am I bovvered?
Match report
24 March 2013
Am I bovvered?
Match report
16 March 2013
The wheels on the bus fall off from time to time
Match report
9 March 2013
The wheels on the bus fall off from time to time
Lincolnshire sausages
Match report
16 February 2013
Lincolnshire sausages
Things you only know if your dad is from Grimsby
12 February 2013
Not a plastic paddy, but a glass-fibre Grimbarian: what's it like to grow up elsewhere supporting the Mariners?
On a clear day you can see Spurn Point
Match report
9 February 2013
On a clear day you can see Spurn Point: Telford (h) report
When the wind blows again: Alfreton (h)
Match report
2 February 2013
When the wind blows again: Alfreton (h) report
A head and two noughts: Cambridge (a)
Match report
26 January 2013
A head and two noughts: Cambridge (a) report
There's always an Andy: Hyde (h)
Match report
22 January 2013
There's always an Andy: Hyde (h) report
A Cook and Bulls story: Hereford (h)
Match report
5 January 2013
A Cook and Bulls story: Hereford (h) report
Halfway to paradise: Wrexham (h)
Match report
21 December 2012
Halfway to paradise: Wrexham (h) report
Raspberry ripples: Havant & Waterlooville (h)
Match report
15 December 2012
Raspberry ripples: Havant & Waterlooville (h) report
Book review: Laws of the Jungle
4 December 2012
Among Town fans he'll only be remembered for one thing. But how does Brian Laws' autobiography balance out? Pat Bell gives it a read
What do you think of it so far? Buxton (h)
Match report
24 November 2012
What do you think of it so far? Buxton (h) report
Braintree salad surgery: Braintree (h)
Match report
17 November 2012
Braintree salad surgery: Braintree (h) report
Muffins and mules: Hyde (a)
Match report
6 November 2012
Muffins and mules: Hyde (a) report
The keys of the kingdom: Macclesfield (h)
Match report
27 October 2012
The keys of the kingdom: Macclesfield (h) report
A late flourish
23 October 2012
Town's youth side reached the first round proper of the FA Youth Cup with a 4-0 win at Vauxhall Motors. Mike Worden reports.
Video nicey
17 October 2012
In 1994 part-time Kidderminster Harriers reached the fifth round of the FA Cup. Rich Lord has the VHS tape to prove it
Try, try again: a tale of Hegativity (2)
12 October 2012
In the second and final section of his interview with Anna Key, ex-Mariner Nicky Hegarty looks back on a time of crisis under Mike Newell and Neil Woods
Town and frown: Dartford (h)
Match report
6 October 2012
Town and frown: Dartford (h) report
Home is where the heart is
5 October 2012
A new stadium is an opportunity for club and community to work together. Nigel Lowther argues the case for getting it right first time
Try, try again: a tale of Hegativity (1)
26 September 2012
Former Town winger Nick Hegarty talks to Anna Key about the ups and downs of his spell at Blundell Park
Sultans of win: Luton (h)
Match report
21 September 2012
Sultans of win: Luton (h) report
The Ballad of the Lime Green Berries: Forest Green (h)
Match report
8 September 2012
The Ballad of the Lime Green Berries: Forest Green (h) report
Scream Thy Last Scream: Nuneaton (h)
Match report
18 August 2012
Scream Thy Last Scream: Nuneaton (h)
The Road to Southport Pier: Southport (a)
Match report
11 August 2012
The Road to Southport Pier: Southport (a) report
It all begins here
9 August 2012
A look back at opening-day encounters down the years and what they can tell us about the season ahead
Bluebirds and dragons
20 July 2012
Ben Dudley is a Cardiff supporter who is auctioning the support of his club. Rich Mills investigates why
The perils of post-season support
11 July 2012
Close the curtains, fire up Footy Manager and listen to Three Lions on repeat. How else can Matt Coombs make it through the close season?
On my way back home
21 June 2012
Born in Croft Baker maternity home but raised in Denmark, Anne-Mette Skovsgaard tells us about the journey home to her birthplace
Dead: Southport (h)
Match report
28 April 2012
Dead: Southport (h) report
The sound of the crowd: Wrexham (a)
Match report
14 April 2012
The sound of the crowd: Wrexham (a) report
On the fringes of nowhere: Gateshead (h)
Match report
9 April 2012
On the fringes of nowhere: Gateshead (h) report
The flaws of perception: Kidderminster (h)
Match report
31 March 2012
The flaws of perception: Kidderminster (h) report
Bye-bye, black and white sheep: Tamworth (h)
Match report
17 March 2012
Bye-bye, black and white sheep: Tamworth (h) report
A Town Winn: Forest Green (h)
Match report
10 March 2012
A Town Winn: Forest Green (h) report
Fatball's going home: Braintree (h)
Match report
3 March 2012
Fatball's going home: Braintree (h) report
A game of three thirds
2 March 2012
Town's season breaks down into three distinct sections, says Paul Thundercliffe, looking at the reasons why
Fade to grey: York (h)
Match report
25 February 2012
Fade to grey: York (h) report
Take a look overhead: Southport (a)
Match report
17 February 2012
Take a look overhead: Southport (a) report
Not nineteen forever
8 February 2012
The emergence of Andi Thanoj has got Chris Mills proper excited... but also worried that Town might not hang on to him
Yesterday once more
31 January 2012
Summon the spirit of March 1990: as Paul Thundercliffe recalls, it transformed a season
Wrekin balls: Telford (h)
Match report
28 January 2012
Wrekin balls: Telford (h) report
A fun day in the park: Bath (h)
Match report
21 January 2012
A fun day in the park: Bath (h) report
Surging out of convalescence: Hornchurch (h)
Match report
14 January 2012
Surging out of convalescence: Hornchurch (h) report
Graham 'Basil' Rathbone: your memories
10 January 2012
Share in the memories of other supporters, and contribute your own
Better than the Olympics: Cambridge (a)
Match report
10 January 2012
Better than the Olympics: Cambridge (a) report
Playing bingoball in another land: Alfreton (a)
Match report
7 January 2012
Playing bingoball in another land: Alfreton (a) report
Something's back
3 January 2012
An excited Al Wilkinson celebrates his return to the football... and football's apparent return to Grimsby
The big Mo: Lincoln (h)
Match report
1 January 2012
The big Mo: Lincoln (h) report
There's no-one quite like Garner: Lincoln (a)
Match report
26 December 2011
There's no-one quite like Garner: Lincoln (a) report
Great expectations: Ebbsfleet (h)
Match report
17 December 2011
Great expectations: Ebbsfleet (h) report
Life upon the wicked stage: Darlington (h)
Match report
10 December 2011
Life upon the wicked stage: Darlington (h) report
Shades of mediocrity: Newport (h)
Match report
19 November 2011
Shades of mediocrity: Newport (h) report
A cup of kindness: Port Vale (a)
Match report
12 November 2011
A cup of kindness: Port Vale (a) report
Slow recovery: the lessons of Town's 1988-89 FA Cup adventure
9 November 2011
A good cup run can be at the heart of a club's revival. Pat Bell remembers 1988-89
The coalminers' slaughter: Ashington (h)
Match report
29 October 2011
The coalminers' slaughter: Ashington (h) report
Contagion: Luton (h)
Match report
21 October 2011
Contagion: Luton (h) report
An education: York (a)
Match report
15 October 2011
An education: York (a) report
I'll miss the winner but I can make a cracking dinner
11 October 2011
The bard of Blundell Park, Al Wilkinson, muses on his absence from the football this season
Keep the customer dissatisfied: Mansfield (a)
Match report
8 October 2011
Keep the customer dissatisfied: Mansfield (a) report
Any colour you like: Alfreton (h)
Match report
1 October 2011
Any colour you like: Alfreton (h) report
The God delusion: Wrexham (h)
Match report
24 September 2011
The God delusion: Wrexham (h) report
Plane spotting: Stockport (a)
Match report
17 September 2011
Plane spotting: Stockport (a) report
Sticky fingers: Hayes & Yeading (h)
Match report
10 September 2011
Sticky fingers: Hayes & Yeading (h) report
The hills have eyes: Forest Green (a)
Match report
3 September 2011
The hills have eyes: Forest Green (a) report
Turning Town around
1 September 2011
A decade after the Mariners topped the Football League, Chris Beeley offers five ideas for halting the club's sickening decline
A tall tale of hubris and self deception: Darlington (h)
Match report
27 August 2011
A tall tale of hubris and self deception: Darlington (h) report
Eternal sunshine of the artless slime: Fleetwood (h)
Match report
13 August 2011
Eternal sunshine of the artless slime: Fleetwood (h) report
Rough Guide to... Braintree
13 August 2011
2010-11 Rough Guide to Braintree
Mulready determined to break through
12 August 2011
On the eve of the new season Tom Farmery interviews hopeful young GTFC striker Sam Mulready
Rough guide to... Stockport County
10 August 2011
2011-12 rough guide to Stockport County
Rough guide to... Lincoln City
8 August 2011
2010-11 Rough guide to Lincoln City
Distance learning
5 August 2011
Discovering the pain of the exiled fan, Matt Coombs shares his experiences of supporting Grimsby from north Wales
Rough guide to... Ebbsfleet
4 August 2011
2010-11 Rough guide to Ebbsfleet
Rough Guide to... Alfreton Town
31 July 2011
2011-12 Rough Guide to... Alfreton Town
Full circle: Wimbledon (a)
Match report
30 April 2011
Full circle: Wimbledon (a) report
Please release me: Altrincham (h)
Match report
25 April 2011
Please release me: Altrincham (h) report
I can hear the grass grow: Mansfield (a)
Match report
19 April 2011
I can hear the grass grow: Mansfield (a) report
The end of the pier show: Bath (h)
Match report
16 April 2011
The end of the pier show: Bath (h) report
It's all my fault
13 April 2011
A jinx, a curse, or just bad luck? Richard Lord has a bit of a moan about why he never sees those rare occasions when the Mariners impress
Dead again: Rushden (h)
Match report
13 April 2011
Dead again: Rushden (h) report
Knock three times: Kidderminster (h)
Match report
9 April 2011
Knock three times: Kidderminster (h) report
No more honeymoons
31 March 2011
Just two games into their reign, Hurst and Scott already look short on goodwill from the dwindling crowds at BP. Al Wilkinson is at the end of his tether
Chuck it: Darlington (h)
Match report
29 March 2011
Chuck it: Darlington (h) report
Saturday takeaway: Tamworth (h)
Match report
26 March 2011
Saturday takeaway: Tamworth (h) report
This time we'll get it right
25 March 2011
Boston fan Pete Brooksbank believes Town fans have every reason to be optimistic about the appointment of Scott and Hurst
The moon's a balloon: Bath (a)
Match report
19 March 2011
The moon's a balloon: Bath (a)
What can we expect?
14 March 2011
With the directors continuing to disgrace the club, Al Wilkinson looks back at Woods's sacking and forward with a heavy heart
Ghost train: Kettering (a)
Match report
12 March 2011
Ghost train: Kettering (a) report
Gimme some truth: Wimbledon (h)
Match report
5 March 2011
Gimme some truth: Wimbledon (h) report
Playing to the crowd
24 February 2011
In the wake of Neil Woods' sacking, Pat Bell accuses the chairman of bowing to the boo-boys
The end of an error
24 February 2011
Woods's sacking simply puts right the mistake of his appointment in the first place, says Tony Rogers
The long, lingering death of hope: Fleetwood (a)
Match report
19 February 2011
The long, lingering death of hope: Fleetwood (a) report
Emotion sickness: Cambridge (h)
Match report
12 February 2011
Emotion sickness: Cambridge (h) report
Darkness on the edge of Town: Southport (a)
Match report
1 February 2011
Darkness on the edge of Town: Southport (a) report
We did like to be beside the seaside: Eastbourne (a)
Match report
29 January 2011
We did like to be beside the seaside: Eastbourne (a)
They might be giants: Luton (a)
Match report
25 January 2011
They might be giants: Luton (a) report
Evans can wait: Crawley (h)
Match report
22 January 2011
Evans can wait: Crawley (h) report
Strolling drones: York (a)
Match report
11 January 2011
Strolling drones: York (a) report
Stuck in the middle with you: Wrexham (a)
Match report
8 January 2011
Stuck in the middle with you: Wrexham (a) report
A very happy New Year indeed
6 January 2011
After Town's spectacular start to 2011 Al Wilkinson considers whether there's now a realistic chance of promotion
Book review: Drinks All Round
5 January 2011
On occasion at CA Towers we get a spare moment to read a book. Even less occasionally we get time to write about it
More pictures at an exhibition: Histon (a)
Match report
3 January 2011
More pictures at an exhibition: Histon (a) report
GT Confidential: Mansfield (h)
Match report
1 January 2011
GT Confidential: Mansfield (h) report
Training day: Redditch (h)
Match report
11 December 2010
Training day: Redditch (h) report
We're not all in this together
5 December 2010
John Fenty says he feels our pain but Al Wilkinson feels patronised and belittled by the chairman's efforts at slumming it
Grimsby's best-kept secret
2 December 2010
Arthur Drewry was my pen-pal: letters to a young Town fan, from the GTFC man who led FIFA
Moribund, the burgermeister: Barrow (h)
Match report
20 November 2010
Moribund, the burgermeister: Barrow (h) report
Book review: Grimsby Town: Through the Trap Door
14 November 2010
On occasion at CA Towers we get a spare moment to read a book. Even less occasionally we get time to write about it
Punting by the Cam: Cambridge (a)
Match report
9 November 2010
Punting by the Cam: Cambridge (a) report
All that glitters
4 November 2010
Cup competitions: a chance for glory or an excuse to miss a game? Al Wilkinson keeps his 15 quid in his pocket
Groundhog games: Eastbourne (h)
Match report
30 October 2010
Groundhog games: Eastbourne (h) report
The history boys: Tamworth (h) FA Cup replay
Match report
23 October 2010
The history boys: Tamworth (h) FA Cup replay report
19 October 2010
Al Wilkinson manages to miss the Southport game and doesn't feel optimistic about the FA Cup
Time bandits: Southport (h)
Match report
16 October 2010
Time bandits: Southport (h) report
Frustration or enigma?
5 October 2010
Town's whole season could turn on the form of Peter Bore, says Al Wilkinson, who reckons the lad should stay at right-back
Let the Wright one in: Newport (h)
Match report
2 October 2010
Let the Wright one in: Newport (h) report
Bonfire of Woods' vanities: Altrincham (a)
Match report
25 September 2010
Bonfire of Woods' vanities: Altrincham (a) report
Future games and bare trees: Fleetwood (h)
Match report
18 September 2010
Future games and bare trees: Fleetwood (h) report
Player profile: Kenny Arthur
15 September 2010
2010-11 player profile: Kenny Arthur
The legend of the Tamworth Two: Tamworth (a)
Match report
11 September 2010
The legend of the Tamworth Two: Tamworth (a) report
Almost away
7 September 2010
It's Al Wilkinson again, on two home wins with two contrasting performances against Histon and Luton
What did you expect?
7 September 2010
Fans are downgrading their hopes and dreams after some woeful home performances. Al Wilkinson joins them in a rueful mood
Musclebound: Luton (h)
Match report
4 September 2010
Musclebound: Luton (h) report
Fans, fantasies and febrile frustrations
30 August 2010
A philosophical look at Town's mixed start to the season from that man Al Wilkinson
Dr Pangloss comes to Town: Histon (h)
Match report
30 August 2010
Dr Pangloss comes to Town: Histon (h) report
Player profile: Josh Fuller
29 August 2010
2010-11 player profile: Josh Fuller
Drip... drip... drip... drip...: Rushden & Diamonds (a)
Match report
28 August 2010
Drip... drip... drip... drip...: Rushden & Diamonds (a) report
Rough Guide to... Tamworth
27 August 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Tamworth
Player profile: Michael Leary
27 August 2010
2010-11 player profile: Michael Leary
The one that almost got away
23 August 2010
A cruel twist of fate saw Al Wilkinson consigned to a 16th year as a season ticket holder. And he thought his luck had changed
The suckers punched: Hayes & Yeading (h)
Match report
21 August 2010
The suckers punched: Hayes & Yeading (h) report
As you like it: York (h)
Match report
17 August 2010
As you like it: York (h) report
Player profile: Mark Gray
15 August 2010
2010-11 player profile: Mark Gray
Player profile: Lee Peacock
15 August 2010
2010-11 player profile: Lee Peacock
You're not alone: Crawley (a)
Match report
14 August 2010
You're not alone: Crawley (a)
The making of a Mariner
12 August 2010
Some stirring memories from following the Town over four decades, from Pat Bell
Rough Guide to... Bath City
12 August 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Bath City
Rough Guide to... Forest Green Rovers
9 August 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Forest Green Rovers
Player profile: Lewis Gobern
7 August 2010
2010-11 player profile: Lewis Gobern
Rough Guide to... Wrexham
6 August 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Wrexham
Player profile: Darran Kempson
5 August 2010
2010-11 player profile: Darran Kempson
Rough Guide to... Fleetwood Town
2 August 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Fleetwood Town
Rough Guide to... Luton Town
30 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Luton Town
Player profile: Tom Corner
30 July 2010
2010-11 player profile: Tom Corner
A poem for 2010-11
29 July 2010
Loyal Town supporter Jase Ives pens some proper old-fashioned verse to stiffen the sinews
Player profile: Lee Ridley
27 July 2010
2010-11 player profile: Lee Ridley
Player profile: Rob Atkinson
26 July 2010
2010-11 player profile: Rob Atkinson
Player profile: Michael Coulson
26 July 2010
2010-11 player profile: Michael Coulson
Rough Guide to... Histon
24 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Histon
Rough Guide to... Eastbourne Borough
21 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Eastbourne Borough
Hello... goodbye
20 July 2010
It wasn't good while it lasted, but Rory Dillon took some enjoyment from his brief time as a season ticket holder
Rough Guide to... Newport County
18 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Newport County
Rough Guide to... Rushden & Diamonds
15 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Rushden & Diamonds
Rough Guide to... Barrow
12 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Barrow
Player profile: Bradley Wood
9 July 2010
2010-11 player profile: Bradley Wood
Rough Guide to... Cambridge United
9 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Cambridge United
Rough Guide to... Kettering Town
6 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Kettering Town
Rough Guide to... Southport
3 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Southport
Rough Guide to... Gateshead
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Gateshead
Rough Guide to... Hayes & Yeading United
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Hayes & Yeading United
Rough Guide to... Kidderminster Harriers
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Kidderminster Harriers
Rough Guide to... Mansfield Town
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Mansfield Town
Rough Guide to... Wimbledon
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Wimbledon
Rough Guide to... York City
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to York City
Player profile: Peter Bore
1 July 2010
2010-11 player profile: Peter Bore
Rough Guide to... Altrincham
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Altrincham
Rough Guide to... Crawley Town
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Crawley Town
Rough Guide to... Darlington
1 July 2010
2010-11 Rough Guide to Darlington
Player profile: Michael Cummins
29 June 2010
2010-11 player profile: Michael Cummins
All-White now
25 June 2010
New Zealand may have left the World Cup early as expected, but they have much to be proud of, says Andy Holt
Codswallop vs the venezuelas
15 June 2010
At the Africanese 2010 World Cup, our hard-hitting columnist Codswallop took on the venezuelas!
Manager profile: Chris Casper
10 June 2010
2010-11 player profile: Chris Casper
Meet the new neighbours
3 June 2010
Come on, they won't bite. Except maybe Gateshead. Rob Cavallini introduces CA readers to some unfamiliar opposition for 2010-11
Welcome to the underworld
2 June 2010
It's time to prepare for Town's descent into Hell, also known as the Conference Premier. Let Pete Brooksbank be your guide
A decade of decline
18 May 2010
How did we find ourselves here? Sam Kinnaird unpicks ten years of failure
The carnival is over: Burton (a)
Match report
8 May 2010
The carnival is over: Burton (a) report
Stick or twist?
4 May 2010
Al Wilkinson looks at the pros and cons of sticking with Neil Woods
Bread and circuses: Barnet (h)
Match report
1 May 2010
Bread and circuses: Barnet (h) report
Lifeline: Darlington (a)
Match report
24 April 2010
Lifeline: Darlington (a) report
Dust to dust: Torquay (h)
Match report
17 April 2010
Dust to dust: Torquay (h) report
The haunting: Chesterfield (h)
Match report
13 April 2010
The haunting: Chesterfield (h) report
Heat and dust: Hereford (a)
Match report
10 April 2010
Heat and dust: Hereford (a) report
Tales from the precipice: Accrington (a)
Match report
5 April 2010
Tales from the precipice: Accrington (a) report
That sinking feeling: Northampton (h)
Match report
2 April 2010
That sinking feeling: Northampton (h) report
Eat, love, pray: Rochdale (a)
Match report
27 March 2010
Eat, love, pray: Rochdale (a) report
Handle with care: Bournemouth (h)
Match report
20 March 2010
Handle with care: Bournemouth (h) report
A measure of displeasure: Crewe (a)
Match report
9 March 2010
A measure of displeasure: Crewe (a) report
Ready steady go: Shrewsbury (h)
Match report
6 March 2010
Ready steady go: Shrewsbury (h) report
Keith Alexander, 1956-2010
4 March 2010
A tribute to Grimsby legend Keith Alexander, by Sam Metcalf
Hands up: Macclesfield (h)
Match report
23 February 2010
Hands up: Macclesfield (h) report
An arm and a leg: Lincoln (h)
Match report
20 February 2010
An arm and a leg: Lincoln (h) report
Brass monkeys
Match report
17 February 2010
Brass monkeys
A little local difficulty
9 February 2010
Sam Kinnaird provides a retrospective on local lad Danny North
One slip: Notts County (h)
Match report
6 February 2010
One slip: Notts County (h) report
Butter before guns: Rotherham (a)
Match report
23 January 2010
Butter before guns: Rotherham (a) report
Not Man and Boy: True blood
21 January 2010
Al Wilkinson tries in vain to get his children interested in football
Player profile: Nick Colgan
19 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Nick Colgan
Player profile: Nathan Jarman
19 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Nathan Jarman
And the band played on: Cheltenham (h)
Match report
16 January 2010
And the band played on: Cheltenham (h) report
Player profile: Jean-Louis Akpa Akpro
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Jean-Louis Akpa Akpro
Player profile: Rob Atkinson
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Rob Atkinson
Player profile: Danny Boshell
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Danny Boshell
Player profile: Danny North
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Danny North
Player profile: Adam Proudlock
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Adam Proudlock
Player profile: Robbie Stockdale
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Robbie Stockdale
Player profile: Peter Sweeney
5 January 2010
2009-10 player profile: Peter Sweeney
We have seen the future
3 January 2010
Early in 2010 a clairvoyant showed us the outcome of Town's battle to stay in the Football League...
The draws of perception: Bury (h)
Match report
2 January 2010
The draws of perception: Bury (h) report
The clangers: Port Vale (h)
Match report
28 December 2009
The clangers: Port Vale (h) report
The naked truth
22 December 2009
Richard Lord looks back fondly on his time as presenter of Mariners' World
A model professional: part 1
21 December 2009
An epic story of Grimsby Town's wartime footballer Sid Wheelhouse by George Myerson (in three parts)
A model professional: part 2
21 December 2009
An epic story of Grimsby Town's wartime footballer Sid Wheelhouse by George Myerson (in three parts)
A model professional: part 3
21 December 2009
An epic story of Grimsby Town war-time footballer Sid Wheelhouse by George Myerson (in three parts)
Revolving draws: Morecambe (h)
Match report
18 December 2009
Revolving draws: Morecambe (h) report
Grimsbytown ride: Dagenham (h)
Match report
5 December 2009
Grimsbytown ride: Dagenham (h) report
Is white the new black?
1 December 2009
New Zealand football is on the up
Glass half empty: Macclesfield (a)
Match report
28 November 2009
Glass half empty: Macclesfield (a) report
The moon on a stick: Lincoln (a)
Match report
21 November 2009
The moon on a stick: Lincoln (a) report
Fifty years on
7 November 2009
Neville Butt remembers the last time Town took on Bath City
Banana fritters: Bath (h)
Match report
7 November 2009
Banana fritters: Bath (h) report
All we've gotta do is talk talk
1 November 2009
Back in 2009 Mark Wilson took a long, hard look at Town's shoddy PR and communications
Magic moments: Accrington (h)
Match report
30 October 2009
Magic moments: Accrington (h) report
Theme Team: The 'Come back, all is forgiven' XI
22 October 2009
On the waterfront: Rochdale (h)
Match report
17 October 2009
On the waterfront: Rochdale (h) report
Strange brew: Burton (h)
Match report
10 October 2009
Strange brew: Burton (h) report
Free fall: Barnet (a)
Match report
3 October 2009
Free fall: Barnet (a) report
Night of the living dead: Chesterfield (a)
Match report
30 September 2009
Night of the living dead: Chesterfield (a) report
All teams must pass: Darlington (h)
Match report
26 September 2009
All teams must pass: Darlington (h) report
Home from home: Torquay (a)
Match report
19 September 2009
Home from home: Torquay (a)
Revolution #27: Hereford (h)
Match report
12 September 2009
Revolution #27: Hereford (h) report
Anyone who had a heart: Port Vale (a)
Match report
5 September 2009
Anyone who had a heart: Port Vale (a) report
Digging a hole: Aldershot (h)
Match report
29 August 2009
Digging a hole: Aldershot (h) report
Don't believe the hype: Rotherham (h)
Match report
18 August 2009
Don't believe the hype: Rotherham (h) report
Sympathy For The Pigeon: Crewe (h)
Match report
15 August 2009
Sympathy For The Pigeon: Crewe (h) report
How I listen to Town games
11 August 2009
Si Wilson shows us how he follows Town matches
Not Man and Boy: You couldn't make it up
11 August 2009
Al Wilkinson tries in vain to get his children interested in football
Silk purses and sow's ears: Cheltenham (a)
Match report
8 August 2009
Silk purses and sow's ears: Cheltenham (a) report
The chequered history of 'foreign' players at Grimsby: 2
10 June 2009
Part two of Pat Bell's look at how foreign players have ultimately failed, for one reason or another, at Grimsby part 2
Not just there to add to the numbers
12 May 2009
More can be done to get the crowds back to BP, with or without a crisis, argues James Parrott
Five myths about 2009
7 May 2009
Pete Green corrects a few common misconceptions about the season just passed
Summertime: Macclesfield (h)
Match report
2 May 2009
Summertime: Macclesfield (h) report
Cross: Bournemouth (a)
Match report
25 April 2009
Cross: Bournemouth (a) report
Cornerboys: Port Vale (h)
Match report
18 April 2009
Cornerboys: Port Vale (h) report
Swing: Notts County (a)
Match report
13 April 2009
Swing: Notts County (a) report
Limp: Accrington (h)
Match report
11 April 2009
Limp: Accrington (h) report
Rainbows: Aldershot (h)
Match report
28 March 2009
Rainbows: Aldershot (h) report
John Tondeur: 25 years on the airwaves
24 March 2009
Your tributes to Radio Humberside commentator John Tondeur in his 25th year of broadcasting
Bounce: Gillingham (h)
Match report
21 March 2009
Bounce: Gillingham (h) report
Carousel: Chester (a)
Match report
14 March 2009
Carousel: Chester (a) report
Space: Chesterfield (a)
Match report
11 March 2009
Space: Chesterfield (a) report
Tsunami: Lincoln (h)
Match report
7 March 2009
Tsunami: Lincoln (h) report
Drift: Brentford (h)
Match report
3 March 2009
Drift: Brentford (h) report
Idiots: Rochdale (a)
Match report
28 February 2009
Idiots: Rochdale (a) report
Bore: Morecambe (h)
Match report
24 February 2009
Bore: Morecambe (h) report
Odds and sods: Darlington (a)
Match report
21 February 2009
Odds and sods: Darlington (a) report
Movers and Shakers: Bury (h)
Match report
14 February 2009
Movers and Shakers: Bury (h) report
Working on a dream: Exeter (h)
Match report
7 February 2009
Working on a dream: Exeter (h) report
Any way the wind blows: Bradford (a)
Match report
31 January 2009
Any way the wind blows: Bradford (a) report
Survival of the fittest: Dagenham (h)
Match report
27 January 2009
Survival of the fittest: Dagenham (h) report
In the mood: Rotherham (h)
Match report
24 January 2009
In the mood: Rotherham (h) report
Just a perfect day: Wycombe (a)
Match report
17 January 2009
Just a perfect day: Wycombe (a) report
The road to Hell
5 January 2009
News from a parallel universe
Cold without the comfort: Accrington (a)
Match report
28 December 2008
Cold without the comfort: Accrington (a) report
Return of the Lost Boys: Notts C (h)
Match report
26 December 2008
Return of the Lost Boys: Notts C (h) report
Beaten by the ref
16 December 2008
Tom Allen shares a strange tale about George McLean
The chequered history of 'foreign' players at Grimsby: 1
15 December 2008
Jonah Foreigner: the chequered history of 'foreign' players at GTFC part 1
The good old days: Shrewsbury (h)
Match report
13 December 2008
The good old days: Shrewsbury (h) report
Being and Nothingness: Port Vale (a)
Match report
6 December 2008
Being and Nothingness: Port Vale (a) report
Something stupid: Bournemouth (h)
Match report
21 November 2008
Something stupid: Bournemouth (h) report
I was there: Bury (a)
Match report
15 November 2008
I was there: Bury (a) report
Half a sixpence: Darlington (h)
Match report
1 November 2008
Half a sixpence: Darlington (h) report
A shot in the dark: Dagenham (a)
Match report
28 October 2008
A shot in the dark: Dagenham (a) report
What have we done to deserve this? Bradford (h)
Match report
24 October 2008
What have we done to deserve this? Bradford (h) report
The long wait: Luton (h)
Match report
21 October 2008
The long wait: Luton (h) report
Renewal, or I like Mike: Wycombe (h)
Match report
11 October 2008
Renewal, or I like Mike: Wycombe (h) report
Codswallop teaches you right from wrong
7 October 2008
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
Dark daze
1 October 2008
Lee Bradley thinks John Fenty is trying to do the right things, in difficult times
Evans forbid!
1 October 2008
Boston fan Pete Brooksbank tells us not to worry about Steve Evans. He won't be the new Grimsby boss. Ever
Not in our name, Fenty: Barnet (h)
Match report
27 September 2008
Not in our name, Fenty: Barnet (h) report
Disco Stu doesn't advertise: Morecambe (a)
Match report
20 September 2008
Disco Stu doesn't advertise: Morecambe (a) report
Remembering the good times: the best of Alan Buckley
16 September 2008
Your tributes to Alan Buckley
The candidates for the BP hotseat - assessed
16 September 2008
We give you the run-down on the favourites for the vacancy of manager at Blundell Park
Buckley sacking - Cod Almighty's official statement
15 September 2008
Buckley sacking - Cod Almighty's official statement
Travesty: Chester (h)
Match report
13 September 2008
Travesty: Chester (h) report
The rest is history
10 September 2008
In 2008 we read Wikipedia's list of "notable former players" for GTFC. Why was Nicky Rizzo on it?
The Devil went down to Gillingham: Gillingham (a)
Match report
6 September 2008
The Devil went down to Gillingham: Gillingham (a) report
A taste of honey: Lincoln (a)
Match report
30 August 2008
A taste of honey: Lincoln (a) report
Why should we pay for an incorrect text message?
30 August 2008
The text service offered by the club leaves a lot to be desired, says Tony Rogers
Counting cobwebs: Chesterfield (h)
Match report
24 August 2008
Counting cobwebs: Chesterfield (h) report
From both sides now: Brentford (a)
Match report
16 August 2008
From both sides now: Brentford (a) report
Humming the Rock Ferry Blues: Tranmere (h)
Match report
12 August 2008
Humming the Rock Ferry Blues: Tranmere (h) report
Safe as houses: Rochdale (h)
Match report
9 August 2008
Safe as houses: Rochdale (h) report
Not Man and Boy: Blundell Park is better than the telly
5 August 2008
Al Wilkinson tries in vain to get his children interested in football
24 passes from Scunthorpe: Scunthorpe (a)
Match report
2 August 2008
24 passes from Scunthorpe: Scunthorpe (a) report
Winning is easy with eyes closed: Lincoln (h)
Match report
29 July 2008
Winning is easy with eyes closed: Lincoln (h) report
An invitation to treat: Gainsborough (a)
Match report
22 July 2008
An invitation to treat: Gainsborough (a) report
Peter Bore's shorts are falling down: Winterton (a)
Match report
21 July 2008
Peter Bore's shorts are falling down: Winterton (a) report
Dying to survive
26 June 2008
Alistair Wilkinson returns with more verse
Close Encounters: Ron Rafferty
29 May 2008
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Not Man and Boy: Why
21 April 2008
Al Wilkinson tries in vain to get his children interested in football
Hang down your head, Tom Newey: Bradford (a)
Match report
19 April 2008
Hang down your head, Tom Newey: Bradford (a) report
A new kid in Town: Wycombe (h)
Match report
15 April 2008
A new kid in Town: Wycombe (h) report
Reasons to be cheerful
14 April 2008
Dave Chambers provides an antidote to all the doom and gloom on Cod Almighty
Nothing happens, nobody comes: Rotherham (h)
Match report
12 April 2008
Nothing happens, nobody comes: Rotherham (h) report
It's all over now baby blue: Rochdale (a)
Match report
5 April 2008
It's all over now baby blue: Rochdale (a) report
Take The Money and Run: Paint Pot Trophy final
Match report
30 March 2008
Take The Money and Run: Paint Pot Trophy final report
A cold Tuesday night
28 March 2008
Alistair Wilkinson on Burnley
A brief history of wasted time: Brentford (h)
Match report
24 March 2008
A brief history of wasted time: Brentford (h) report
Goodbye Yellowbrick Road
Match report
22 March 2008
Goodbye Yellowbrick Road
They ploughed the fields and scattered: Darlington (a)
Match report
15 March 2008
They ploughed the fields and scattered: Darlington (a) report
George's first match
10 March 2008
On St David's Day in 2008, Pat Bell took his son, George, to his very first football match: away at Morecambe
Lost in an amoral maze: Bastard Franchise Scum (h)
Match report
7 March 2008
Lost in an amoral maze: Bastard Franchise Scum (h) report
Smile like you mean it: Morecambe (a)
Match report
1 March 2008
Smile like you mean it: Morecambe (a) report
Hold on to yourself: Morecambe (a)
Match report
26 February 2008
Hold on to yourself: Morecambe (a) report
Bring me sunshine: Wrexham (a)
Match report
23 February 2008
Bring me sunshine: Wrexham (a) report
The laws of physics: Dagenham (h)
Match report
16 February 2008
The laws of physics: Dagenham (h) report
What we do will never do
15 February 2008
Alistair Wilkinson with more poetry
Dustman about town: Macclesfield (a)
Match report
12 February 2008
Dustman about town: Macclesfield (a) report
Yesterday once more: Chesterfield (h)
Match report
5 February 2008
Yesterday once more: Chesterfield (h) report
The ploughman's lunch: Notts County (a)
Match report
2 February 2008
The ploughman's lunch: Notts County (a) report
Tasting, grumbling: Bury (h)
Match report
29 January 2008
Tasting, grumbling: Bury (h) report
Fumbling dice: Shrewsbury (h)
Match report
26 January 2008
Fumbling dice: Shrewsbury (h) report
The only way is up: Dagenham (a)
Match report
19 January 2008
The only way is up: Dagenham (a) report
All you need is luck: Wrexham (h)
Match report
12 January 2008
All you need is luck: Wrexham (h) report
Gimme shelter: Stockport (a)
Match report
8 January 2008
Gimme shelter: Stockport (a) report
Ball of confusion: Chesterfield (a)
Match report
5 January 2008
Ball of confusion: Chesterfield (a) report
The book of laughter and forgetting: Chester (a)
Match report
1 January 2008
The book of laughter and forgetting: Chester (a) report
Banana, nirvana, mañana: Lincoln (h)
Match report
29 December 2007
Banana, nirvana, mañana: Lincoln (h) report
In the bleak midwinter: Accrington (h)
Match report
26 December 2007
In the bleak midwinter: Accrington (h) report
Joyful and nearly triumphant: Stockport (a)
Match report
22 December 2007
Joyful and nearly triumphant: Stockport (a) report
I saw three points come sailing in: Mansfield (h)
Match report
15 December 2007
I saw three points come sailing in: Mansfield (h) report
Hue and cry: an Ealing comedy: Brentford (a)
Match report
8 December 2007
Hue and cry: an Ealing comedy: Brentford (a) report
The tinkerman's slaughter: Huddersfield (a)
Match report
1 December 2007
The tinkerman's slaughter: Huddersfield (a) report
A moustacheless bard: Barnet (a)
Match report
24 November 2007
A moustacheless bard: Barnet (a) report
In safe hands: Carlisle (h)
Match report
20 November 2007
In safe hands: Carlisle (h) report
Lying in the wreckage: Morecambe (h)
Match report
17 November 2007
Lying in the wreckage: Morecambe (h) report
Close Encounters: Paul Wilkinson
15 November 2007
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
The bigots' last resort
7 November 2007
Nell Farrell reports on the rise in homophobia at football grounds
An inside job: Rotherham (a)
Match report
3 November 2007
An inside job: Rotherham (a) report
In stasis: Bradford (h)
Match report
27 October 2007
In stasis: Bradford (h) report
Clueless in Bucks: Wycombe (a)
Match report
20 October 2007
Clueless in Bucks: Wycombe (a) report
Autumn in two movements
18 October 2007
Double verse from Alistair Wilkinson
The Curate's Egg ? Rochdale (h)
Match report
12 October 2007
The Curate's Egg Rochdale (h) report
Purple shouty man: Rochdale (h)
12 October 2007
Purple shouty man: Keepin' it real(ly angry)
If... ? Peterborough (a)
Match report
6 October 2007
If... Peterborough (a) report
Bodies in motion and at rest: Chester (h)
Match report
2 October 2007
Bodies in motion and at rest: Chester (h) report
Pictures at an exhibition: Hereford (h)
Match report
29 September 2007
Pictures at an exhibition: Hereford (h) report
Purple shouty man: Hereford United (h)
29 September 2007
All in a flutter
25 September 2007
Now they're having a go at the birds, it's not their fault says Steve Meek
Catching the worms: Lincoln (a)
Match report
22 September 2007
Catching the worms: Lincoln (a) report
Not Man and Boy: Listening to Villa
18 September 2007
Al Wilkinson tries in vain to get his children interested in football
Through the looking glass: Stockport (h)
Match report
15 September 2007
Through the looking glass: Stockport (h) report
Purple shouty man: Stockport County (h)
15 September 2007
Grrrr. Grrrr. Grrrr. In technocolor.
Déjà vu: Accrington (a)
Match report
8 September 2007
Déjà vu: Accrington (a)
Slugs and snails: Shrewsbury (a)
Match report
1 September 2007
Slugs and snails: Shrewsbury (a) report
Player profile: Dave Mulligan
31 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Dave Mulligan
We get our kicks throwing sticks
30 August 2007
Alistair Wilkinson gives us some verse
Six assorted cupcakes: Macclesfield (h)
Match report
25 August 2007
Six assorted cupcakes: Macclesfield (h) report
Purple shouty man: Macclesfield (h)
25 August 2007
What's purple and shouts? Purple shouty man!
Rebel without applause: Bury (a)
Match report
18 August 2007
Rebel without applause: Bury (a) report
The rock and roll years: Burnley (h)
Match report
14 August 2007
The rock and roll years: Burnley (h) report
Head over heels: Notts County (h)
Match report
11 August 2007
Head over heels: Notts County (h) report
Purple shouty man: Notts County (h)
11 August 2007
He's purple. He's a man. He's very, very angry. He's purple shouty man
Player profile: Phil Barnes
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Phil Barnes
Player profile: Jamie Clarke
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Jamie Clarke
Player profile: James Hunt
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: James Hunt
Player profile: Nick Fenton
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Nick Fenton
Player profile: Paul Bolland
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Paul Bolland
Player profile: Ciaran Toner
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Ciaran Toner
Player profile: Isaiah Rankin
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Isaiah Rankin
Player profile: Peter Bore
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Peter Bore
Player profile: Andy Taylor
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Andy Taylor
Player profile: Luke Foulkes
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Luke Foulkes
Player profile: Tom Newey
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Tom Newey
Player profile: Ryan Bennett
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Ryan Bennett
Player profile: Peter Till
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Peter Till
Player profile: Danny North
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Danny North
Player profile: Danny Boshell
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Danny Boshell
Player profile: Gary Montgomery
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Gary Montgomery
Player profile: Justin Whittle
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Justin Whittle
Player profile: Nick Hegarty
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Nick Hegarty
Player profile: Gary Jones
6 August 2007
2007-08 player profile: Gary Jones
Rough guide to... Accrington Stanley
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Accrington Stanley
Rough guide to... Barnet
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Barnet
Rough guide to... Bury
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Bury
Rough guide to... Chester City
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Chester City
Rough guide to... Darlington
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Darlington
Rough guide to... Hereford United
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Hereford United
Rough guide to... Lincoln City
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Lincoln City
Rough guide to... Macclesfield Town
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Macclesfield Town
Rough guide to... Mansfield Town
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Mansfield Town
Rough guide to... Notts County
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Notts County
Rough guide to... Peterborough United
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Peterborough United
Rough guide to... Rochdale
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Rochdale
Rough guide to... Shrewsbury Town
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Shrewsbury Town
Rough guide to... Stockport County
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Stockport County
Rough guide to... Wrexham
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Wrexham
Rough guide to... Wycombe Wanderers
6 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Wycombe Wanderers
Rough guide to... Morecambe
5 August 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Morecambe
Sweet gingerbread men: Grantham (a)
Match report
31 July 2007
Sweet gingerbread men: Grantham (a) report
Rough guide to... Bradford City
29 July 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Bradford City
Rough guide to... Brentford
24 July 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Brentford
David Cameron's black and white army?
21 July 2007
News from a parallel universe
Rough guide to... Chesterfield
18 July 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Chesterfield
Rough guide to... Rotherham United
12 July 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Rotherham United
Rough guide to... Dagenham & Redbridge
6 July 2007
2007-08 rough guide to... Dagenham & Redbridge
Apocalypse Now made the Doors sound good
15 June 2007
Poetic verse by Alistair Wilkinson
Where were you when Grimsby hammered Boston?
30 May 2007
There were moments to remember this season, says Richard Lord
Not Man and Boy: Kick!
17 May 2007
Al Wilkinson tries in vain to get his children interested in football
Party in the Meadow: Shrewsbury (a)
Match report
5 May 2007
Party in the Meadow: Shrewsbury (a) report
Instant karma: Lincoln (h)
Match report
28 April 2007
Instant karma: Lincoln (h) report
House of fun: Barnet (h)
Match report
21 April 2007
House of fun: Barnet (h) report
A Tale of Two Keepers: Midlands Floodlit Cup semi-final report
14 April 2007
Tony Butcher reports on the Midlands Floodlit Cup semi-final
Flat at Stanley: Accrington (a)
Match report
14 April 2007
Flat at Stanley: Accrington (a) report
Meek's football cliches
9 April 2007
Steve Meek sums up the football world in photographic pose
The world forgetting: Wycombe (h)
Match report
9 April 2007
The world forgetting: Wycombe (h) report
Back to the future!
4 April 2007
News from a parallel universe
The time of the season: Notts County (a)
Match report
31 March 2007
The time of the season: Notts County (a) report
Cheese and onion: Peterborough (h)
Match report
24 March 2007
Cheese and onion: Peterborough (h) report
Into the groove
20 March 2007
Town are actually turning in to a decent side, and it's time Radio Humberside gave them credit, says Steven Collins
Don't think twice, it's all right: Swindon (h)
Match report
17 March 2007
Don't think twice, it's all right: Swindon (h) report
Who laughs last?
13 March 2007
A lot of time has passed since the 'Bonetti incident', but it's Brian Laws who's done best out of those involved, argues Al Wilkinson
Six appeal
12 March 2007
More poetry from Al Wilkinson
It's a knockout: Hereford (a)
Match report
10 March 2007
It's a knockout: Hereford (a) report
Good day sunshine: Bury (h)
Match report
3 March 2007
Good day sunshine: Bury (h) report
Too little too late: Macclesfield (a)
Match report
24 February 2007
Too little too late: Macclesfield (a) report
Ticking away: Wrexham (h)
Match report
20 February 2007
Ticking away: Wrexham (h) report
The future's bright: Mansfield (a)
Match report
17 February 2007
The future's bright: Mansfield (a) report
Ballpark Figures: Ten at a time
12 February 2007
Have we ever scored ten goals in two games before?
Escape to victory: Bristol Rovers (h)
Match report
10 February 2007
Escape to victory: Bristol Rovers (h) report
Bring back the Boston Rag: Boston (a)
Match report
3 February 2007
Bring back the Boston Rag: Boston (a) report
What future for my children?
30 January 2007
Al Wilkinson brings the verse
Positive John: master of positive spin
29 January 2007
Feel the chairman's positive spin!
Player profiles: Simon Grand
26 January 2007
2006-07 player profiles: Simon Grand
Where I came in...
22 January 2007
Martyn Wyburn's mate took him to Blundell Park in the late 1960s - beginning a lifelong addiction
Town on the box: Hereford (h), 8 October 2006
22 January 2007
Readers share their experiences of watching Town on the telly
How's your Bert's lumbago? Darlington (h)
Match report
20 January 2007
How's your Bert's lumbago? Darlington (h) report
Player profiles: Peter Till
19 January 2007
2006-07 player profiles: Peter Till
Drab and drabber: Walsall (a)
Match report
15 January 2007
Drab and drabber: Walsall (a) report
Player profiles: Martin Paterson
10 January 2007
2006-07 player profiles: Martin Paterson
Town's greatest goals #3: Jim Dobbin v Newcastle, 1992
9 January 2007
You ranked Jim Dobbin's scorcher against Newcastle as your third greatest Town goal
Flushed away: Chester (h)
Match report
9 January 2007
Flushed away: Chester (h) report
Town on the box: The kindness of bar staff
8 January 2007
Readers share their experiences of watching Town on the telly
The White Feather Club: Rochdale (h)
Match report
1 January 2007
The White Feather Club: Rochdale (h) report
Careless hands: Stockport (a)
Match report
30 December 2006
Careless hands: Stockport (a) report
Check mate: Torquay (h)
Match report
22 December 2006
Check mate: Torquay (h) report
Nothing will come of nothing: Lincoln (a)
Match report
16 December 2006
Nothing will come of nothing: Lincoln (a) report
Deflected glory: Shrewsbury (h)
Match report
9 December 2006
Deflected glory: Shrewsbury (h) report
Town on the box: Tottenham (h), 20 September 2005
7 December 2006
Readers share their experiences of watching Town on the telly
The secret of George Kerr's commentary magic
6 December 2006
The ex-Town manager turned Radio Humberside expert summariser's pre-match regime revealed
The ants are my friend: Barnet (a)
Match report
5 December 2006
The ants are my friend: Barnet (a) report
A day in the life: Accrington (h)
Match report
25 November 2006
A day in the life: Accrington (h) report
Tea and sympathy: Northampton (h)
Match report
21 November 2006
Tea and sympathy: Northampton (h) report
The lodger's gone
20 November 2006
More poetry from Mr Wilkinson
A tale of two bandages: Wycombe (a)
Match report
18 November 2006
A tale of two bandages: Wycombe (a) report
Spot the difference
17 November 2006
For a few dollars more
12 November 2006
Richard Dawson takes a look at the corruption engulfing our southern Lincolnshire rivals, Boston United
Back to the future III: Northampton (a)
Match report
11 November 2006
Back to the future III: Northampton (a) report
As bad as it gets
9 November 2006
Chris Mills wonders how we got ourselves in to this mess
The Graham Rodger Crap-O-Meter
7 November 2006
Were the results during Grez's tenure really that crap?
He never had a chance
6 November 2006
Pat Bell looks back on the Town career of Graham Rodger
Just like Tom Thumb's blues: Bastard Franchise Scum (h)
Match report
4 November 2006
Just like Tom Thumb's blues: Bastard Franchise Scum (h) report
And now for something completely similar: Mansfield (a, FLT)
Match report
31 October 2006
And now for something completely similar: Mansfield (a, FLT) report
Player profiles: Andy Butler
30 October 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Andy Butler
The Commitments: Peterborough (a)
Match report
28 October 2006
The Commitments: Peterborough (a) report
Review: Black and White Corner, issue one
23 October 2006
On occasion at CA Towers we get a spare moment to read a book. Even less occasionally we get time to write about it
Actually, it's ditchwater: Notts County (h)
Match report
21 October 2006
Actually, it's ditchwater: Notts County (h) report
Wings of desire: Lincoln (a, FLT)
Match report
17 October 2006
Wings of desire: Lincoln (a, FLT) report
Player profiles: Peter Bore
9 October 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Peter Bore
Where the face fits
8 October 2006
Where was Peter Beagrie found this week?
Who ate all the pasties?: Hereford (h)
Match report
8 October 2006
Who ate all the pasties?: Hereford (h) report
A broken toaster on a crap roller coaster
2 October 2006
Alistair Wilkinson returns with more poetry
Fightback club: Darlington (a)
Match report
29 September 2006
Fightback club: Darlington (a) report
Player profiles: Tony Thorpe
28 September 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Tony Thorpe
Player profiles: Andy Taylor
27 September 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Andy Taylor
From a crock of gold to a crock of shit
26 September 2006
Has the new season started already? Mark Wilson wanted a holiday, but all he got was this lousy football
How Deep Is Your Love? : Hartlepool (h)
Match report
26 September 2006
How Deep Is Your Love? : Hartlepool (h) report
A careless trifle: Stockport (h)
Match report
23 September 2006
A careless trifle: Stockport (h) report
Memories are made of this
22 September 2006
A tribute to Town legend Joe Waters by Pat Bell
Stolen goods: Chester (a)
Match report
16 September 2006
Stolen goods: Chester (a) report
Codswallop says respect your elders
12 September 2006
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
Keeping up with the Joneses: Rochdale (a)
Match report
12 September 2006
Keeping up with the Joneses: Rochdale (a) report
Ballpark Figures: Hitting a home run
11 September 2006
How does the recent home form compare to other seasons?
(Just like) starting over: Walsall (h)
Match report
9 September 2006
(Just like) starting over: Walsall (h) report
Up for the cup!
6 September 2006
News from a parallel universe
Reality check
5 September 2006
Tony Rogers is surprised at how quickly Town's support turns from upbeat to despair
Player profiles: Ricky Ravenhill
5 September 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Ricky Ravenhill
M + M = Crewe boo and Buried
4 September 2006
More verse from Alistair Wilkinson
Ballpark Figures: Just how bad is it?
4 September 2006
Is Town's poor start to the season a usual occurrence?
Whatever floats your boat
3 September 2006
Dave Chambers is enjoying the new season. He may be alone with that feeling
Hard times: Macclesfield (h)
Match report
1 September 2006
Hard times: Macclesfield (h) report
Player profiles: Danny Boshell
30 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Danny Boshell
Ballpark Figures: Is it twirly?
30 August 2006
Does a poor August suggest a poor season?
Player profiles: Nick Fenton
26 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Nick Fenton
Player profiles: Nick Hegarty
26 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Nick Hegarty
The monster mash: Bury (a)
Match report
26 August 2006
The monster mash: Bury (a) report
Swimming in a fishbowl: Crewe (h)
Match report
22 August 2006
Swimming in a fishbowl: Crewe (h) report
A close shave: Mansfield (h)
Match report
18 August 2006
A close shave: Mansfield (h) report
Three games, three points; 43 to go...
16 August 2006
Alistair Wilkinson in verse
Different wavelengths
15 August 2006
Wireless technology? Sure, I'm happy listening to Town on the radio, says Ian Rawson
Rough guide to... Chester City
14 August 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Chester City
Rough guide to... Hartlepool United
8 August 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Hartlepool United
Done roamin': Wrexham (a)
Match report
8 August 2006
Done roamin': Wrexham (a) report
Rough guide to... Mansfield Town
5 August 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Mansfield Town
Wonderboy: Boston (h)
Match report
5 August 2006
Wonderboy: Boston (h) report
Justin Whittle interview
3 August 2006
Simon Wilson caught up with Justin Whittle to get his views on the coming season
Player profiles: John McDermott
3 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: John McDermott
Player profiles: Terry Barwick
3 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Terry Barwick
Rough guide to... Lincoln City
2 August 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Lincoln City
Player profiles: Phil Barnes
1 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Phil Barnes
Player profiles: Michael Reddy
1 August 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Michael Reddy
Rough guide to... Darlington
1 August 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Darlington
Player profiles: Paul Bolland
31 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Paul Bolland
Player profiles: Ciaran Toner
31 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Ciaran Toner
Player profiles: Gary Jones
31 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Gary Jones
Player profiles: Peter Beagrie
31 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Peter Beagrie
Player profiles: Isaiah Rankin
30 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Isaiah Rankin
Rough guide to... Rochdale
30 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Rochdale
Player profiles: Justin Whittle
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Justin Whittle
Player profiles: Gary Croft
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Gary Croft
Player profiles: The youth of today
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: The youth of today
Player profiles: Tom Newey
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Tom Newey
Player profiles: Gary Cohen
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Gary Cohen
Player profiles: Martin McIntosh
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Martin McIntosh
Player profiles: Ben Futcher
28 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Ben Futcher
Rough guide to... Shrewsbury Town
27 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Shrewsbury Town
Player profiles: Gary Harkins
26 July 2006
2006-07 player profiles: Gary Harkins
Rough guide to... Bury
24 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Bury
Rough guide to... Boston United
21 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Boston United
Rough guide to... Hereford United
18 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Hereford United
Rough guide to... Bristol Rovers
15 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Bristol Rovers
Rough guide to... Wrexham
10 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Wrexham
Rough guide to... Stockport County
6 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Stockport County
Rough guide to... Swindon Town
3 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Swindon Town
Rough guide to... Accrington Stanley
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Accrington Stanley
Rough guide to... Barnet
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Barnet
Rough guide to... Macclesfield Town
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Macclesfield Town
Rough guide to... Notts County
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Notts County
Rough guide to... Peterborough United
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Peterborough United
Rough guide to... Torquay United
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Torquay United
Rough guide to... Walsall
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Walsall
Rough guide to... Wycombe Wanderers
1 July 2006
2006-07 rough guide to... Wycombe Wanderers
Graham crackers!
6 June 2006
News from a parallel universe
Failed in Wales: Cheltenham (play-off final)
Match report
28 May 2006
Failed in Wales: Cheltenham (play-off final) report
An A-Z of Cheltenham
23 May 2006
Anything Cheltenham can do, we can do better says Mat Hare
Go west
21 May 2006
Jake Olley summarises the travel options available to Town fans for the trip to Cardiff
Keeping up with the Joneses
20 May 2006
Join Stick and Lump on their exciting adventures
Jones crusher: Lincoln (h, play-off)
Match report
16 May 2006
Jones crusher: Lincoln (h, play-off) report
Good vibrations: Lincoln (a, play-off)
Match report
13 May 2006
Good vibrations: Lincoln (a, play-off) report
Back to the Future
11 May 2006
How will we look back on this season in the future, wonders Dan Humphrey
Famous Grimsby peeps
9 May 2006
It's Great Grimsby Day. High time we updated our list of famous Grimsby people. Who have we missed?
Gone in 60 seconds: Northampton (h)
Match report
6 May 2006
Gone in 60 seconds: Northampton (h) report
Who wants it?: Macclesfield (a)
Match report
29 April 2006
Who wants it?: Macclesfield (a) report
An interview with Ivano
25 April 2006
Nicolino Tobia caught up with Grimsby legend Ivano Bonetti for a little chat [in Italian]
Dall' Italia con amore: an interview with Ivano
25 April 2006
Nicolino Tobia caught up with Grimsby legend Ivano Bonetti for a little chat
Ready steady go: Cheltenham (h)
Match report
21 April 2006
Ready steady go: Cheltenham (h) report
Countdown to ecstasy?: Leyton Orient (a)
Match report
17 April 2006
Countdown to ecstasy?: Leyton Orient (a) report
The twisted sock: Shrewsbury (h)
Match report
15 April 2006
The twisted sock: Shrewsbury (h) report
The Blue Wrath: Carlisle (a)
Match report
8 April 2006
The Blue Wrath: Carlisle (a) report
Echoes: Wrexham (h)
Match report
1 April 2006
Echoes: Wrexham (h) report
A few good men: Lincoln (a)
Match report
25 March 2006
A few good men: Lincoln (a) report
The house of sand and bog: Rochdale (a)
Match report
21 March 2006
The house of sand and bog: Rochdale (a) report
Oh well, part 2: Bury (h)
Match report
18 March 2006
Oh well, part 2: Bury (h) report
I want that hair: Barnet (h)
Match report
11 March 2006
I want that hair: Barnet (h) report
All you get is pain: Rushden (a)
Match report
4 March 2006
All you get is pain: Rushden (a) report
What tradition?
1 March 2006
An article from Slade's first spell questioning Town's 'tradition' of passing football is curiously timely
A cut above
27 February 2006
Michael Shelton considers his favourite Grimsby Town hair cuts of all time
Whiplash: Chester (h)
Match report
25 February 2006
Whiplash: Chester (h) report
I predict a diet: Mansfield (a)
Match report
14 February 2006
I predict a diet: Mansfield (a) report
A comedy of errors: Boston (h)
Match report
11 February 2006
A comedy of errors: Boston (h) report
Weathering the storm
9 February 2006
Denby Dale reports on the charity match organised to help Macclesfield clear their debts
A tale told by an idiot: Notts County (a)
Match report
4 February 2006
A tale told by an idiot: Notts County (a) report
De profundis: Peterborough (h)
Match report
28 January 2006
De profundis: Peterborough (h) report
Eight seats for every bum
24 January 2006
There's something that doesn't feel right about the proposed new stadium, says Michael Shelton
Tempting fate: Stockport (a)
Match report
24 January 2006
Tempting fate: Stockport (a) report
Setting suns: Torquay (a)
Match report
21 January 2006
Setting suns: Torquay (a) report
The stadium deserves better: Darlington (a)
Match report
17 January 2006
The stadium deserves better: Darlington (a) report
Monster monster!
16 January 2006
News from a parallel universe
Something in the air: Mansfield (h)
Match report
14 January 2006
Something in the air: Mansfield (h) report
A bridge too far: Carlisle (h)
Match report
2 January 2006
A bridge too far: Carlisle (h) report
Wake up Deadman: Wrexham (a)
Match report
31 December 2005
Wake up Deadman: Wrexham (a) report
Let it snow: Lincoln (h)
Match report
28 December 2005
Let it snow: Lincoln (h) report
Oh, DataCo
21 December 2005
Simon Wilson reports on heavy-handed tactics around fixture lists by DataCo
Waiting for the great leap forward: Bristol Rovers (h)
Match report
10 December 2005
Waiting for the great leap forward: Bristol Rovers (h) report
Hi-ho silver lining: Chester (a) report
6 December 2005
Denby Dale gives his take on the match at Chester
Do the right thing: Rochdale (h)
Match report
6 December 2005
Do the right thing: Rochdale (h) report
Remember the football: Oxford (a)
Match report
22 November 2005
Remember the football: Oxford (a) report
Just desserts: Wycombe (a)
Match report
19 November 2005
Just desserts: Wycombe (a) report
He could have been a contender
15 November 2005
Dave Chambers ponders the man-mountain that was Tony Crane
We happy few: Macclesfield (h)
Match report
12 November 2005
We happy few: Macclesfield (h) report
Great expectations
8 November 2005
Pat Bell took a look back at those players who left us frustrated and disappointed
Pigs on the wing: Bristol Rovers
Match report
5 November 2005
Pigs on the wing: Bristol Rovers report
Jumping the shark: Northampton (a)
Match report
29 October 2005
Jumping the shark: Northampton (a) report
Qu'est que c'est? The Newcastle
Match report
26 October 2005
Qu'est que c'est? The Newcastle report
Groundhog Day: Leyton Orient (h)
Match report
22 October 2005
Groundhog Day: Leyton Orient (h) report
Grimbarian Splendour
20 October 2005
Gritty, realistic, graphic depiction of life in Grimsby. Sort of
Midnight cowboys: Morecambe
Match report
18 October 2005
Midnight cowboys: Morecambe report
It's only a game!
17 October 2005
News from a parallel universe
Percent from heaven: Cheltenham (a)
Match report
14 October 2005
Percent from heaven: Cheltenham (a) report
Too much of nothing: Wycombe (h)
Match report
7 October 2005
Too much of nothing: Wycombe (h) report
Virus alert: Shrewsbury (a)
Match report
1 October 2005
Virus alert: Shrewsbury (a) report
Town ate all the pies: Notts C (h)
Match report
27 September 2005
Town ate all the pies: Notts C (h) report
Are you local?: Boston (a)
Match report
24 September 2005
Are you local?: Boston (a) report
Bringing it all back home: Tottenham
Match report
20 September 2005
Bringing it all back home: Tottenham report
Pulp football: Torquay (h)
Match report
17 September 2005
Pulp football: Torquay (h) report
Player profile: Gary Croft
16 September 2005
2005-06 player profile: Gary Croft
Things you only know if you're from Grimsby 5
13 September 2005
Pete Green on the pearls of wisdom bestowed only on those fortunate enough to be born within the shadow of Grimsby dock tower
Pump up the volume: Peterborough (a)
Match report
10 September 2005
Pump up the volume: Peterborough (a) report
In the air tonight: Chester (a)
Match report
6 September 2005
In the air tonight: Chester (a) report
You can't hide your love forever
4 September 2005
Richard Lord won't keep his love of Town in the closet any longer
Dry bones
Match report
2 September 2005
Dry bones
The Thundercliffe interviews: John McDermott
31 August 2005
John McDermott spoke to CA in 2005 about Wembley, retirement, and the goal of his life against Rushden
Eyes of a stranger
30 August 2005
An alternative report on the Barnet game
Player profile: Justin Whittle
30 August 2005
2005-06 player profile: Justin Whittle
Town's sunny spell rains on Burns's parade!
30 August 2005
News from a parallel universe
Whistle while you work
Match report
29 August 2005
Whistle while you work
Player profile: Gary Jones
28 August 2005
2005-06 player profile: Gary Jones
The Barnet blitz
Match report
27 August 2005
The Barnet blitz
Making plans for Russell
Match report
24 August 2005
Making plans for Russell
Senses working overtime
Match report
20 August 2005
Senses working overtime
Player profile: Paul Bolland
18 August 2005
2005-06 player profile: Paul Bolland
Player profile: John Lukic
10 August 2005
2005-06 player profile: John Lukic
TBZAS go mad in Bristol
Match report
9 August 2005
TBZAS go mad in Bristol
Plus ca change
Match report
6 August 2005
Plus ca change
Full-back to the future
Match report
2 August 2005
Full-back to the future
Player profile: Gary Cohen
1 August 2005
2005-06 player profile: Gary Cohen
Player profile: Glen Downey
1 August 2005
2005-06 player profile: Glen Downey
Hey hey JPK
Match report
31 July 2005
Hey hey JPK
Player profile: Jean-Paul Kamudimba
31 July 2005
Player profile: Jean-Paul Kamudimba
Player profile: Rob Jones
31 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Rob Jones
Player profile: Tom Newey
28 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Tom Newey
Player profile: Simon Ramsden
28 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Simon Ramsden
Player profile: Tony Crane
28 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Tony Crane
Player profile: Martin Gritton
28 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Martin Gritton
Player profile: John McDermott
26 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: John McDermott
Player profile: Michael Reddy
26 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Michael Reddy
Player profile: Andy Parkinson
26 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Andy Parkinson
Player profile: Ciaran Toner
26 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Ciaran Toner
Player profile: Steve Mildenhall
25 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Steve Mildenhall
Player profile: Terry Barwick
25 July 2005
2005-06 player profile: Terry Barwick
The Secret Midsummer Meek
25 July 2005
More truly frightening photos of Steve Meek
Midsummer Meek That Was
25 July 2005
Being Steve Meek
Where have all the flowers gone?
Match report
15 July 2005
Where have all the flowers gone?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Match report
14 July 2005
Where have all the flowers gone?
Hound of love
7 June 2005
Why I called my dog Macca
Bedrooms and joysticks
18 May 2005
Si Wilson dug out his old Amiga and a copy of Sensible World of Soccer for some retro gaming fun
Codswallop and the rivers of bloods
16 May 2005
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
Freddy and the dreamers
Match report
7 May 2005
Freddy and the dreamers
Breakfast, supper, dinner, luncheon
Match report
30 April 2005
Breakfast, supper, dinner, luncheon
Confessions of a boo boy
28 April 2005
Sean Fieldsend tries in vain to find positives about Anthony Williams' goalkeeping ability
Any old iron
Match report
23 April 2005
Any old iron
The continuing story of Bungling Will
Match report
16 April 2005
The continuing story of Bungling Will
Put up or shut up
12 April 2005
Think you can do a better job than John Fenty? Then put your money where your mouth is, says Dave Chambers
Whatever happened to the likely lads?
Match report
9 April 2005
Whatever happened to the likely lads?
Supporters Trust AGM
7 April 2005
Dan Humphrey reports on the Supporters' Trust AGM
Gonna get deep down
7 April 2005
Tired of the corporate nature of League football, Pete Green took a trip to Sheffield FC to cleanse his football soul
Feet up!
4 April 2005
Boiler or Town, boiler or Town. Dave Chambers admits that there'll always be one winner
Dead loss
Match report
2 April 2005
Dead loss
From Cape Town to Rochdale
1 April 2005
Richard Lord impresses his South African girlfriend with a nice trip to Spotland
What's the point?
Match report
28 March 2005
What's the point?
Suspension of belief
Match report
25 March 2005
Suspension of belief
Twelve angry men
Match report
19 March 2005
Twelve angry men
Gone to the dogs
Match report
12 March 2005
Gone to the dogs
Codswallop's patience is a virtue
6 March 2005
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
In like a lamb, out like a lion
Match report
5 March 2005
In like a lamb, out like a lion
The show must go on
4 March 2005
Dave Chambers updates us on the ongoing squabble between the Club and Radio Humberside
Night of the living dead
Match report
1 March 2005
Night of the living dead
Yo! Sushi
Match report
26 February 2005
Yo! Sushi
Radio gag gag
25 February 2005
The club have fallen out with the media again
Reversal of fortune
Match report
22 February 2005
Reversal of fortune
Where we belong
Match report
19 February 2005
Where we belong
The Thundercliffe interviews: John Fenty
17 February 2005
Back in the day when we used to actually speak to people at the club, Paul Thundercliffe was the man doing the talking
Carnival of lost souls
Match report
12 February 2005
Carnival of lost souls
What might have been
8 February 2005
Paul Ketchley popped down to his local club, St Albans City, to see how former Town loanee Luke Cornwall was settling in
Diary of a sadman
Match report
5 February 2005
Diary of a sadman
The curse of the record fee
1 February 2005
What do Shaun Cunnington, John Oster, Gary Croft and Andy Tillson have in common? Pat Bell provides the analysis
We all stand together
31 January 2005
Mike Worden on how real football fans stick together in times of crisis
Too late the hero
Match report
22 January 2005
Too late the hero
Three Men In A Boat
Match report
15 January 2005
Three Men In A Boat
Street Fighting Stan
Match report
11 January 2005
Street Fighting Stan
Video review: Down... But STILL Not Out
5 January 2005
Richard Lord grimmaces through last season's highlights video
Pinault colada
Match report
3 January 2005
Pinault colada
Cod and chips (no mushy peas)
Match report
29 December 2004
Cod and chips (no mushy peas)
Living in hope
Match report
26 December 2004
Living in hope
The Mooney's a balloon
Match report
18 December 2004
The Mooney's a balloon
The Town Commandments
13 December 2004
Thou shalt not boo
Coq au vin
Match report
7 December 2004
Coq au vin
My adventures in Essex
2 December 2004
Andy Holt cons another colleague into attending a Town match
A tale of two errors
Match report
26 November 2004
A tale of two errors
Have a cow, man
Match report
20 November 2004
Have a cow, man
Close Encounters: Daryl Clare
20 November 2004
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Codswallop's one for the ladies
17 November 2004
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
Right string, wrong yo-yo
9 November 2004
Bad decisions and silly mistakes are costing Town points, claims Si Wilson
The referee's a fig leaf
Match report
6 November 2004
The referee's a fig leaf
Things you only know if you're from Grimsby 4
5 November 2004
Pete Green on the pearls of wisdom bestowed only on those fortunate enough to be born within the shadow of Grimsby dock tower
Absent friends
Match report
30 October 2004
Absent friends
Deva or Mau-Mau
Match report
23 October 2004
Deva or Mau-Mau
There's a word for this
Match report
19 October 2004
There's a word for this
Waiting in vain
Match report
16 October 2004
Waiting in vain
He stoops to conquer
Match report
8 October 2004
He stoops to conquer
A great day out
5 October 2004
Take advantage of Cod Almighty's exclusive executive box offer
The dish ran away with the spoon
Match report
1 October 2004
The dish ran away with the spoon
The Abbey habit
Match report
25 September 2004
The Abbey habit
Addickted to luck
Match report
21 September 2004
Addickted to luck
Police, Town and supporters club together to crack football crime
21 September 2004
The Grimsby Telegraph did promote the anti-racism hotline, says Phillip Norton. We re-publish the original article here (with permission)
Mixed messages
20 September 2004
Ian Poulter believes more can be done to promote the club's anti-racism hotline
Bangers and mash
Match report
18 September 2004
Bangers and mash
Codswallop and the scales of justice
16 September 2004
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
Speaking too soon
15 September 2004
Russell Slade has barely warmed his seat at BP, give him more time says Dave Chambers
Silky spills
Match report
11 September 2004
Silky spills
Waking the dud
Match report
4 September 2004
Waking the dud
London calling
31 August 2004
What's not to like about Charlton Athletic, argues Al Wilkinson
Sound and fury
Match report
30 August 2004
Sound and fury
Keep the customer satisfied
Match report
28 August 2004
Keep the customer satisfied
Tales from the riverbank
Match report
24 August 2004
Tales from the riverbank
The song remains the same
Match report
21 August 2004
The song remains the same
Cosmic jive
Match report
14 August 2004
Cosmic jive
Ignorance isn't bliss
12 August 2004
Si Wilson is concerned that racism is growing again on the terraces
Play misty for me
Match report
10 August 2004
Play misty for me
Learning from experience
10 August 2004
So Town have signed some new players? Michael Shelton struggles to drum up enthusiasm
Any more pies?
Match report
7 August 2004
Any more pies?
The Slade manifesto
4 August 2004
Simon Wilson caught up with Russell Slade before the start of the new season
Coming on
Match report
2 August 2004
Coming on
Cattle crossing a bridge
Match report
29 July 2004
Cattle crossing a bridge
How Town came up short
28 July 2004
Pete Green argues that short-term contracts do nothing for a footballer's motivation
Good Oomens
Match report
26 July 2004
Good Oomens
Fight club
24 July 2004
Pat Bell gives the verdit on classic BP scrappers
Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
Match report
20 July 2004
Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
Match report
15 July 2004
Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
Codswallop: Giving it to you straight
8 July 2004
Had enough of the usual liberal, lefty, do-gooder Cod Almighty writing? Codswallop hits you hard and gives it to you straight. You couldn't make it up!!!
Player profile: Anthony Williams
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Anthony Williams
Player profile: John McDermott
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: John McDermott
Player profile: Simon Ramsden
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Simon Ramsden
Player profile: Tony Crane
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Tony Crane
Player profile: Justin Whittle
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Justin Whittle
Player profile: Jason Crowe
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Jason Crowe
Player profile: Michael Reddy
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Michael Reddy
Player profile: Andy Parkinson
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Andy Parkinson
Player profile: Stacy Coldicott
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Stacy Coldicott
Player profile: Graham Hockless
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Graham Hockless
Player profile: Paul Fraser
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Paul Fraser
Player profile: David Soames
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: David Soames
Player profile: Terry Fleming
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Terry Fleming
Player profile: Ronnie Bull
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Ronnie Bull
Player profile: Thomas Pinault
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Thomas Pinault
Player profile: Rob Jones
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Rob Jones
Player profile: Martin Gritton
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Martin Gritton
Player profile: Terrell Forbes
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Terrell Forbes
Player profile: Dean Gordon
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Dean Gordon
Player profile: Darren Mansaram
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Darren Mansaram
Player profile: Ashley Sestanovich
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Ashley Sestanovich
Player profile: Greg Young
1 July 2004
2004-05 player profile: Greg Young
The Thundercliffe interviews: Nigel Lowther
29 June 2004
Paul Thundercliffe's 2004 interview revealed how local journo Nigel Lowther invented Harry the Haddock
The Thundercliffe interviews: John Moore
7 June 2004
Back in the day when we used to actually speak to people at the club, Paul Thundercliffe was the man doing the talking
Book review: Brum's The Word
1 June 2004
On occasion at CA Towers we get a spare moment to read a book. Even less occasionally we get time to write about it
Slade named as new Town manager
26 May 2004
Mark Stilton with an exclusive on the new management team
Getting shirty
25 May 2004
Si Wilson is unsure whether he should buy a Town shirt in time for his upcoming holiday
Striking resemblance
20 May 2004
On a recent trip to New York, Andy Holt decided to take in a Yankees match
For the best... for all of us...
14 May 2004
Long before relegation, Si Wilson had already decided he wouldn't be renewing his season ticket
Picking up the pieces
11 May 2004
Dave Chambers unpicks another disastrous season
Minute detail
10 May 2004
Like most Grimsby fans, Pete Green had a horrible day in Tranmere. Here is his diary of doom
Trapped inside the elephant
Match report
8 May 2004
Trapped inside the elephant
Staying alive
Match report
1 May 2004
Staying alive
The goblet of dire
Match report
24 April 2004
The goblet of dire
Stone the Crowes!
19 April 2004
Sam Metcalf caught up with John Stone - a hard-working right-back in the George Kerr era
The Thundercliffe interviews: Peter Furneaux
18 April 2004
A 2004 Paul Thundercliffe interview with the late Peter Furneaux, then GTFC chairman
On the rebound
Match report
17 April 2004
On the rebound
Murphy's law
Match report
12 April 2004
Murphy's law
Going underground
Match report
10 April 2004
Going underground
Hull to Grimsby dictionary
7 April 2004
I dernt nerr what yer terkin abert
Taking a dive?
5 April 2004
Chris Mills on the increase in 'simulation' in football (that's diving to you and me)
Flawed Diamonds?
5 April 2004
Rushden & Diamonds have slowly started to slip towards the relegation zone, notices Richard Lord
The Thundercliffe interviews: John Tondeur
5 April 2004
Back in the day when we used to actually speak to people at the club, Paul Thundercliffe was the man doing the talking
Vacant possession
Match report
3 April 2004
Vacant possession
The end of the affair
2 April 2004
The final straw - Paul Thundercliffe on why he's had enough of Town and of football in general
31 March 2004
The departure of Des Hamilton forces the club in to desperate measures
The pump don't work
Match report
27 March 2004
The pump don't work
Best of a bad bunch
26 March 2004
Guest Diary argues the case for Stacey Coldicott to win the player of the year award
If it isn't hurting, it isn't Grimsby
24 March 2004
The country may suffer, but Town perform much better under a Tory government claims Pat Bell
Match report
20 March 2004
The gaffer tapes: January and February '04
18 March 2004
Will Mat Hare's extensive experience of Championship Manager be enough to land him a job at a real club. If you don't ask, you don't get
Neither here nor there
Match report
17 March 2004
Neither here nor there
Friendly fire
Match report
13 March 2004
Friendly fire
All shook up
11 March 2004
An American adventure: Jesse's last stand
Hey Nicky!
8 March 2004
Si Wilson on why new manager called 'Nicky' Law is among bad company
The Concise Grimmo Dictionary
5 March 2004
2 March 2004
Andrew Lumbard dragged along a friend to his first Town match...
The lunatics are on the grass
Match report
2 March 2004
The lunatics are on the grass
Taking the Mick
Match report
28 February 2004
Taking the Mick
Who do you trust?
25 February 2004
Andy Atkins on the apparent goalkeeper crisis currently faced by the club
Jevons knows they're miserable now
Match report
24 February 2004
Jevons knows they're miserable now
The French connection
24 February 2004
With news that Eugene Kangulungu is to arrive at Blundell Park for a trial, or man in France Stu Morton digs around for information on his previous form
Grimsby Town: A Pictorial History
19 February 2004
A look back in time at key moments that may or may not have happened in the Mariners' history books
Outside looking in
18 February 2004
Gareth Lightfoot was dragged to a Town match by Si Wilson. At Oakwell, no-one can hear you scream
Hare for Town
18 February 2004
Si Wilson puts forward resident betting expert, Mat Hare, as the best candidate for the management position at Blundell Park
Wild things run fast
Match report
17 February 2004
Wild things run fast
Uptown top Rankin
Match report
14 February 2004
Uptown top Rankin
The contenders
11 February 2004
Our views on the potential contenders for the job of manager at GTFC
The race for Blundell Park
10 February 2004
With the Cod Almighty GTFC manager-o-meter you can now keep track of the leading candidates for the BP hotseat as their fortunes wax and wane
The hollow men
Match report
8 February 2004
The hollow men
Take out a Grimsby & Cleethorpes Footballer Mortgage
5 February 2004
You'll be glad you did
Soul limbo
Match report
20 January 2004
Soul limbo
Close Encounters: Paul Groves
19 January 2004
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Thin ice
Match report
17 January 2004
Thin ice
The long view, or There and back again
16 January 2004
Richard Dawson on why Town have found their natural level
Ladies Night
14 January 2004
Did the club manage to lure Atomic Kitten other disastrous season
Groves point blank
Match report
10 January 2004
Groves point blank
Something Wycombe this way comes
7 January 2004
Mark Wilson argues the case for giving Paul Groves more time to turn things around
The gaffer tapes: November and December '03
6 January 2004
Will Mat Hare's extensive experience of Championship Manager be enough to land him a job at a real club. If you don't ask, you don't get
Player profile: Iain Anderson
5 January 2004
2003-04 player profile: Iain Anderson
Close Encounters: Tony Ford
5 January 2004
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Adams' grapple
Match report
3 January 2004
Adams' grapple
The magic of the cup...
3 January 2004
Simon Wilson looks ahead to the cup match with Burnley
The dogs of bore
Match report
28 December 2003
The dogs of bore
Al's well that ends well
Match report
26 December 2003
Al's well that ends well
Player profile: Darren Mansaram
22 December 2003
2003-04 player profile: Darren Mansaram
Player profile: Jason Crowe
22 December 2003
2003-04 player profile: Jason Crowe
A rollercoaster year
19 December 2003
Grimsby Town's account manager, Steve Wraith, gives us his rundown on 2003
Worlds apart
16 December 2003
Martin Handsley reports back from the FIFA World Player of the Year gala in Switzerland
If you're going to London Road...
15 December 2003
An American adventure 2: Jesse goes east
Bourne slippy
Match report
13 December 2003
Bourne slippy
My new favourite player
11 December 2003
Sam Metcalf looks back at Keith Alexander's arrival at Blundell Park
Petering out
Match report
6 December 2003
Petering out
Shoulder to shoulder
4 December 2003
An American adventure
Player profile: Jonathan Rowan
3 December 2003
2003-04 player profile: Jonathan Rowan
Player profile: Chris Bolder
1 December 2003
2003-04 player profile: Chris Bolder
1 December 2003
It's not easy being Simon Wilson
Close Encounters: Stacy Coldicott
1 December 2003
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Player profile: Phil Jevons
30 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Phil Jevons
Who's the Dadi?
Match report
29 November 2003
Who's the Dadi?
The future imperfect
Match report
25 November 2003
The future imperfect
Close Encounters: Chris Hargreaves
25 November 2003
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Close Encounters: Kevin Donovan
24 November 2003
Remember that time you were run over at a crossroads by Peter Furneaux? Tell us all about it here
Splash and grab
Match report
22 November 2003
Splash and grab
Give us a Gee
20 November 2003
The recent emergence of local 'celebrity' Kim Gee means Town are bound to do well in the cup, claims Richard Dawson
The gaffer tapes: October '03
20 November 2003
Will Mat Hare's extensive experience of Championship Manager be enough to land him a job at a real club. If you don't ask, you don't get
Player profile: Iffy Onuora
17 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Iffy Onuora
Scrappy Doo
Match report
15 November 2003
Scrappy Doo
Player profile: John McDermott
14 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: John McDermott
Player profile: Marcel Cas
14 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Marcel Cas
Player profile: Michael Boulding
14 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Michael Boulding
Player profile: Simon Ford
13 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Simon Ford
Player profile: Des Hamilton
13 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Des Hamilton
Player profile: Darren Barnard
12 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Darren Barnard
Player profile: Stuart Campbell
12 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Stuart Campbell
Player profile: Graham Hockless
12 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Graham Hockless
Player profile: Alan Pouton
12 November 2003
2003-04 player profile: Alan Pouton
Nice 'n' easy does it
Match report
8 November 2003
Nice 'n' easy does it
Things you only know if you're from Grimsby 3
5 November 2003
Pete Green on the pearls of wisdom bestowed only on those fortunate enough to be born within the shadow of Grimsby dock tower
Loan rangers
3 November 2003
Si Wilson tries unsuccessfully to encourage other clubs to loan players to Grimsby
Fools rushed in
Match report
1 November 2003
Fools rushed in
FAC this for a game of soldiers!
30 October 2003
Mat Hare on falling out of love with the FA Cup
The joy of ex
Match report
25 October 2003
The joy of ex
Two for joy
Match report
21 October 2003
Two for joy
Not waving but clapping
Match report
18 October 2003
Not waving but clapping
Racial imbalance
16 October 2003
On the eve of the club's anti-racism dat, Si Wilson is exasperated that such measures are still needed
Vive la difference!
13 October 2003
Ever wondered what life would be like supporting Town from a foreign land? Stu Morton gives us his dispatches from France
Moments of madness
Match report
11 October 2003
Moments of madness
Basel not so faulty
8 October 2003
Martin Handsley updates us on the progress made by FC Basel the season after their Champions League run
Hoola hoopla
Match report
4 October 2003
Hoola hoopla
Match report
30 September 2003
Big Wednesday
Match report
27 September 2003
Big Wednesday
Ships that pass in the night
27 September 2003
Al Wilkinson reflects on the goalless draw away to Sheffield Wednesday
Holidays from hell
22 September 2003
Roger Swindells on why being in a different country doesn't make a heavy defeat any easier to take
Behind closed Daws
Match report
20 September 2003
Behind closed Daws
The gaffer tapes: August '03
17 September 2003
Will Mat Hare's extensive experience of Championship Manager be enough to land him a job at a real club. If you don't ask, you don't get
Points failure, Town derailed
Match report
16 September 2003
Points failure, Town derailed
Feline groovy
16 September 2003
Town's role in the naming of Al Wilkinson's cat
Bad press
14 September 2003
The club may have over-reacted slightly at recent local press coverage, but the Grimsby Telegraph have had it coming for a while says Paul Thundercliffe
Radio gaga
12 September 2003
Hartlepool. In pictures.
Once in a lifetime
Match report
12 September 2003
Once in a lifetime
Player profile: Stacy Coldicott
11 September 2003
2003-04 player profile: Stacy Coldicott
Lip service means disservice
9 September 2003
Andy Atkins argues that it takes more than a point and a tut to kick racism out of football
Player profile: Aidan Davison
8 September 2003
2003-04 Player profile: Aidan Davison
Player profile: Tony Crane
8 September 2003
2003-04 player profile: Tony Crane
Player profile: Paul Groves
8 September 2003
2003-04 player profile: Paul Groves
Sunshine after rain
Match report
6 September 2003
Sunshine after rain
The gaffer tapes: an introduction
1 September 2003
Will Mat Hare's extensive experience of Championship Manager be enough to land him a job at a real club. If you don't ask, you don't get
Waxing Lyrical
30 August 2003
Captain Crayon gives his review of the performance at Bristol City
Suspensions and scrumpy
Match report
30 August 2003
Suspensions and scrumpy
Trampled underfoot
Match report
25 August 2003
Trampled underfoot
Stop all the clocks
Match report
23 August 2003
Stop all the clocks
One of these days...
Match report
16 August 2003
One of these days...
Fade to grey
Match report
12 August 2003
Fade to grey
Irony, catharsis and a little bit of pickle
6 August 2003
Resident match reporter, Tony Butcher, is put under the spotlight by Pete Green
Do you want to know a secret?
Match report
1 August 2003
Do you want to know a secret?
Season Preview: 2003-04
1 August 2003
You gave your views on how you saw the season ahead
Michael Clearly Not Balding
25 July 2003
Si Wilson is concerned by certain hair cuts on display in the team photo
Rough guide to... Barnsley
18 July 2003
The 2003/4 rough guide to Barnsley
Northern exposure
3 July 2003
Tim White's epic tale of hitch-hiking to Hartlepool away, featuring PC Plod, lager, and abattoir crime
Things you only know if you're from Grimsby 2
18 June 2003
Pete Green on the pearls of wisdom bestowed only on those fortunate enough to be born within the shadow of Grimsby dock tower
Rabbiting in the headlines
12 June 2003
Are the club signing players based purely on their pun-able surnames, asks Miles Moss
A Grimsby disease
23 May 2003
Al Wilkinson on living in a town where most people don't support the Mariners: Grimsby
Town made me do it
7 May 2003
Meet Steve the kitten. Not unlike Steve the kitten.
Sunday in the Park with Georges
Match report
4 May 2003
Sunday in the Park with Georges
Should they stay or should they go?
30 April 2003
Pete Green on which players should be kept on for next season
Reading between the lines
Match report
26 April 2003
Reading between the lines
The final cut
Match report
21 April 2003
The final cut
On the hoof
Match report
19 April 2003
On the hoof
Dead cat bounce
Match report
12 April 2003
Dead cat bounce
Tired of waiting
Match report
8 April 2003
Tired of waiting
Catch the pigeons
Match report
5 April 2003
Catch the pigeons
Ride a black and white swansong
Match report
22 March 2003
Ride a black and white swansong
The last action hero
Match report
18 March 2003
The last action hero
Into the Groves
Match report
15 March 2003
Into the Groves
Drawing to a conclusion
Match report
10 March 2003
Drawing to a conclusion
Heart of darkness
Match report
4 March 2003
Heart of darkness
Giving it all away
Match report
1 March 2003
Giving it all away
Coming up for air
Match report
22 February 2003
Coming up for air
Things you only know if you're from Grimsby 1
17 February 2003
Pete Green on the pearls of wisdom bestowed only on those fortunate enough to be born within the shadow of Grimsby dock tower
Meet the Feebles
Match report
15 February 2003
Meet the Feebles
All together now
Match report
8 February 2003
All together now
Taking candy from a baby
Match report
1 February 2003
Taking candy from a baby
Another gooseberry fool for tea
Match report
25 January 2003
Another gooseberry fool for tea
Let's have it now.'
20 January 2003
From books to Sky Sports, via Romania. Si Wilson gives us his thoughts
Taxi for Mr Groves
Match report
18 January 2003
Taxi for Mr Groves
Only kidding
Match report
14 January 2003
Only kidding
The road to Macca
14 January 2003
Pete Green speaks to club legend John McDermott
Boulding for soup
Match report
11 January 2003
Boulding for soup
It's a fan thing
10 January 2003
Pete Green reports on the re-birth of Wimbledon as AFC Wimbledon
The Luck of the Draw
Match report
4 January 2003
The Luck of the Draw
Diving for dear life
Match report
28 December 2002
Diving for dear life
The kids are alright
Match report
26 December 2002
The kids are alright
New Boots and Santos
Match report
21 December 2002
New Boots and Santos
Deepdull dross
Match report
14 December 2002
Deepdull dross
The road to Muckley Corner
Match report
7 December 2002
The road to Muckley Corner
And to realities yield all her shows...
3 December 2002
Si Wilson on the home match against Leicester
Roll with it
2 December 2002
Martin Handsley finds himself won over by the charms of his local team, FC Basel
The bicycle kick thieves
Match report
30 November 2002
The bicycle kick thieves
Where eagles dire
Match report
23 November 2002
Where eagles dire
Liverpool neutralised
19 November 2002
Updates from Martin Handsley on FC Basel's Champions League campaign
The rub of the green
Match report
16 November 2002
The rub of the green
Player profile: Danny Coyne
11 November 2002
2002-03 player profile: Danny Coyne
Player profile: John McDermott
11 November 2002
2002-03 player profile: John McDermott
Player profile: Simon Ford
11 November 2002
2002-03 player profile: Simon Ford
Player profile: Steve Livingstone
11 November 2002
2002-03 player profile: Steve Livingstone
Player profile: Stuart Campbell
11 November 2002
2002-03 player profile: Stuart Campbell
Phoenix nights
Match report
9 November 2002
Phoenix nights
Out of Africa
3 November 2002
Andy Holt reports back on football in the Ivory Coast
Return of the prodigal son
Match report
2 November 2002
Return of the prodigal son
Trick or treat?
Match report
29 October 2002
Trick or treat?
Livvo is the past
Match report
26 October 2002
Livvo is the past
Just like that!
24 October 2002
Football support varies in nature as you move around Europe. Martin Handsley picks out some of the differences
Time to club together
22 October 2002
Martin Handsley on the financial implications for clubs following the collapse of the ITV digital deal
And then there were nine
Match report
19 October 2002
And then there were nine
Winter brakes
17 October 2002
Martin Handsley warns against underestimating Swiss football
Peter Furneaux appearing on Radio Humberside phone in
15 October 2002
Transcript of Peter Furneaux's appearance on Radio Humberside
Le Massif Central
Match report
12 October 2002
Le Massif Central
Sweet PFA
12 October 2002
Si Wilson reports on how the PFA are stepping in to bridge the funding gap left by the collapse of the ITV digital deal
Spin calling
9 October 2002
Town fans were calling for more canny ticket pricing as far back as 2002. Simon Wilson was one of them
Emergency Ward 10
Match report
8 October 2002
Emergency Ward 10
Spanish inquisition
7 October 2002
Further updates from Martin Handsley on the progress of FC Basel in the Champions League
One lump or two?
Match report
5 October 2002
One lump or two?
Our vote's with Haddock!
4 October 2002
Si Wilson reports on Grimsby MP Austin Mitchell's name change to Austin Haddock
When winning wasn't enough
3 October 2002
Pete Green on relegation in 1997
180 minutes of fame
1 October 2002
Andy Holt appeared on the Sky Fanzone twice. Tony Rogers asks him about his experience
It's good to talk
30 September 2002
Martin Handsley reports back on the Liverpool v FC Basel game
A flock of Seagulls
Match report
28 September 2002
A flock of Seagulls
Basel brush Russians aside
23 September 2002
Basel continue to create suprises in the Champions League, reports Martin Handsley
Seeing Red
Match report
21 September 2002
Seeing Red
Famous Grimsby Fans: Diego Maradona
19 September 2002
Back in 2002 we revealed the link between GTFC and stumpy Argentine cheat Diego Maradona
I Don't Love The 80s
Match report
17 September 2002
I Don't Love The 80s
Imploding Gasometers
Match report
14 September 2002
Imploding Gasometers
Mr Pooter comes to Town
Match report
10 September 2002
Mr Pooter comes to Town
Swissed off
2 September 2002
Martin Handsley follows the progress of FC Basel in the Champions League
Don't stick with tradition
2 September 2002
Simon Wilson looks at the changes needed in the Town team for the coming season
The engine room
2 September 2002
Stacey Coldicott doesn't get the credit he deserves, argues Tony Rogers
Weary and dreary
Match report
31 August 2002
Weary and dreary
Typically tropical in Cleethorpes
Match report
26 August 2002
Typically tropical in Cleethorpes
Instant Kabba
Match report
24 August 2002
Instant Kabba
Match report
17 August 2002
Sleeping with the fishes
Match report
13 August 2002
Sleeping with the fishes
Bring Town
Match report
10 August 2002
Bring Town
Cod Almighty style guide
1 January 2002
This shouldn't be on the front page!
Glad It's All Over
Match report
7 May 2000
Glad It's All Over
Enter title here
Match report
22 April 2000
Enter title here
Enter title here
Match report
27 March 2000
Enter title here
We're not very tall
Match report
22 March 2000
We're not very tall
Inspector Gadget - our flexible friend from the south
Match report
29 January 2000
Inspector Gadget - our flexible friend from the south
Up Yer Bum
Match report
8 January 2000
Up Yer Bum
Destination Unknown
Match report
26 December 1999
Destination Unknown
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the Grimsby way
Match report
12 November 1999
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the Grimsby way
The Paranoid Adenoid
Match report
23 October 1999
The Paranoid Adenoid
My Head Hurts
Match report
16 October 1999
My Head Hurts